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100th chapter ten I will marry father

During Kirigaya Yuu’s bathing period, Arthur followed Kirigaya Kazuto and Kirigaya Suguha into the living room hall of the mansion’s interior.

“What would you like to drink?”

Kirigaya Suguha Although he was a little bit uneasy, but looking at Arthur’s green face, did he feel too impulsive?

How to say, although Arthur has similarities with that person, but the eyes are so clear, that it is simpler than giving people a hollow feeling, making people unable to bear what they want to protect.

“Ordinary tea is enough … that, how do you call you?”

Arthur said sternly, there was a feeling of sitting on a needle felt, come and who to rescue him!

“Leafa … just fine.”

Kirigaya Suguha glanced at Kirigaya Kazuto and then turned to the kitchen with a tea set.

“It’s okay, don’t be nervous, there won’t be anything before …”

Kirigaya Kazuto patted Arthur’s shoulder, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes. He was not a hesitant person, but he couldn’t hesitate at this time.

“Excuse me, do you know my past? To be honest, although there are childhood memories and the like, but there is a feeling that can’t be released, that is, my past must have something crucial to forget, only 5 years old Afterwards, the memory seems to be blank before 5 years old.

Of course, it is normal to forget such early memories, but there is not even a trace of afterimages. When I recall, I feel like I am nothing, and I have been having the same dream every night. Although there have been changes recently, but, But I think there must be something important and precious missing! “

Arthur seems to be able to feel it, Kirigaya Yuu’s parents, Kirigaya Kazuto and Kirigaya Suguha must understand his past, sure!

“Are you five years old? So that’s how it is–“

Kirigaya Kazuto closed his eyes and couldn’t help thinking. No wonder no one discovered that Arthur’s existed. Five years had been enough to forget things, and Land of Fantasy was also closed from then on. “That guy” is really awful. With everyone together, do you want to take everything alone?

In fact, only in this way can a great Dao of Connecting Heaven break out under the hegemony of many forces.

“Not much I can tell you, too much knowledge is not good for you, and now I am very happy and don’t want to interfere too much. There is a lovely younger sister who is my wife and a lovely daughter. Accompanying you is very content. “

“Yeah, I’m so sorry, it’s a sudden break. Although I desperately want to know the true self, but being able to survive here in the way I want to continue then it also shows my trueness. There is no meaning to the future. “

Arthur relaxed, not being able to understand his past is also a kind of happiness.

“The philosophy of ‘I think, therefore I am’, then survive the way you want.” Kirigaya Kazuto smiled.


Kirigaya Suguha put the tea in front of Arthur and Kirigaya Kazuto’s.

“Thank you …”

Arthur nodded, took the tea cup and drank it, at least for now, he is safe.

“No need, if you stay away from my daughter, you can make as many cups of tea as you like. There are many cute little loli, so you shouldn’t cling to our family.”

Kirigaya Suguha’s face was cold again.

Sure enough, that kind of politeness is false.

hehe …… hehe ……

But why does it have to be little loli? Is he lolicon?

—Arthur smiles bitterly inside.

“Me and You are just friends, 2 people. Although I don’t know why you treat me like this, I really wanted to be a friend with You. When I grew up, you were the first person who could become friends with me Not because she was a girl, but because we were fighting side by side, died together, and understood each other, forgive me to speak bluntly ——

You is not a doll you manipulate. She has the right to choose her own path. Even if you want to stop it, I will be her companion! “

Suddenly, Arthur gritted his teeth and said his heart firmly.

“Friends can, only lovers can’t.”

Kirigaya Suguha also knew that Arthur was only thinking of the best, so she was able to keep calm, otherwise she would be kicked out early.

“Who will become a lover with her (he)!”

Arthur said in unison with Kirigaya Yuu who had just bathed in.

“It’s not good, I’ll cook, you guys talk …”

Kirigaya Suguha looked at Yuu and Arthur doubtfully. Was she thinking too much?

“Hey, go and help, what do you think you are doing here, go and cook, yes, that sweet and sour pork must have …”

Kirigaya Yuu pulled Arthur and pushed into the kitchen.

Eh …

“This, excellent, people come to be guests.”

Kirigaya Kazuto looked at Arthur somewhat sorry.

“Who says he is here as a guest, isn’t the so-called friend helping each other? Is it just asking him to cook, well, Kirito, let’s play Sword Art Online …”

Kirigaya Yuu grabbed Kirigaya Kazuto’s clothes and walked into the next bedroom.

“You must be father! How can you be so casual, really, so that you can’t get married.”

Kirigaya Suguha covers her face, and the big brother has spoiled you.

“My name is father in the game. Isn’t mother jealous? I can’t marry just because I want to marry father. When I was young, father agreed to marry him …”

Kirigaya Yuu said carefreely.


Arthur wants a ridicule, let’s not say whether he will abduct You, what is it, is this Kirigaya Family really a normal family?

What is the rhythm of marrying father?

“Let you laugh …”

Suguha’s gray face entered the kitchen.

“Ah … You are such a character, let me help …”

Arthur followed into the kitchen.

“It’s all spoiled with the big brother of people. I just pulled and played a variety of VR games as soon as I left. Two people also won the championship and runner-up of a racing game last year. Play with You Tian every day … “

Kirigaya Suguha said bitterly, completely forgetting Arthur’s presence.

Hehe, even eating the vinegar of his daughter. Sure enough, this family is too strange. First of all, I do n’t want to marry the ridicule big brother and the younger sister. You actually want to marry father. Mother also has to eat the daughter ’s food. Everything is in disorder The relationship, even if Arthur’s brain is big, I can’t imagine it anymore.

However, jealous Kirigaya Suguha completely regarded Arthur as the object of confession. Judging from the results, Arthur probably eliminated the hostility with Kirigaya Suguha’s, and has been able to return to the normal level. In this regard-

It ’s too happy not to be killed. Of course, Arthur did n’t want to take pleasure in other people ’s misfortune to Kirigaya Suguha ridicule. That ’s completely courting death.

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