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“Sexual entrapment? What stuff, no, Riko is in the detective department but he is known as a fool. Is Arthur-chan not worried about fools?”

Feng Riko pulls Arthur on a small street in the bath that simulates the style of the Edo period. Not only the architectural style, but also traditional folk art and snacks, such as blowing arrows, ferrules, fortune telling, and cotton. Various small stalls such as sugar, apple candy, goldfish fishing, etc., also have folklore programs, and songs and dances, which are very cultural.

After crossing this street of flavor, I came to a hot spring bath center, where a place to change yukatas was provided, and each couple who walked in a simple and traditional yukata walked out.

“If you are a fool, then the detective Holmes will only be an ordinary person.”

Arthur shook his head. If Riko Feng was attacking him now, it was really dangerous. In the morning event, he used up all the energy of Spiritual Energy and Stigma ’s Fountain of Life, and he could use Stigma ’s soul energy.

“Okay, have you been here to enjoy the beauty of hot springs, Arthur-chan?”

Feng Lizi took Arthur into the center of the bath, and under the leadership of the reception, chose 2 pieces of ancient style and wind yukata with style.


I have to say that Feng Riko is very visionary. The kimono he wears is a lively ginger golden kimono with green plants and dyed mastiffs. The Edo embroidery used in the Edo period is obviously very solemn and generous. And the size is very compatible with her body. The most rare thing is to perfectly set off her figure. The flowing blonde hair is fixed with the hairpin of the masthead flower.

The whole person is filled with a generous and dignified temperament without losing vitality.

“Is it pretty? No falsehood!”

Feng Riko asks Arthur with a small hand, pulling up the sleeves of the two kimonos with a smile.

“Very good. It’s a good match with you, but the eyes are a little cunning …”

Arthur loosened his clothes before evaluating Koriko’s uniform.

“Isn’t it good? Are you afraid of hiding your pistol in your clothes? Do you want to spend the night here today?”

Feng Riko blinked.

“I want you to live alone, I have to go back, not to mention you are so dangerous.”

Although Arthur would like to know the secret of Feng Lizi, but not at all the idea of ​​spending the night outside, if not going back, the guy in Aria might come out to find him (already came).

“This is not good, okay, I know that your Chinese men are more polite, too old-fashioned words are not good, but your Chinese emperor has heard that it is very difficult to deal with, 3 palaces 6 courtyards eventy two concubines 3000 Belle, they Looks very capable Ah … “

Feng Riko pulled Arthur moved towards the hot spring bath.

“Ah, the concubines of seventy two in 3 palaces and 6 courtyards are imaginary fingers. In fact, this number cannot be reached, but 3000 beauties are possible. After all, the palace is so big. If you count the court ladies, there are indeed 3000, especially Qin Shihuang. A unified dynasty, plundered all the beautiful women of the royal nobles of the 6 countries to their palaces …

However, that was only a situation that existed in the era of prosperity and the founding of the country, and there was only one era of the emperor at 100000000 million above ten thousand people …

Do n’t imagine all Chinese men like that … “

Arthur shook his head.

“There are 3000 beauties, your Chinese emperor is so capable … I heard that Imperial Capital does not live long, is it exhausting?”

Feng Riko couldn’t help blinking.

“How is it possible … The emperor’s throne, unless it is a talented man of general talent, can sit still, but no matter how capable he is, beware of his ministers every day, embezzlement, corruption and even deception, some emperors are incompetent IQ Not even a small child, living in Jinlong City, viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, maybe when someone will be killed … “

Arthur feels that foreigners’ understanding of China is very fictitious, and after understanding some of them, he began to fantasize about all kinds of unfounded things.

“Hey … there is such a Ah …”

Feng Riko put his finger on the crystal-like lips, and pulled Arthur into the bath—

“The Oedo Onsen Monogatari here has a beautiful and elegant environment, and there is [open air breeze (wind breeze is the consciousness of Japanese bath, also known as public bath)]. It is now evening and I can see the starry milky way in the sky Well, and this tuyere is “Golden Bath”.

The hot spring silk inside uses natural hot spring water 1400 meters deep, and the water quality is predicted to be fine, like silk, so it is called “Silk Soup”, it will continue to produce delicate bubbles, and it has obvious skin soothing effect. “

“Sophisticated Ah …”

Arthur couldn’t help but feel tempted. It’s worth it to soak up, after all, the name of the natural deep hot spring, the silk soup is really attractive.

“Then come …”

Feng Lizi took Arthur to open a multi-person Feng Lu room directly, and dragged him into the front room of the dressing room.

“I won’t …”

Arthur looked at Feng Lizi, who was taking off his bathrobe, and smiled bitterly. He thought it was a separate room for men and women …

“Do n’t peek, it ’s okay if you put on a bath towel, and the steam of the hot spring can also block your sight. Rest assured, today I ’m just looking for you to take a hot spring, rewarding Arthur-chan. The excellent performance in the hijacking incident was frightening to tell the truth! “

Feng Riko wrapped a white bath towel on his body, “You can turn around, I’ll change it, wait for you inside, don’t run away, I will shout impolitely …”

“I’m really unlucky. I was soaked in a hot spring with the person who assassinated me. The opponent who was able to soak in the hot spring together is really surprising. I’m afraid no one believes that you and I are opponents? I want to know, you want to What do you want from me, even in this way, even shifting the goal from Aria to me? “

Arthur took off his bathrobe, covered it with a towel, pushed open the door, and entered the bath …

“Want to know? Riko will not tell you, unless …”

Feng Riko swam across from …

“Don’t lean over, the bath towel will be washed away … unless what?”

Arthur asked, covering his eyes.

“Unless you are my assistant!”

Rikoko approached Arthur’s back.

At this time, in the sky, the helicopter’s wing sounds roared, and above the black night sky, Aria and Reiki jumped down. At the same time, Aria pulled out two guns and moved towards Arthur to shoot—

“You stole the fishy cat to die !!”

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