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At the request of Tokyo’s Butei High School, the Self-Defense Force handed over the investigation of the Kanda Festival incident to Arthur, but the time limit was only one week.

One week is exactly the same as the time limit specified by the system-

Note [2]: If the Red side cannot solve the case within a week of taking over the case, Quest fails;

First of all, what Arthur needs to do is the witnesses ’evidence and the on-site investigation. At present, we should start from the known direction first, and then record it as a note. Early-Stage ’s judgment cannot be the key to the whole case, but it is the case. Start.

Witnesses, Arthur first investigated Fremi held in prison.

She did launch a sniper bomb, but that sniper bomb should not work, and will not kill anyone’s sniper bomb. Come to think, Fremi’s action seems to be completely employed mode, previously hired by Feng Lizi By now, who is probably hired now?

Compared to being King-Type Ability, it seems that Flemmi is more adapted to this World, right?

Completed to integrate himself into the general, similar to Arthur’s state.

“Okay, the time limit is ten or five minutes, this is to see that you are the face of the Kanda witch …”

The guard in charge said Arthur kindly.

“Okay, thanks a lot …”

Arthur sat in a separate room and looked at Fremi who was wearing a chain on his hand—

“How about, the taste of the prison is uncomfortable. I brought you some lunch boxes, not intentionally, just some of the rest of this morning …”

“Come to announce my death limit? Really exquisite design. Treat yourself as a victim, and then cleverly design me as a suspect. Is it very good for you to get rid of my scourge?”

Fremi suspected that Arthur had designed this trap for her to drill. After all, she had dealt with Arthur before.

“You suspect that I am also possible. I thought about this when I came, so my dear Jiraiya wanted you to dispel this idea. Imagine if I really want to frame you, why did I choose the festival, and Friends around me will be implicated, and you should be able to see in your Telescope that my friend almost went to hell … “

Arthur wants Fremi to provide information, and the first thing to do is to convince her.

“A bitter plan is also possible. Without such consequences, how can the incident be turned into a terrorist attack, and how can I be killed?”

Fremi smiled contemptuously, her silver white eyelashes closed gently.

“A bitter meat plan? It’s really possible, but why don’t I hurt other people, 10000. My friend really has to die because of this, then what does this bitter meat plan do?

Fremi, I know you, like me, like to really integrate into this World, right? What meaning does this world have for us? Is it just a trial venue? Or is it like providing a map of experience in the game?

Since you have observed me, you should be able to understand that I am different from those people, and there are 7 days, which is very important for me and you. I accepted the Quest of this event, that is, within 7 days, If I didn’t detect the truth of this incident, I would die, and you too would die … “

Arthur pulled out the Information Panel in his hand and exposed it to Fremi.

“Show me that and believe me that way? Your information page is quite exposed, and I can completely escape from jail …”

Fremi did not expect Arthur to do such a thing at all. From her perspective, Arthur is definitely a wise person, and now uses this method …

“See, I did accept Quest, so you can believe me, in fact, even if you can escape, it is not betrayal for me, because this is your right, can I believe you? ? Fremy? “

Arthur opened the bento box and put it in front of Flemmy—

“Actually, I can judge the case without your assistance, but I think you are someone you can trust, so I want to hire you later.

Come today, just give some lunch, and the rest will be gone. I will come back at this time tomorrow. If you finish eating the bento, I will act as you promised. If you do n’t finish eating the lunch, you will refuse. , If you want to poison to death, you and I will be suspicious … ‘”

Arthur took an egg roll from the lunch box and put it in his mouth.


Fremi was really curious about Arthur. She didn’t ask anything, just came to deliver the meal, and revealed his secret to her. This man was either crazy or stupid …

But it should not be like that.

The first time someone cooks and gives her food for her own purpose, it is only for this purpose and contains no other intentions …

Slightly …

Want to eat this cooking taste …


Arthur walked out of the police station, first of all to detect at the scene. Yesterday, because of his pre-processing, the scene was well preserved, but after an overnight, it is inevitable that some important information may be cleared.

Standing in the position of the car yesterday, Arthur tested Fremi ’s trajectory. The shooting position should be on the top of the building about 800 meters away, with the ground as the horizontal line, and then the top of the building and Arthur’s body as 2 points, probably Can be measured, the ultimate purpose of the bullet-

It should be on a river bank with five hundred meters behind him. The sniper bomb hit the river water. Why moved towards the river water?

Fremi suspected him, then he should have been commissioned to shoot a certain position, and he just appeared in that position at that time …

Fremi’s bullets are a little special and will not leave traces. I don’t know what her Ougi is like, but Arthur has personally sustained Fremi’s bullets.

After hitting him, not at all left any shells and the like, as if naturally evaporating, but the sniper bombs will form shock waves around them, and have a medical smell.

Arthur measured the trajectory, then took out a test tube and took the river water where the trajectory might hit, and went back to test the composition of the ammunition.

On the day of the festival, the sound of drums and the like sounded loudly, and most people were watching the festival. Few people noticed the river. That is to say, when the sniper bomb erupted at that time, it was almost impossible. Some people noticed that the night was more It’s impossible to see the splashing water clearly. Maybe some people think that a naughty child is throwing stones?

If you test the composition of ammunition in the river water, at least you can be sure that Fremi is not the killer who hit the middle palace Mingli, but this is not enough, because the gunfire that night was more than once …

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