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100th Chapter 14 The battle between loli and tentacle monster

Regarding the reason why Suzune was blatantly taking Hatsune Miku into the home, Arthur only realized afterwards that the uncle had gone afar and was promoted, and ACAD emy City is planning to establish a city similar to ACAD emy City’s system in Asia.

Therefore, the outstanding talents of Master are transferred to the Asian region to work, that is to say, only Arthur and Suzune are left in the family, so Suzune has the courage to turn the family into the second gathering place of Fan Club.

In short, it was terrible.

“Is there anything I need to help? Arthur-chan?”

Hatsune Miku walked in wearing an apron.

“Eh … Hatsune-senpai is just in the living room, I will do everything well.”

Arthur didn’t want to face Hatsune’s chopper mode anymore.

“Did you trouble? Woo?”

Tears floated in the corners of Hatsune Miku’s eyes.


What else can Arthur say?

“So just agree that we live here temporarily?”

Hatsune Miku held his hands together and looked at Arthur excitedly.

“Live … live here !!”

Arthur feels that the development of the plot is worse, that is to say, will this bunch of Young Lady Wenti live here for a long time?

“Well, Yuki-chan’s rent has expired, and then Rikka, Haruhi, Kuroneko and they have not yet found a place to stay, please!”

Hatsune Miku put his hands on Arthur’s shoulders-

“You will agree, yes, yes !!”

Hehe, if you don’t agree, you will be blackening?

Arthur can only tighten his body nodded. Compared to those troubles, it is still important to live now: “As long as Suzune agrees, I actually live here.”

“Very good ~! Put more onions for dinner—”

After successful negotiation, Hatsune Miku took off his apron and entered the living room to report to Yukinoshita that they had worked.


After feeding a group of Young Lady Wenti, Arthur cleaned the living room and dragged his tired body to bed.

Although he was a little tired, he felt a lot of anger in this family. Originally, his relationship with his uncle was rather cold. Now that he is gone, it is better to say that he was liberated, and the table is full of people. It really feels like a home. .

Well, Guild and so on does n’t matter anymore. There is no free dinner in this World. The powerful Guild has a good environment, but it needs to pick up its tail and be a man. Anyone in Guild must be nodded and waisted, and he has to obey orders and the like. In short, he did not like the feeling of bondage.

But if it is Hatsune-senpai’s Guild, then you should be free to do what you like.

“Dark Abyss feast, named Arthur’s Lucifer candidate, dark and elegant Devil Night City, Destiny Record really exists. Soon this World will be covered by darkness, and I will become a dark spread …”

Of course, if Kuroneko on the other side of the wall can be quiet, then very good, this guy does not know what airman is talking to from the moment the light is turned off, saying something that is confusing, of course, dialogue It doesn’t matter if she talks with Airman if he doesn’t have his name inside.

“I foresee that there will be an alien invasion today, and then fight Lucifer Great Demon King. It’s time to give up this base, why not blow it up?”

Hehe, Haruhi Suzumiya did n’t know which rib was wrong and suddenly wanted to blow up Yuuki ’s house. It was a disaster. Arthur felt that he could n’t fall asleep tonight, otherwise Haruhi Suzumiya might make a bomb at some time Is dangerous.

Takanashi Rikka, who hasn’t made any noise, makes Arthur feel uncomfortable. Of course, he is not expecting Takanashi Rikka to talk like Haruhi Suzumiya and Gokou Ruri (Kuroneko) with the strange and strange remarks, but because this guy is not light. You can end everything by moving your mouth. This guy is the least common sense.

Of course, after a day of sleep, Arthur gradually went to sleep, whether her Haruhi Suzumiya would blow up the house or not, let ’s go to sleep first. Maybe something will happen tomorrow.


Hu ~ ~ 簌 ……

boom! ~

The closed window opened at split second, and countless fallen leaves blew in from the outside, accompanied by a not strong yet biting wind into the room, followed by a drop of rain drifting into the room.

Arthur, irritated by wind and rain, tensed again and looked at the window confusedly, vaguely seeing a loli wearing a black gothic outfit holding a black lace umbrella from the sky, violent winds and showers broke in from time to time Within the room-

“Finally appeared–!”

Arthur smiled bitterly.


Rikka raised one hand and landed on the balcony, imposing manner pointing at Arthur on the bed ——

“After centuries of reincarnation, bearing the oppression of the dark institutions, I … finally found the twin stars of angels and demons. Only those who are bounded by the 2 realms of Darkness and Light can lead me in the dark. See realm, sign a contract with me, Lucifer, both the messenger of light and the son of the morning star for Demon King-“

“Conclude your sister, my family’s electric fan … water pipes, hehe, all the flowers and leaves that I raise make you tear off, you are more harmful than Chunnai, I should have been alert to you!”

Arthur smiled bitterly, did this night make people sleep?

“Sure enough, the dark organ will extend its tentacles here, wearing band-aid, as the True Eye of the Evil King who has a contract with you, I will use all the power to undo seal, so that we can complete our contract– “|

Rikka said, reaching for the eyeband, revealing a layer of skin that was as white as bleached, and then there, like the entrance of Jinxiang Township, which had not been seen so far.

Although it was a bit strange at first, Arthur had long understood what he had seen in the society before. That was actually the golden contact lens. Then Rikka stared at Arthur with the golden eye pupil and the dark eye pupil on the other side.

Just at Arthur’s dazed split second, the dark umbrella in Takanashi Rikka’s hands was put away instantly, and then slammed hard against Arthur’s chest—


Especially meow, the contract is the contract, you have to kill!

Arthur almost didn’t spit out the supper, the little loli’s power was still a bit.

“The tentacles of the Black Organ, I will definitely correct him, do n’t move, True Eye of the Evil King is consuming Magic Power violently, and must clear the tentacle monster before closing!”

Takanashi Rikka began to tear Arthur’s top in the plot she set. In her understanding, the spear attack of fate has hit the target of the dark tentacle, the next step is to pull it out …

“I went to Te Miao, ** Don’t take it off for me !!”

Arthur smiled bitterly. Who told me this cute guy had tentacles in his body?

“Hatsune Miku, the dark night Magic Spear, told me that you have tentacles underneath, wearing band-aid, and I will definitely help you get rid of it!”

Takanashi Rikka said seriously.


Arthur is completely sluggish, hehe, clear your sister ’s tentacles, that’s—

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