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[It ’s really bad luck. I just paid for the manuscript yesterday. I was expecting to be happy for 2 days. As a result, the computer was scrapped today. The computer was not repaired. The more I repaired, the more I was repaired. I wonder if I am possessed by Kamijou Touma. I have always wanted to update today, but the result has been dragged to the present, so I can only go to the Internet cafe.

I ’ll buy a computer tomorrow. I ca n’t work without a computer. I will continue to eat the soil. I hope to have a QAQ for installments.

After silver-haired Jeanne and Arthur made a bet, she raised all her will. Arthur’s words convinced her that this is the battle between Demoness and Saintess. They are also the people who inherited the will of Jeanne. They will be here for a while. 600 years of unfinished fighting were completed.

Holding a bright silver sword, the silver-haired Jeanne moved towards Arthur, without any hesitation. If she had only acted as a strategist for Yi You, then she would now fight for Jeanne’s successor, not What strategic competition is needed, just to fight as Jeanne.

Arthur held the holy flag of the iris without any cowardice, and his reason for fighting was also very simple. In order to maintain the name of Jeanne, sometimes, as a person, it is not only the wisdom of power that needs to be fought. There are also situations where you are fighting with a brave man from the brave and brave, simply for a certain belief in your heart, a certain ray of miss …

“Ding … clang!”

Magic Sword collides with the holy flag, and the powerful impact produced shatters the glass of the entire infirmary!

Permeating the silver-haired Jeanne’s body is a cold breath of ice, and what surrounds Arthur’s body is endless holy intention!

“Why Frost is not useful to you, your super powers should be sealed!”

The silver-haired Jeanne now realizes that her super powers are actually useless to Arthur, and is also the power of Ice Attribute, so she has to seal Arthur’s power before she is willing to fight him. However, after promoting the super power of ice, Arthur actually Why not fear her frost?

“Some abilities are not as simple as they seem on the surface. Although they can’t use the power of ice, their internals haven’t changed.”

Arthur couldn’t help but sneer. Ougi’s passive effect is still there. I don’t know if it is a coincidence. The silver-haired Jeanne has the power of ice, but it is also ice, but the level is different.

Arthur could feel it. The silver-haired Jeanne’s ice was more like a kind of–

“It turned out to be the power of Saintess, I understand, my ice is [****** dust (diamonddust)], and the people covered by this ice will not be able to move, this is Demoness after 600 years The inheritance is the strength of the ultimate achievement, but, I think, as a Saintess successor, you can purify it.

However, this ice is G6 to G8 level, even the High Rank Miko takes a long time, and you can be instantly immune, this cannot be said to be strength, but a kind of Saintess’s own power, right? “

The silver-haired Jeanne could feel it, Arthur not at all any defensive measures blocked her ice, which shows that his strength against ice is his own passive guard.

Sure enough, it is indeed Saintess Jeanne with the same inheritance as Demoness Jeanne. Demoness Jeanne is studying the power of dust, and Saintess Jeanne is also studying the power of ice, and can use Saintess’s physique to fight against Demoness. ice.

Arthur is definitely her most difficult opponent to beat. Jeanne fights Jeanne’s. It really is not as easy as expected …

However, there is no turning back!

This battle must have a result. The Jeanne battle, which has lasted for 600 years, is now completely reformed.

“… Give you an absolute blow to end this battle.”

The holy flag in Arthur flashes bright radiance ——

“Sword of St. Catherine!”

An angel sword in the shape of a cross appeared in Arthur’s hand instead of the holy flag.

“Why is this sword in your hands …”

The silver-haired Jeanne naturally knows this sword. Legend has it that Saintess Jeanne * Dark ’s saber. It is rumored that Saintess Jeanne has almost never used this sword. He has been fighting with the holy flag. Jeanne, who holds the holy flag, seems to be on the battlefield. Angels leading France to peace …

Sainte Catherine of Alexandria (Sainte Catherine of Alexandria), it is said that Saintess Jeanne has seen many Saints, among them, 3 are very famous, Saint Michael, Saint Magdalene and Saint Catherine.

When Saintess Jeanne was 16 years old, she met the angels St. Michael and St. Magdalene under the big tree behind the village, and got [God’s Revelation], asking her to take troops to recover the French lost ground occupied by the British at that time. .

Isn’t it amazing to save France as a village girl? Some people even think this is ridiculous, and then Saintess Jeanne did it!

At the same time, it is said that Saintess Jeanne and St. Catherine have also met. St. Catherine is Saint in the 3rd century AD. It is said that she was the earliest Scholar. She died in order to prevent the atrocities of the Roman emperor and protect Christians. Wheel of St. Galina and Daoist The name of St. Galina is the most famous Daoist Saint of Christianity.

There are rumors that the death of Saintess Jeanne is like the reproduction of St. Catherine, and the sword he holds is the will of St. Catherine to protect the Word. Even if the bones are broken, the evil will be expelled from the world …

“Jeanne owns the Class as Saber and the Class as Berserker, and you who ended up as Demoness, enjoy this final Judgement-

The finale * Holy Cross (CatherineSacredCross)! ! “

Holy Sword’s shining rays of light in Arthur’s hands almost broke through the entire teaching building, and his strong sense of Jeanne was all gathered in Holy Sword.

In this battle, he gave up reason and simply gathered all his will to protect Jeanne’s Saintess.

Rays of light broke through the infirmary, and even the building where the health department is located. Even the building with the nearby raid department involved, as if the lava-like holy light rushed from the ground.

The power of ice dust from the silver-haired Jeanne was melted away.

A blow that gathered all the power to turn the sanctity of the will into a sharp blade. This power alone is enough to surpass everything.

This is the control of the mind image. Holy Sword, which exists as a subspecies of Reality Marble, is a sword crystallized from the mind image world. This sword is equivalent to Arthur and Jeanne’s holiness. They will never lose to this world. Darkness, not even Demoness, which also exists in the name of Jeanne, is the fiery guardian of Arthur, guarding Jeanne’s.

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