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In any case, Arthur still had to think that Yuanshan Jinci would actually help him manage the person behind the scenes.

The people behind Mystery finally showed their true face, and Arthur’s Normal Level Quest could finally come to an end.

When Shinkawa Chang was handed over to the Self-Defense Forces, Fremi was also released.

“It is worthy of being an excellent student in Tokyo’s martial arts high school. The case was solved in 2 days, which was unexpectedly fast. We have transferred the offender to the judicial organ for a public trial, which will probably be completed soon. Can now analyze and sort out cases. “

The head of Tokyo Self-Defense Department moved towards Arthur to bow repeatedly, but this relieved their urgency. If the case is solved within 3 days, they will be free of some mistakes in their duties …

“This is also what my friends have done together. I will be present during the public trial. After all, this is my case. The end of a Perfection will also have a great effect on my martial arts career.”

Arthur is also very happy, although he has left a hand, but to really search for the true identity of the shadow will be accompanied by danger and time challenges, and it is really time for Yuanshan Jinji and Xingjia Baixue to appear.



Within a few exchanges, Arthur and they returned to the Academy, but Fremi was still in a state of affairs.

“what happened?”

Arthur looked at Fremi easily. “Is it missing my bento? Well, if you like to eat, you can make more for you every day. Should we be friends after this accident?”

“Is it really over?”

Fremi looked at Arthur’s pupils, and she could understand what Arthur’s ease of expression was actually hiding.

“The murderer has already caught it, isn’t it?”

Arthur asked back, with a very low tone, not as if he were asking Fremi, but more like he was asking himself.

“If it is not completed, the system should prompt you?”

Fremi spoke out of Arthur’s suspicion.

“But let’s wait until Xinchuan Changyi’s real conviction can be determined?”

Arthur’s tone was a little unconfident.

“The Quest of the system is just a case, and it has nothing to do with conviction. The procedure of the system is not the same as the procedure of this World. It is not that you just throw someone to the Self-Defense Hall. If you solve the case and catch the murderer, then the system will definitely There are hints, but no, only to show that the real murderer is still at large. “

Fremi can say so much, she doesn’t want Arthur to be trapped in the process of Easy Quest. Isn’t it a reward for him to release her and give lunch?

“But the dead gun should be one of the bosses behind the scenes? If not, there would be no Jeanne’s attack …”

Arthur thinks Shinkawa Changyi must be Boss.

“There may be only one person in the motive of the case. I can clearly feel the breath of the scene that day, so there is no Shinkawa Kawaichi in the strong breath. If he is convicted, your Quest will really fail. Catch the real murderer before the public trial begins! “

Fremi admitted.

“Can I believe you?”

Arthur wondered if Flemmy lied to him …

“Want to see me? Can …”

Fremi is ready to open her personal information panel.

“No, I believe in you. If I die because of you, there will be no complaints. This is the path I chose. If I believe in you, I will never question you.

In fact, I also doubt that the system’s prompts are coming late, but all the clues have basically been collected. Only one point is doubtful. Currently, there are only 3 types of weapons that have been searched by Shinkawa Changyi-

AccuracyInternationalL115A3, this is a military standard sniper rifle produced in the UK. It is known as the best sniper rifle in the world. It is an ultra-long range sniper rifle.

Able to snipe opponents accurately within a mile (about 1.6 kilometers, or 1600 meters)!

Although the caliber is smaller than that of Barrett’s, and the damage is not as good as above, it is still very good as a precision.

Then there is the 5 4 type Black Star pistol, made in China, formerly the Soviet Union’s TT-33 pistol, but after modification, it is very powerful in penetration.

Finally, DesertEagleMarkVII.41Magnum, the Desert Eagle series of pistols.

Xinchuan Changyi obviously likes to collect excellent equipment. Should he throw away the firearm as the starting point? According to intelligence, Arthur knew that Shinkawa Changyi’s initial choice should be a sniper rifle.

However, it was him who hit the middle palace Mingli impossible.

Of course, it can be imagined that Jeanne’s commits the crime, although Arthur did not ask Jeanne if he really participated in the chaos with the real …

Of course, it is also possible that Jeanne was not present. From the perspective of Shinichi Kagawa ’s Mystery hiding ability, there should be many people who hide their own power.

If you think about it this way, if Jeanne and Shinkawa are not the murderers, who is the real murderer?

If the real murderer is still secretly complacent, then everything Arthur is doing now has no practical effect.

“Do you want to investigate together? Although it will be more dangerous, my consciousness should be able to feel the existence of that person. If there is something wrong with that person, I underestimated the existence of my inhuman, I am not human, so I can be clear Feels … “

Fremi looked at Arthur.

“This, won’t cause you trouble?”

Arthur didn’t think that Flemmy had become an important part of his case. Didn’t this justify the poem?

mountains multiply and streams double back There is no doubt, every cloud has a silver lining! !

“You can hire me, pay me revenge, bento is enough, after all, I want to eat, and then I can only help you find it slowly, the entire Butei University that many people, to find the other is not easy, and need to be cautious, and You also have to pretend that you do n’t know, as if you have completed the Quest … “

Fremi reached out and said.

“So, then I ’ll hire you, the reward is 3 meals a day, and please advise …”

Arthur reached out and said.

“Please advise more, so can I eat hot food? There is always cold food in the prison …”

Fremi is nodded, without any expression on the surface.

“Of course, let’s go buy some ingredients. Anything you want to eat is good. This time I am particularly grateful for making a hearty cooking … Celebrating your release from prison, but also celebrating our cooperative employment relationship, only It ’s been 4 days, so hard … “Arthur smiled and took Flemie’s little hand, and took her to the front to run. , …

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