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After Arthur relieved Fremi’s suspicion, she continued to explain and took out the envelope she accepted–

“This is the letter that Fremi took over. I sampled DNA fingerprints. As a result, only Flemi was alone, so let’s think of one. If you are writing a letter, your skin will definitely be on the paper, right? It means that there will definitely be DNA information on it, and it will leave traces even after a while, but this [I] not at all any DNA information.

Then I took the handwriting on it and tested it with my handwriting. Although it is like but the writing power is different, then obviously someone wants to do things and murder Flemmy …

So who is this person who wrote the letter?

This needs to be analyzed from the scene, first to induce the shadow that Fremi shoots, the shadow disappears after Fremi shoots, indicating that it is a handicraft like Genjutsu, for the time being as a superpower?

We do n’t guess the identity of this shadow, back to the second shot …

Through the investigation of the scene, I can find that Fremi is also shooting, which is Blue 2, but in fact this is an illusion. At that time, only the running people could be seen? The information provided by Zhi Nai and the others in our school was also the person who issued the second shot, but it was only doubtful and could not be confirmed.

The first shot and the second shot are almost at the same time, but Fremi’s impossible reached the ground at split second, so this Fremi is fake, using a disguise similar to what I just did, this fake is Jeanne * Dalk, it has been determined that her purpose is me, but although she used camouflage, the shooting was not by her.

The person with the gun is behind him. This person is Shinkawa Shinichi. Jeanne wanted to hit me, but was caught first by Shinkawa Shinichi, so she changed her position and was caught …

Xinchuan Changyi was hiding behind Jeanne’s, Jeanne was blue 2, he was red one, and then in the riot, Shinkawa Chang shot at me and was stopped by Senpai Yuanshan Jinji of our school.

Both Red One and Red 2 are played by him.

According to this analysis, it seems that the case can confirm that Shinkawa Changyi is the murderer. After all, he later attacked me in school and was finally arrested.

But who created all this?

Who is the shadow in the river? Who wrote to Fremi?

These two questions still exist. Just when I was confused, another case happened. The kidnapping and murder case was taken over by Aria Senpai of our school. The shop Boss died strangely in the original forest of Aoki, Boss stayed at home. ‘S letter is to go out and meet with friends to visit Mount Fuji, and then Boss originally used the password. His students deciphered the letter he left behind. In short, he was kidnapped.

Why talk about this case? It ’s because the store ’s surveillance happened to capture precious clues. Obviously someone wanted to destroy the evidence and created such a kidnapping. The other party first initiated an offline party to commit suicide on the Internet. Boss ’message Log in on it, and there is also a teenager. The information of Boss is undoubtedly released by the suspect. Then the program is probably created for Perfection. After all, suicide in Holy Land is normal, and the gathering on the Internet initiates the police naturally. Can judge the result …

However, the teenager who died with Boss was not a teenager initiated by the party. This is the on-site care. The forensic analysis of the two people died for different lengths of time, so where did the teenager go?

We found not at all juveniles, but they were changed to corpses like mummies by an Esper. This is the result of the on-site residue test. The DNA resolution is juvenile, so we can judge the one who turned the juvenile into a corpse. It should be the suspect of Kanda Festival.

As a result, after we arrested him, he was stopped by the local police station. He was taken away in the name of an identity investigation and arranged for us to enter the hot spring hotel. As a result, we escaped. Under the verification of the past few days, I used the strength of my classmates, It can be found that an official in Yamanashi Prefecture has been dealing with a private owner, so it belongs to guarding theft. This is evidence and has been collected.

However, the other party is a person who is insolent, and the local police station will certainly not come forward directly. From the correspondence in the search, the handwriting of the official of the local police station was found. After comparison, it was compared with the one left to Fremi before. The strength of the letter on the letter book is the same.

Even if a person changes the handwriting, then the force and the like will certainly not change, and the ink used is the same.

This means that the real murderer is still at large.

So who is behind the scenes?

Judging from this entire incident, the other party has a considerable intelligence network. Apart from the country, only the communications department of the Wushu School has such capability.

After investigating some of the audit documents of the Student Council and the Academic Affairs Council of the school, it was found that on the day of the Kanda Festival, the data of the Communications Department was abnormal. It did not happen early, and did not happen late. At this time?

However, it was learned by special means that the Communications Department has a reserve power supply and the like. After a failure, the current data will be stored in another place. From this place, you can see that the monitoring of the Kanda Festival is very compact, and there are specially regulated data. , And it started before the Kanda Festival …

This shows that the murderer is in the communications department. After investigating the students in the communications department, the strength of the handwriting contrasted and calmed down the goal—

Classmate Grenville.

It is not possible to completely determine that he is the murderer alone, but I still found some clues. During the school, Greenwell took over the intelligence investigation of a smuggling gang in a port, and the liaison of this smuggling gang is Yamanashi …

apart from this, on the night of the arrest of Shinichi Shinkawa, the signal to call me out of the appointment came from the communications department. According to some students from the intelligence department, the person on duty that day was Greenwell …

And what is the monitoring of the shop Boss?

That day, Greenwell students should be helping the intelligence department to purchase some debris?

Then the direction from the school to the shop should be something, but he came from the opposite place, exactly where the river is …


Arthur’s analysis gradually cleared everything up, and the person running this super-mystery case is exactly–



The judge was speechless for a while, but the result was like this …

“Awesome … Awesome, not bad. Being able to analyze so much is enough to show that you take it seriously, but who is Greenville?”

Xinchuan Changyi sneered and looked at Arthur, “School not at all this person! ~! ~”

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