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After Arthur, Shinoda Asada and Reki entered the water, they began to move towards the private island under the swarm of marine fish.

Only with the underwater compass to guide the road, plus the guidance of marine life, Arthur was able to find the destination, without using GPS satellite navigation is also worried that it will be caught by the opponent.

This Quest will definitely be successful, and it will be the start of the summer vacation after getting enough credits.

And with the help of Lei Ji and Shinoda Asada, he didn’t want them to waste their time.

“Really good power, is it something like wind?”

Lei Ji is actually interested in talking to Arthur, and is actively speaking. Basically, 3 Lei Ji without a girl has become a personal …

“This is the power of water …”

Arthur is an Ice Spirit, so Ice Element, which is a side branch of Water Attribute, is also close to water, so it can also be close to natural creatures …

In the world within the realm of Madan no Ou to Vanadis, he learned that he can communicate with marine life, but not with marine Elf?

Friendly marine creatures like dolphins are able to communicate, while those like sharks may not just attack him, but it should not be possible to order things unless he interferes compulsively.

And Reggie probably cares about this?

Before Reggie suddenly tamed the Caucasian Snow Wolf, he tamed just a few words, which was incredible, and then when Arthur asked, Reggie just talked about the power of the wind.

However, the wind is what Lei Ji has not explained.

Arthur thinks it should be something similar?

Snow Wolf should also feel the power of Rei Ji before obeying, rather than succumbing.

“It takes time for humans to be friends with creatures, and Arthur has done this kind of communication with them without experiencing time, which is very powerful …”

Shinoda Asada was also surprised.

“Really? My physical fitness, well, with this ability, we are basically safe in the ocean, so there is no problem at all. If the low level is tired, I will let the dolphins help you. “

Arthur felt that he could rely on these sea creatures,

“Then very good …”

Asada Shino nodded, speaking of which is the first time to seriously look at the world of this ocean, it is very beautiful, abandoning those messy things, simply looking at this tranquil ocean will feel very at ease …

“Speaking of which Asada, how do you like snipers? I think you like it a lot? Before in Terminal 2, your kind of natural smoothness and the confidence and excitement that came out during shooting, this It is completely different from ordinary snipers. To be honest, many people do not study their majors with interest. Many of our class is that some people think that sniper work is easier … “

Arthur asked.

In fact, such a conversation can relieve the pressure, from the pressure on time. After all, it takes a long distance to reach the destination, so it can’t be such a listless …

“I naturally like it … At the split second where the shot was fired, the bullet hit the split second of the opponent’s body, and then I could feel the meaning of my existence. I was very weak in what I did. I was very good at doing this. Good at it, if I did n’t hold the gun, I would n’t have this strength … “

Shinoda Asada didn’t know why she was able to tell Arthur that this caused the incident. Although it was only vaguely said, it basically already represented her whole mood …

Indeed, only by holding a gun, shooting, and hitting can you feel your value, even if you are alone, you can find your own way.

Can’t face the real life, but can live alive in this World smoothly, and live a very wonderful life, even if it is shot in the world that will not be accused …

“Yeah, it’s really difficult to deal with … I, at first, when I stepped into this field, I felt that everything was so good. The world before me was very lonely, not lonely, because I have a younger Sister, there are things to do, but these things are just a way for me to spend time to make myself unthinkable …

I talked to everyone but couldn’t be friends with anyone, being used by others, but enjoying the use. I feel that this is the value of life. Starting from nothing, I think it should be all beautiful. .

But even then I still hope to have a real understanding, a real future, a real friend, and even a real family …

When I had nothing, the powerless me, when I started, there was a big gap compared with other people, there was no strength, but just a little courage but went straight to the present, I don’t even know how I persevered …

However, I can only be sure that this in turn is my stage, my dream, and my future. Everything you are looking for is here, and my hope is waiting for me to discover.

Sometimes I ca n’t believe this is the way I walked out. After all, I was so weak …

But here I am sparkling! “

Arthur resonated, escaping reality and shining in this World, isn’t that what he is now?

“Well, it turns out that you have the same past Ah …”

Shinoda Asada thinks Arthur is right, she is shining in this World!

“Well, I actually do n’t know my parents, or when I was born … One day, at the beginning of all this, I gradually realized that I seemed to have a responsibility, Savior ’s responsibility, that At that time, I felt that the world was really a conspiracy, and the final resting place would also be deprived. After all, it seemed that someone had arranged it …

But ah, I soon wanted to understand that the path I chose was taken out by myself. The future is exciting because it is unpredictable. Everyone may have a responsibility and responsibility, but this is not all. In life, everything we get hard in this World is our own will … “

Arthur seemed to agree with Shinoda Asada, from her eyes she could see her hope for life now. ,

“Yeah, I thought you had a very glorious side, and now it seems to be very ordinary, very pitiful, God closed a door for us and opened a window for us, holding a gun in his hand, By breathing, I can feel alive and work hard together. “

Shinoda Asada was much happier, as if she found someone like-minded …

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