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There is a silhouette of the tumultuous tsunami, and expressionless looking at the small island and the villa in front of it can drive such a big tsunami. The reason is not without, because there is no more suitable container for her.

When the existence of emotions and the attitude of relying on infiniteness are close to zero, the soul can store more infinite energy, which is not from the energy in the system, but acquired.


Arthur’s Wheel of Fate card shows the number 1 and the word Magician (TheMagician, I). This time it is a well-predicted King-Type Ability User. Magician’s words are the first big Cana except Fools. Tarot cards.

The tarot card is called The Fool’s Journey, and the first point where the Fool starts is Magician.

Why is Magician?

Because in all blank periods, the 1st Step should have many directions and unlimited potential. Of course, you may easily lose yourself.

This card is powerful.

Compared with other cards, this card is more easy to understand. Magician is simply a person who can release all kinds of Magic Power.

Compared to other systematic predictions, the use of this card should be simpler.

Arthur and the silver-haired Jeanne have analyzed all the methodological predictions, that is, 22 cards of the methodical prediction ability have mastered their approximate abilities.

The Magician card also has very complicated things. First of all, it is worth noting that there is an 8-character lying on the top of the Magician card in the Magician card, which stands for infinite, that is, unlimited probability.

At the same time, the second thing to note is that on the table in front of Magician is placed a scepter (fire), sword (wind), Pentagram (star) (water), Holy Grail (earth), which are 2 elements. Similar to China’s Wang Xing, it is the power of the four elements that make up the world.

Therefore, if you speculate, you can use the four Attribute Powers of ground, water, wind and fire, and the power to manipulate the ocean should be the power of water.

After analyzing these two capabilities, then you can explain the cause of the tsunami in front of you. With the power to control water, it is nothing to control the ocean.

At the same time, it has unlimited potential, which means that Magic Power may be infinite.

Then this is the simplest but the most difficult to deal with. The simple is that it is easy to analyze the power. The difficulty is that the simpler the power, the easier it becomes to become stronger, and it will not be so easy to deal with after being strong.

Although the current tsunami cannot wash away the entire private island, it is able to raze to the ground everything on the island.

There is no one who can cope with this image except Arthur.

Kana, probably impossible, even though he has the same burst mode as Yuanshan Jinci, human is human in the end, and he can’t compete with nature.

Reggie, of course it is S-Rank’s other martial arts, but it is a sniper. Although Arthur feels that she has a good melee ability, she is helpless to deal with the situation at hand.

The same is true for Shinoda Asada, what Sniper Branch said is impossible, not to mention she got a gunshot wound.

“My affinity with water is good, and I can freeze for a while, so we take advantage of this time difference and we run away. The current opponent is something we can’t cope with, so we have to think long.

Arthur first covered the wound of Shinoda Asada with a silk ribbon. Although the treatment was simple, the inside was not completely healed, and the wound could be cracked at any time, so there was only a physical method.

“Don’t care about me, you can still escape now, everyone will be over after the tsunami …”

Shinoda Asada grabbed Arthur’s palm and said that it would be easier to take refuge at this time.

“What are you talking about? I am not a halfway person. I have saved you once, so your life is mine. It is up to me to decide how to deal with it.

It may be relief for you, but it is a shame for me as a health department person. Kana recruited me as a health detective to avoid this from happening.

In short, I will not abandon you, but I said before that we are companions. “

Arthur picked up Shinoda Asada and ran out.


Kana and Reiji followed up and walked out of the villa to the beach. The tsunami was close.

“Kana is going to drive the speedboat, I will stop …”

Arthur said that the frost sorrow in his hand was inserted into the ocean, and then, the frozen power instantly began to move towards all around, and the white cold rose from the gradually frozen sea surface.

“… I’m ready right now, I’ve already made preparations. I have a proposal to cross this Esper and approach Petra from another Sea Territory. In this case, it would be a coincidence. Such a troublesome opponent on the ocean is very difficult to deal with. We can only bypass this Esper offensive base camp.

As I said before, Petra wants to be the real Pharaoh King to rule the world, so she will definitely start with Aria, get rid of Aria, the future leader of the U.S., and then gain your superpowers to defeat the professor … “

Kana said as she untied the anchor of the nearby speedboat.

“Okay, I will heal Shino’s injuries on this journey …”

Arthur nodded, if Aria was caught, then he would have no time to wait, 10000 Petra really had to kill Aria, he would regret it too late …


However, everything was not satisfactory, although the tsunami was stopped by Arthur’s Power of Ice, but the typhoon followed. ! !

There is nothing wrong with it. It is indeed a typhoon, and its destructive power cannot be ignored.

“It seems that the other party has Esper who can explore our position. The previous Shinkawa Kyou 2 should have escaped. As long as he meets once, he can still detect his fluctuations …”

Arthur bitterly laughed.

“Then avoid it first, take a rest on the nearby uninhabited island, and then set off, even if there are detective Ability Users, there should be a limit to the search scope?”

Kana still seemed calm.

“There are too many helpers … and the ability is stronger than one.”

Arthur is really too late to give up. For such a few credits, he has to do desperate things …

“It used to be water, now it’s wind, so are there other forces?”

Kana said, eyes fixed on Arthur’s body, hoping he could provide information.

“Earth, water, wind, fire 4 strength of Element, the remaining fire and ground on the ocean should have a weakened probability? After the typhoon passed, she should have no ability to attack.”

The user Arthur particularly wants to know is who can have such a huge amount of energy.

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