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Arthur expected nothing wrong. Sherlock deceived everyone as a detective and a superman who has lived for more than 100 years. In any case, he is not a stupid person. He seems to have kidnapped Aria. In fact, he has devoted himself to the research results Give Aria.

“Okay, let’s go. In the next generation, there will be no Sherlock of the Scarlet Ammo, but Aria the Scarlet Ammo. The title of the Ammo is inherited by Aria …”

Sherlock gently patted Arthur’s shoulder and pushed his back into the passage behind the portrait.


Arthur entered the end of the passage. After that, there was a neo-Gothic Catholicism. The huge pillars on the ground and the supporting space were filled with a large amount of Latin. It was a space in Mystery. There was almost no light source in this space. The only place that can transmit light is a mirror inlaid with color combinations, surrounded by flowers and bright white porcelain bottles. The overflowing light gives a quiet and sacred color …

Arthur’s body was tied to a pillar, and Aria was praying in the mirror, but more like waiting for something …

“Aria …”

“Arthur …”

At almost the same time, Arthur and Aria shouted each other’s name, and Aria shouted Arthur’s name when he heard footsteps.

“It’s a romantic meeting. Our bet was my win. Aria, Arthur has appeared here …”

Sherlock took out an old pistol, Adams 1872 * Mk3, caliber 0.45, and then the pistol pointed at Arthur’s head …

“My prediction has never missed, the time and place, and the way it appears are all as I expected, and it is not bad …”

“Zeng grandfather … don’t … give me some time, I will convince him, he shouldn’t be here!”

Aria stood up and clenched her hands.

“From the time now, one minute, either you have joined forces to defeat me, or you have one person left, the remaining one comes to inherit Yi You, or someone died here …”

Sherlock pushed a hand behind Arthur’s and pushed him to Aria’s front.

“Come back with me, Aria …”

Arthur reached out without any persuasive words.

“You liar, I won’t go with you, first of all as a male, then as a female, then as a male again, I’m so confused that I don’t know who is facing me …”

Aria held a pair of small hands in front of her chest, pulling back hard, her red hair shaking, like a flame, but the flame in her heart was cooling …

“Yeah, I’m a liar, but I just hide my gender identity, but I don’t violate my sincerity, Aria, I really treat you as a friend … Action in Linhai, Aria’s A and Arthur’s A , We are a combination of AA, you have guided the future of this World for me, so even if there is only a split second, I want to really let you hear … you are my other A. “

Arthur wants to be true friends with Aria.

“Say another …”

Aria’s face suddenly turned red, and the exposed tiger tooth bit her lip, a little bit moved, but her face suddenly froze again–

“Riko has already told me, Jeanne also told me, you guy must have lied, you still have a lot of A!”

“Riko Senpai … that was a lasting cooperation, Jeanne was her self-assertion, but only you, I am willing to want you to be my other A, do you want to be my A?”

Arthur approached.

“Impossible … I won’t fight Zeng grandfather, go away, take your body, leave here, I decided, take over Yi You, so mother can be saved, everything will be fine, you can also Go romantic with your Riko and Jeanne, leave me alone …

speaking of which there is no bond between us at all, it’s just my delusion, you never treat me as that kind of object … your eyes looked towards me when there was no fiery … “

Aria shook her head.

“I came here not only to save Hekatti, but also to have a purpose with you, Bond, Aria, I will leave this place soon, and finally, I want to fight with you side by side , AA’s battle, sure, we can’t see what is connected between us, but I think about it carefully, only to realize that my eyes never leave you …

The events of defeating Vlad and the Kanda Festival are all purging your mother. At that time, I thought I was doing something good by the way, but I think this is probably a local friend, even if separated, I can think about each other. Mood …

Did you help me at the Kanda Festival?

Moreover, my various identity and gender issues are all because of you. Although I thought about being able to hide my identity, I also thought about whether it would be hated by you …

I use the identity of a woman to allow you to get along with me more naturally. I ’m afraid that you will completely draw a line with me after you know my true gender. It ’s time for concealment to end. Aria. Become a friend. The movement is like a beacon that guides me … “

Arthur knew clearly that he wanted to be friends with Aria. The meeting of speaking with which was like Aria ’s encounter. You missed the opportunity. Although he saved it, he could n’t fight with You and experience the refreshment, so Aria, he doesn’t want to flinch …

“I don’t want to be friends with you !!”

Aria bit her lips frantically, and she wanted to be with Arthur …

“Well, then I will gamble …”

Arthur released Hecati’s shackles and said, “Hecati, lift the curse, change back to their respective bodies, and … please, Sherlock Senpai.”

“No problem, I don’t mind leaving a specimen of Stigmata Body …”

Charlotte took out a bullet, which was different from ordinary bullets, like flames, gorgeous colors like roses, crimson bullets-

“Aria, you have to think about it, now my bullet is going to shoot into his body, if you want to go with him, then fight me, if you want to stay, then watch him stay here , When he came in, Arthur had already decided that he would stay with you, and A decided not to leave A … “

“Don’t … Zeng grandfather, you know, I won’t shoot you, you are my idol, the pillar that I have stuck to until now, and you recognize me who is not recognized in the family … “

Aria’s heart was fixed …

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