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Alivia died, but she had a death save, so she is still alive, but the person of ‘Greenwell’ is dead. Since Alivia was born, she and her are the only information hiding her true gender. Mother knows.

Demon Race’s encounter made her tired of the fear of survival.

Therefore, Shaka is right in her arms for her mission. As for Yukinoshita Haruno’s proposal for marriage proposal and all her actions in Scarlet World, all of her plans to test Arthur are not Shaka’s instructions.

Although born in the family of Demon God, the deacon, Alivia ’s mind is one of the very best in the Demon Race, and it is her wisdom and wisdom that made her the only one of the brothers to survive, witness With the various deaths of her loved ones and the 100-degree death she suffered, she desperately wanted to escape the rule of Demon Race’s.

Finally, after the world of “The Clever Girl Will Not Be Injured”, Shaka ordered Alivia to assassinate Arthur, and her chance came.

An opponent who can make Shaka fear is undoubtedly a very good choice, but in order not to repeat the same mistakes, Alivia must evaluate Arthur’s personality and ability.

Alivia ’s strength in Demon Race is very out of the ordinary, which is why Shaka drove her. As the waiter Demon God of the first Demon God family, after accepting this Quest, Alivia was either If you die, you will either complete the Quest, obviously Shaka regards her as a child.

However, Shaka made one of the biggest mistakes of his life and rejected a strategist who was a resourceful Peak in the history of Demon Race. It is no wonder that the status of [Greenwell] used by Alivia is not so good, too good Of people born in the Demon Race Demon Race only die an untimely death …

To deceive the opponent first deceives herself, Alivia’s years of disguise has made her forget that she is a girl, all her life habits and the like are male, even now he only knows the way of life for men, obliterates As a woman, there is no girlhood that you can recall …

Although showing her talents, maybe someone like Shaka will reuse her, but it is a pity that the person who is absolutely confident in her strength is not her expectation. She needs an enlightened monarch.

She has long been paying attention to Arthur. She wants to survive. Seeing 4 ways, listening to 8 ways is a necessary ability. Originally, she thought that such a gentle teenager was impossible to go down the kingly road, but Arthur changed her. The idea of ​​hearing is false, and seeing is not necessarily true. Only seeing a person ’s soul can distinguish all the qualities he possesses.

It is true that Arthur has a gentle side. This gentleness may be excessive, but it is also a unique charm. At least his side can make people feel safe. At the same time, Arthur has the most rare and valuable place outside of gentleness. It is true, whenever he will not violate his original intention, so if he decides to become king, then he will definitely become king.

As for the potential of Innate Skill, all that Arthur has is Peak.

This is enough.

Alivia feels that there is no more worthy king to serve, even if he fails one day, then the process of serving him is enough for her to remember, so that the king will never leave her any painful memories, if If he fails, then she hopes that she can be a minister who serves him at the last minute.

Such painful memories made her impatient want to ride under Arthur’s.

If she seriously competes with Arthur, Arthur will have to peel off without dying. She has such self-confidence. If it is not hindered by Demon Race’s class authority, she can now become the Peak leader of Demon Race younger generation, even if it is Shaka. It is her opponent, the only thing you need to be afraid of is Li Lisong’s main temple.

But she used brute force to fight Arthur in the end, and she didn’t use her full strength. It was just the end of her past with herself.


“Wang, Alivia Bedivire, join …”

Resurrected Alivia on one knee kneeled in front of Arthur’s, behind the left hand, put the right hand on the left chest—

“Since then, I wish for Sword of the King and King’s Shield. It used to be like a pandemonium, but now it looks like Jin Fu is blooming for a long time. This body is driven by the king, and this will will be tested by the king …”

After the oath, Alivia gently stroked Arthur’s right hand and kissed gently on the back of the hand …

“You … you … what are you doing …”

Aria looked at the scene blushing.

“This way I will be shy …”

Arthur’s face was also reddened. After all, Alivia itself was very beautiful, and actually kissing him like this was like a gender reversal …

“Relax, I am a male … No, I mean to get used to being a male. I hate men. I only like beautiful girls, but you are my king, but noble in my eyes … … “

Although Alivia has changed back to being a woman, she is not used to being a woman.


Well, Arthur does n’t know how to ridicule, well, it ’s no wonder, after all, people have always used the identity of men …

“Then please allow me to apologize, Master Aria, Mr. Sherlock did die indirectly because of me, but he died naturally, and he predicted that he could not support this year, so I did a deal with him, of course, even so , I am also guilty.

If you are an outsider, I do n’t have any confession, but you are King ’s wife, then it ’s my Royal Highness, so I ’ll be offended by my family ’s offense, but please keep my life, this body also needs Serve the king, and the Prince born from the future of Her Royal Highness …… “

Alivia then sincerely apologized to Aria.

“Sherlock had a grandfather thing, you must be wrong! But …”

Aria was left speechless by compliments, screamed by a princess, and Prince and so on, it made her ecstatic, but even so, she could not let it go easily, but Alivia was Arthur’s house official It does n’t make sense to die–

“You are Arthur’s servant, I will punish you lightly, and grandfather made an appointment with you, and you have died once, then you will serve Arthur wholeheartedly in the future, but …

I tell you, I am not forgiving you! “

“I will not seek forgiveness …”

Alivia stood up, placed the prepared flowers on Charlotte, and bowed sincerely …


“Soon to sink, this nuclear submarine, let it be Mr. Sherlock’s cemetery … Let this disappear after this encounter. Detective Sherlock has long slept in the past …”

Arthur looked at Aria and said.

“Fortunately … Zeng grandfather is still the impression of the past, not the leader of Yi You, everything he did was for me … The organization of Yi You disappeared from today …”

Aria nodded, pay tribute to Arthur and Sherlock together, send him this last journey, let Yi You sleep with him!

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