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This time Guild War only allows Guild of Level 3 or above to participate in the war. Arthur’s Guild is the lowest Guild. However, because of the particularity of this rule, Wings of Freedom is also likely to fight for 3st place.

The prize of 1st place is also the 6-Star apostle, this 6-Star apostle is known as the strongest apostle at present-

Yatogami Tohka.

The reason why it is said to be the strongest is that the apostle’s ability is completely immune to physical damage.

Physical attacks are attacks that do not use energy, that is, attacks other than skills.

Although it seems that there is nothing special, it is actually very arrogant.

The most commonly used abilities of a person are naturally non-skilled abilities. These rely on accumulated experience over time and the realization of injuries or breakthroughs. The sum of them eventually is more powerful than skills or Ougi.

Even if a novice has the strongest Ougi or skill, he can easily be eliminated if he cannot effectively play it.

And these things called combat experience will not cause any harm to Yatogami Tohka! !

At the same time, someone may want to attack combat experience and skills or Ougi fuse together, will it work?

Yes, but it is not.

Because the part that works is only the part that uses energy.

Assuming that the slashing skills combined with the inertia brought by the physical sprint do damage to Yatogami Tohka, then the only thing that can really cause damage is the skill, and the sprint inertial damage will not come out! !

All in all, Yatogami Tohka has absolute physical immunity.

Maybe some spell-type Ability Users think it doesn’t matter, use skill attack is to kill her before the energy is exhausted.

Unfortunately, Yatogami Tohka also has an extremely powerful self-healing ability, which is a self-healing ability that does not need to consume any energy, and this self-healing ability benefits not only yourself, but also everyone in the team!

If you only have these two abilities, you will feel wrong so far. Yatogami Tohka also has armor piercing and mental immunity. Armor piercing is to ignore defensive attacks, although it is probabilistic, not as good as Arthur’s rune. Blade, but this is also extremely powerful.

Mental immunity is immune to 100 points of damage than energy value. Specifically, the higher the energy value, the more immune damage. For example, if the energy value is 1000 and the mental immunity is 10%, then it will be immune to 100 damage.

Yatogami Tohka with these abilities can fight and resist, but it is the strongest defensive apostle. At the same time, the value of 6-Star will not be much lower in terms of attack and the like. After the ability of armor piercing is exerted, even God can kill … …

And the automatic healing of the team nature is very terrifying. Teams of equal strength fight. If one side has Yatogami Tohka, then the winning party must be Yatogami Tohka’s team, and after the battle is over, all the players are still full of blood …

“Yatogami Tohka …”

Arthur looked at Guild War’s championship prizes and was a little bit jealous. After all, when he entered the Nagatenjouki ACAD emy, Nunotaba Shinobu told him that Yatogami Tohka was the strongest 6-Star apostle.

“For this Guild rule, we are very hopeful to get 1st place. Of course, we hope that other Guilds also have hope. The key to winning lies in the strategy of Babel.

We are Level 3 Guild, the points given by the Heroic Spirit of the first 3-floors are fixed, but starting from the 4th floor, the points given by the Heroic Spirit of the guard will be more and more.

Guilds of the corresponding level will double the points value of the corresponding layer, but if the strategy reaches the level one level higher than its own Guild level, the points will double. If we have a strategy of 4-Layer, the points will be doubled. Raiders 2-Layer, points is 5 times, doubled in turn! !

This setting is very unfriendly to senior Guild, but this is a sacrifice for fairness.

You have noticed recently, there are a lot of Level 3 Guilds, these Level 3 Guilds that suddenly emerged are the Guilds affiliated with those advanced Guilds, used to snatch Guild War spoils of war.

If we can get to the last level … “

Alivia whispered behind Arthur’s.

“Yo, isn’t this the 5th and 1th Main Representative Arthur-san? Congratulations, you got the Gold Grade. I heard that you have been in an embarrassed world in the world of the Scarlet Ammo. The Greenwell hybrid didn’t let me down Ah …”

Shaka led a group of Demon Race children approaching. Today is the start date of Guild War. The lobby on the first floor of Dimensional Tower is very lively.

“Thank you, I will continue to work hard, saying that Shaka is not gold now? What a pity …”

Arthur was not angry, really not angry, after all, Shaka sent him a military division, Shaka must now think that Greenville was dead, in fact, did not know that he was reborn from the ashes.

“Soon I will catch up … No hurry, no quick promotion, Ougi will also increase the probability of failure, I will not be promoted easily without enough experience …

Shaka chuckled. In Guild War, there will be many strong characters. When the time comes, can Arthur still succeed? Wings of Freedom has just been established, even if there is Katsuki Hatsune Miku, the information about Guild War must not be collected enough, and he already has some information about Guild War …

“Where are the dogs barking! Dare to speak to my Lilith’s husband!”

Demoness Lily ribbon led the members of Guild Touch, which is the same Guild as Wings of Freedom. It is also Level 3, and all of them are elites. At the same time, Lilith Information Network, which is the Demon Race Princess, is naturally Very sound …

“Lilith … when you have the nameless Demon Race Princess, when did you have the power of your mother to talk back to me!”

Shaka’s face was a bit ugly. Obviously she was very afraid of Lilith. Although she was stubborn in her mouth, she took the initiative to give up her position, including the Demon Race children behind him and each and everyone seemed to see the tiger-like shiver coldly.

“Yo, even Baal doesn’t dare to talk back in front of me. What is your illegitimate child qualified to talk to me, and is it not okay to see me?”

Lilith’s dark eyes exude inexplicable coercion, making people around her can’t help but believe that she is Demoness.

“Under the main temple …”

Shaka and the others seemed to be forced on the ground by some force, and greeted Lilith with half a knee.

“What’s so hot today? His Royal Highness Lilith? Also, His Royal Highness Ace is my fiance. Please be respectful!”

Fea leads Elf Race to appear in the hall.

“Keep quiet, you guys who are not reserved …”

Nether Race’s Princess Shadru appears, and Bing Die is also in her camp!

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