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Arthur stood on the street supported by the flow of people, exhausting his eyes, looking at the sky, the sky, reaching out, touching the things, the wind, the ears, the human voice.

This World, such a lively pulsation, is really intoxicating, the words of constant communication are turning, the roar is loud and thunderous——

“I come to conquer this, I come to admit this, such a beautiful world, how can there be no silhouette of me !!”


The people around looked at Arthur in the palace of expression and couldn’t help but sneer one after another, but also a tender young man, came to the maze city, Ou Lai wanted to achieve some fame, leave a legend, really young Ah …

“Arthur, what’s wrong with you?”

Asuna’s concerned hand reached Arthur’s shoulder.

Asuna, Shana, Yaya, and Irori all stood behind Arthur’s. As his associates, they appeared with him, and Sarah was in Irori’s arms.

“Sometimes, humans always bear silently, bound by the so-called reason, even the darkness,” I “is really great!

However, when the dream is finally awake, I am calm and pursuing my goal firmly. This is worthy of my admiration. However, the real result is that I need to work hard by fair means or foul, and even need to bear the burden above all living beings. The loneliness of Xeon, the path of the strongest, requires bloodshed to be built.

At this moment, I am awakened! “

Arthur closed his eyes slightly, and what he breathes now is absolutely different from what he wants to breathe in the future! !

“You … chose blackening?”

Asuna has a headache.

“Blackening is my choice. Next, let’s go to the Guild Center in this World. Alivia has already told us the corresponding information.

As for the clan, if there is a god of loli … “

Arthur said playfully.

“Blackening has not changed your lolicon’s problems … failed …”

Asuna covered her face.

“Hey, where do you want to go? Blackening doesn’t mean I’m not mine, it’s just that certain deviations have occurred in spirits, let’s go …”

Arthur took a step, moved towards adventurer Guild.


The adventurer of Underground City world is a profession that does not ask about race, even men, women and children, but it is also a dangerous profession that is always accompanied by sacrifice.

Arthur, a group of 5 people (a cat), is a very young face. Only Arthur can choose the race, but Asuna, Shana, Irori, and Yaya cannot choose the race, but this does not affect any of their growth, and Even if something is sealed, some special things cannot be sealed.

Such as Asuna ’s Sword Skill, such as Shana ’s Fire Mist, such as Irori and Yaya ’s Divinity ’s ingenious body, etc.

After entering the oldest Guild’s main hall, Arthur clearly saw that the atmosphere of the building was similar to that of the Middle Ages, but it didn’t seem quaint. Solemn.

Some images of adventurer and god can be seen vaguely on the walls of Guild.

“This is not a place where Little Brat can come. Are you people from outside? If you don’t realize it well, don’t go on this journey …”

Soon there will be people who receive Arthur from them.

Human girl Misha Flot, who is lying on the consultant window, is lying on the table and looking at a book. She is managing this window instead of her good friend Aina. Accepted an application from a 100-year-old adventurer boy …

As Guild staff, they have been accustomed to a lot of naive newcomers who take risks with dreams, most of them enter here with a hot head, but unfortunately, few people can survive or persevere, even if they ca n’t stop these The passion of the young adventurer …

Although they do not have the right to refuse these adventurer applications, they still want to persuade, and Aina obviously persuaded to be unsuccessful, maybe it is a headache or angry now? Even so, Aina became the teenager ’s adventure advisor and wanted to preach all kinds of sermons for his future adventures …

“We are going to join Guild and register …”

Arthur said softly, but his voice seemed to have some kind of Magic Power.

Mixia felt a special breath, is it …

“You are too young, let’s seriously consider it, if you easily try to risk your life …”

“No need to think about it, we have to apply for the adventurer status … And please help to pay attention to the strength of the weak gods, which refers to the strength of the family, and it is best not to have any problems. The other party is preferably a female, and it is better if it is Loli. Now …

I wonder if there is Athena?

Forget it, is that clear? “

Although Arthur’s tone was bland, it was almost commanding.

“Oh … Oh … please fill in the relevant information here, if the family members, Goddesses that meet your conditions, Lori’s words are the only ones …

Hestia is a god … She is still alone, and there are no special problems? It’s just a bit poor … “

Mixia seems to be infected by Arthur’s Magic Power, and Arthur’s speed of filling out the form also surprised her a little. Too fast, but the race column-

“Xian Jing! Are you Xian Jing?”

“Well, is there a problem?”

Arthur was lightly nodded, waiting for Mischa’s following.

“Xian Jing is the race closest to God … and Elf is also called the representative Magic race, with the names of” the most beloved child “,” God’s Avatar “, etc., the potential ability exceeds other races, and has the call the wind and summon the rain and the ability to make gold and silver jewelry.

In ancient times before the advent of God, the existence of God ’s will to exclude monsters and guide human beings as heroes has the same meaning as the present grace of God. Now that the lower realm is full of God-given favors, the power provided by immortals is not as good as it used to be.

However, it is very difficult to deal with, after all, it is possible to grow up without relying on God in the early stage … “

Mixia feels a little surprised. In this case, then the person in front of you is indeed enough to apply for the adventurer qualification-

“Dungeon Oratoria” I do n’t know if you have read it, the book tells the story of the hero leaving each and everyone under the assistance of God ’s Avatar immortals … “

“Auxiliary? I do n’t have the idea of ​​assisting anyone. I do n’t have the past, I do n’t have the present, and the future is more impossible. Heroes? If the so-called heroes exist to leave a good name, then they can only be said to be people with ulterior motives. Heroes do not need to leave any name or fight for the name, and the name of the hero will be heard only after the end of his life! ~ “

Arthur shook his head.

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