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The dark abyss devoured the entire bedroom gradually, even Krul couldn’t stop the liquid from wrapping her body.

Dark and deep, extreme and endless, the darkest place in the world is this.

“Which Progenitor’s talent is this? This is not an unusual liquid. It gathers all the darkest essences in the world, and can easily be swallowed and assimilated by it. It is not like Seraph of the End, it is more like a devil. of.”

Krul not at all rose from Arthur’s side, but continued to watch silently, she wanted to see what Arthur’s origin was, and she also cared about him.

What is the connection between Arthur and Ashera.

Such a name really made her carelessly able to tolerate the ‘deal’ of the guy of Hiiragi Mahiru, one of which was because Ashera Tepes was on the Imperial Demon Army side.

I have to say that Ferid is a good head in Vampire Progenitor. She brought Arthur to see her purposely, even if she couldn’t guess it all.

One minute and one second passed, Arthur’s body changed again, and the spreading black liquid instantly froze as if freezing.

Krul herself was also frozen, but she didn’t break free, still observing, that finally got started–

“Kā-chā ——”

The extreme darkness was broken at split second, disappearing like shattered glass, gradually, Arthur’s body began to emit strong holy light, which is holy light. Compared to light, this is not general light, but Purely sacred.

“The hybrid of demons and angels is more interesting. This sacred power is more pure than Seraph, exactly like that … Is anyone doing another experiment? Carrying the origin of Vampire and Seraph Combine? “

Krul had all the excitement, the scent that tempted Vampire turned out to be this sacred.

However, if you continue, Arthur will collapse.

The power in his body is too strong, so it will be released and will be destroyed. When the time comes may lead to a more terrifying disaster than the Book of Apocalypse. The result must have happened. Presumably other high-level Progenitor will also question her immediately of.

Biting the corner of the mouth, a trace of blood dripped from Krul’s mouth into Arthur’s eyes, which would be more stimulating to him **.

“Aaah -!”

Arthur was stimulated by the Progenitor’s blood to completely conquer the dark and divine power, succumbed to his inner desire, pressed his hands on Krul’s shoulders, and pressed it against the soft and smooth neckline, but the eyes were Tears came out, he did not want to hurt anyone, hurt people.

“Good boy, this is the world you want, learn hard …”

Krul’s mouth smiled so she could suck it back.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry …”

Arthur repented while sucking Krul’s blood.

“It’s such a kind person, so it’s hard to survive in this broken world, and I have what I need …”

Krul’s tiny silver teeth were revealed, and there was a trace of blush on his face, biting on Arthur’s neckline.

As a result, Arthur and Krul were drawing blood from each other, each taking what he needed.


Vampire ’s city has no dawn, only dark eternity. Arthur, awakened from a dream, sat on the bed with his arms folded. He unexpectedly drew Krul ’s blood. No, thinking, he could have restrained Vampire ’s sense of ** It was Krul who dropped his blood into his eyes to make him irrational.

But, even then, he also drew Krul’s blood and could not control himself. If he blamed others, what was the difference between him and those ordinary persons?

“Are you really a lovely guy, as for being nagging? I also tasted your blood, okay, now, you work in my city, remember, you will be called Arthur Tepes Scarlet in the future , I allow you to keep Scarlet’s surname, but you are also Tepes and I have included you in the Tepes Family. “

Krul was sitting on a chair in the hall, tasting black tea, and neatly organizing his clothes. It seemed a bit forgotten last night, but Arthur’s blood is so delicious, the most delicious blood in the world.

“What do you need me to do?”

Arthur felt that since Krul’s blood had been sucked, he did something to repay her.

“I don’t need your mercy! I’m the queen here, 3rd Progenitor, let a Little Brat have mercy on me, isn’t it too cowardly, we are each taking what we need, of course, you are now my subordinate, my assignment You are obedient, otherwise you cannot live here.

If you want to protect the people of Hyakuya Orphanage, then you have to be obedient. Although they are useful to me, you are more useful to me. You understand your value and are smart. “

Krul put down the cup in his hand and motioned to Arthur to make tea for her.

“No, I am not your subordinate, I am just myself, I will not obey anyone, but I suck your blood, I have an obligation to be your strength, after I think I can repay your favor, I will Will leave here. “

Arthur picked up the tea cup and started to make black tea. He was still proficient in housework. All the housework at Yuuki’s house was done by him.

“Oh, is it? I will slowly conquer you guys, you are indeed an interesting person, otherwise Ferid will also leave your life, Book of Apocalypse comes, Japan area is managed by me, but now the territory Just started, need to expand, become my fangs to occupy more territory for me, this is the Quest for you now. “

Krul took Arthur’s black tea and slowly sucked it up. The taste was not bad. Those who can make black tea are people who know how to taste.

“Well, what shall I call you?”

Arthur nodded, expanding power, just like those Vampires do, bring surviving humans to Vampire City, or establish Vampire City’s branch.

“Elder sister … call me Onee-sama.”

Krul thought about it and said.

“This one……”

Arthur’s cold face could not help moving, elder sister is a family? Let him treat Krul as a family, some …

“Your name is Arthur Tepes, and I will tell others that you are from the Tepes Family, and call me elder sister. It’s just okay, okay, it’s so decided. If you understand, it’s nodded.

Krul said firmly.

“Onee-sama …”

Arthur can only be sighed.

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