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“Asuna, did you see Bell?”

Hestia ran on the street and saw Wings of Freedom coming out of Underground City and rushed over.

“No, Bell has n’t acted with us since he came back from Underground City, and Ainna Young Lady of adventurer Guild also suggested that he practice it by himself. Although following our words can reduce the danger, but in the case of strength gap, He can only be responsible for picking up the magic stone, so there seems to be no opportunity for growth. “

Asuna said according to the thin sword around her waist.

“So Ah … But Bell hasn’t been back since the morning! Did you see him when you returned? I looked for everything I could find, but there was no news of him.”

Hestia bit her lip.

“We didn’t see it when we returned. Didn’t the waste die under the monster?”

Gasai Yuno chuckled.


Asuna frowned, then comforted Hestia and said, “Hestia, you might as well go to the adventurer Guild to publish the Quest for Beljun. We did not at all on the way back from Underground City to see anything he left The trace should have returned to the ground, even if it is in danger, it may be on this ground. The recent security is not very good … “

“Well, I will, please help me find …”

Hestia clenched her little hands and ran towards the adventurer Guild. Bell, you may be 10000000 million alive, but I look forward to you growing up, shining like Arthur …


After Asuna returned to her family’s address with her members, she found Alivia. Alivia was only one of the members in charge of public affairs, that is, non-combat members, and she was also the think tank of Wings of Freedom. I will know something and so on.

“… Alivia, that’s it.”

“I’m already understood, this day will always come, Asuna, do you remember the scene that happened before Guild War? You and Bell were trapped in the 2th and 8th class, and then Arthur they went to save you, Arthur seems to be Did you come first? He must have done something?

In that sense, it is naturally unacceptable in terms of normal human thinking. Bell Krone is a little novice adventurer. He dreams of a hero story, not the hardship behind the hero and the bloody hegemony.

If we did not appear in this World, he might have remained in a state of innocence, chasing the hero story, right?

At the beginning, did n’t you dream of Asuna?

Yukino, you should remember what kind of boy Arthur was? Youxiang must also understand that it feels like 2 people?

But it ’s like, it ’s different. This World is obviously not as good as Dimensional Tower ’s world is full of killing songs. Arthur is used to the Dimensional Tower ’s journey, so close people will always be the enemy when they are in danger. Just a few.

But this World of Bell Breath is different. Unlike our Ability Users, adventurers will help each other. Of course, darkness exists, but on the surface it is still friendly, right?

Whether it is the adventurer Guild or the deity of the clan or the people they contact are mostly kind, this is indeed a good world.

This is the normal adventurer world, and the world we are in is the Blood Sea, which can be seen everywhere. The cold darkness is within reach. With eyes closed, we can imagine howling 4 wild!

But in this cold world with the realm, who is bringing us all together?

It ’s Arthur, right. He ’s a special, gentle fool that I ca n’t refuse, and as long as I walk side by side, I can be completely trusted. Even if the betrayal still insists on this belief, should Jeanne understand it? I watched the finale at the starry sky observation deck. When you were bewitched by High Priest, Arthur still believed you as always, and even died for you!

Such a person can be said that there is no such thing as true world, and Arthur is noble Knight who exists only in fantasy.

Even if such a person is me, if he is not interested in men, I am afraid he will be willing to become his woman …

Well, I do n’t say too much about this kind of praise for him. The key point is that Bell naturally ca n’t agree with Arthur ’s behavior. His young people want to see positive images, and absolutely Arthur is dark. Change.

So after Bell came out of Guild War, he always wanted to speak out his inner fears, but there is no chance. If we do this, we will definitely be despised? But if you give him a chance!

The exclusion plan for our Wings of Freedom is not at all over, FirstKing Guild is not the only planner, and Guild, who glare like a tiger watching his prey, secretly abetted the adventurer of this World, kidnapped Bell, and then used beating Let him tell the hidden secrets. Under such circumstances, he naturally has the object of venting. He is not afraid of injuries or the like to reveal secrets …

But he has been waiting for this opportunity of betrayal, and I guess he will push all the evil to Arthur’s body, after all, Asuna, you are with us, Bell is looking forward to you, have to say, Asuna Na, your fans are in the maze city, but there are many perfect Goddess …

And Arthur was the first to enter the 8th or 1th class, so Bell was thinking that Arthur ordered you to kill those adventurers. He did not know the existence of the blackening mode, so it was logically pushed to Arthur’s body.

Then next I do n’t want us to save, he will work with those who persecuted him to expose the adventurer of The Worst Mystes in History

Arthur. “

Alivia explained.

“Shut up before they act!”

Gasai Yuno licked his lips.

“There is no chance. Didn’t Asuna let Hestia go to the adventurer to post the Quest? In this state, do you think we can kill them?”

Alivia shook her head slightly.

“What should I do? I don’t want my man to carry this …”

Yukinoshita Yukino recalled everything about God Eater world, and it was terrible.

“What are you anxious about each and everyone? Arthur has anticipated this kind of thing, will he not clean up his own personality defects? But he will not change, because once he changes, he will not be our Arthur. I am afraid he will not in the future. Believe anyone, people, always have to cling to something, right?

I guess he deliberately allowed the incident to develop in this way, otherwise Bell would be killed in the Underground City. The rise of our Wings of Freedom is very fast, but it is a thorn in the eyes of all Guild, well, all the achievements on the road to kingship People are all enemies, but some are overly aggressive and others are calm.

So, how to reverse it? After all, if there is a danger, there might be 2 dangers? And we can’t solve this serious adventurer time and time again?

So, Arthur push the boat along with the current, put yourself in the most dangerous position, and bear all the sins, then we will be much freer, after all, if there is something sinful, people will only think of him .

After becoming a evil spokesperson, he can open and kill aboveboard, whether in Underground City or on the ground, just and honourable to kill people who are not conducive to our Wings of Freedom.

The demon image established in this way will become a horror for everyone. At that time, there will be no adventurer looking for us again. When the time comes Hostile Guild will be helpless and will be forced into a desperate situation by us.

Arthur will definitely leave the Hestia family, and it is his own matter who joins the family.

Now he is attacking the Heroic Spirit tower with the Loki family. Through this kind of sentiment, the people of the Loki family will not do anything against him.

Rest assured, in this maze city, the gods and adults are smart, wouldn’t a guy like Rocky know that this is conspiracy and framed? Freya family will not find Arthur’s trouble, these two strongest family will not be hands-on, then Arthur is absolutely safe, this is a game of wisdom, don’t be impulsive, don’t waste Arthur’s man to protect us Determined, open your eyes and look at this fool who moved us. “

Alivia stood up with a smile on her face. She was a reliable teenager. It was really the best choice for her life to be able to join this Guild.

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