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Arthur took the Elf Holy Sword thrown by Rocky, and as the sword entered his hand, a ray of rays of light shone from above the sword body, indicating that the sword admitted him.

“Okay, our contract is over … ‘The Worst Mystes in History adventurer’ !!”

Rocky clapped and said.

“It seems that this is finally the moment, the betrayal is finally here, and from then on it bears the name of sin.”

Arthur seemed to have understood what was going to happen. He put the Elf sword around his waist, stood up, and moved towards the door.

“This? Why? What the hell happened? We need Arthur’s help for the Heroic Spirit on the 2nd floor?”

Lei Fea doesn’t understand.


However, Livria, Finn, Gareth and the others have already noticed a certain probability.

“Because of the previous monster riots, those adventurers in the 18th Layer did not sacrifice under the teeth of the monster. In fact, the tenth and eighth stratum not at all monster invaded …

Those adventurers were killed by Arthur, saying that each and everyone died under extremely cruel torture, except for the Hestia family, all the outsiders died … “

Loki scratched his head to explain.

“Why! Arthur is a good person!”

Ace couldn’t help asking, what she saw was definitely not like this.

“Do you remember the reward issued by an unknown person some time ago? It was issued to the Hestia family, the reward is very rich, but only the members of the Hestia family are taught, of course, the lesson is not so simple. The evidence of lessons learned …

Privately, many adventurers have participated. After all, there are also many people who are unfamiliar with the Hestia family, especially Arthur’s hand-brushing and performance in the Heroic Spirit Tower make some people unwilling, so there is this misfortune.

But the Hestia family is collective action except Arthur, it is difficult to start, until the night of the Raiders Spartak, [flash] Asuna Na and Hestia family, the weakest person Bell Kroni in Underground Orders in City …

But listening to the news is not the case. It was Bell Kroni who left the order alone, probably Asuna was going to look after it, and ended up being surrounded by adventurer.

Arthur will talk about the rest … “

Riveria looked at Arthur.

“After that, Asuna didn’t return, I called the members to start to go to Underground City, so I was worried that Goliath, the tenth and 7th grade, might be here, so I came to Toloki, that night …

After Ais and I went together, Ais fought Goliath on the 7th 8th grade. I went to the 1th and 1th class myself. Then I saw Asuna and Bell being besieged and suffering, about to fall off the cliff, so I started … …

There is indeed nothing wrong with my cruelty, and the members who entered later retaliated like me … “

Arthur laughed at himself, “I know that there will be such a day, my shortcoming is that I believe too much in my companions, as long as I can walk side by side and trust … It seems that my means of revenge is indeed terrifying and this guy Bell has produced me Fear, but, fortunately, he pushed me all the crimes, and it did n’t hurt Asuna that they were really good. “

“It’s really hopeless! Your approach is very similar to a person. Remember Elf in the fertile female Master store, Liu * Lion (Liu * Lyon), who was a member of the [Asteria family], Because Asteria is Goddess of justice, her family loves fairness and justice, so it is disgusted by many adventurers, and later framed to lead to the destruction of the family.

In order to get revenge, Ryu asked Astelia to expel her from her family. After leaving, she succeeded in revenge and was also added to the blacklist by Guild. “

Riveria reached out her hand and pressed her head. She was another straight-headed person. She originally thought Arthur was a wise man, but her companions were persecuted.

“In summary, we ca n’t shelter Arthur, nobody can shelter Arthur, this time, the death adventurer is so much that it makes people scalp numb, and it is much more infamous than the Astria family, dead The adventurer in Arthur’s hands has up to 3 digits. Do you understand the seriousness of the incident?

Guild is ready to release a reward overnight, and all we can do is not to attack. Although Guild has invited me and Freya to send us a strong member to arrest Arthur, it is clear that there is a bastard who wants to murder a person with a borrowed knife, Freya and I will not be fooled. Of course, on the surface is just accepting to do it, and it will not be really implemented …

Sorry, Arthur, I missed the appointment, even if you scolded me as a tablet mother, I accepted it willingly. “

Rocky sighed with a headache.

“Well, I really admire you, Goddess is very charming.”

Arthur smiled in the corner of his mouth.

“What do you say suddenly? I won’t eat this kind of tender grass, but you can laugh to show that you are fearless. What should you do next?”

Rocky blushed and punched Arthur’s chest with his fists.

“Next … just make a big noise, I am not to be trifled with! I will go to adventurer Guild to challenge all adventurers. The real king is not afraid of any challenges!”

Arthur smiled and walked out of Rocky’s side.


Next, Arthur walked straight on the street. Although it was about to enter the curtain, there were quite a lot of people, all searching for him in the city.

Arthur dignified came out exactly, and all the adventurers gathered.

At first, a few adventurers who wanted to receive a reward attacked Arthur, and they were instantly put down and their hands cut off!

Clearing all the enemies in front of you, jumping in the bloody way, Arthur came to the front of the adventurer Guild headquarters! !

At this time, Arthur summon had Saint Beast Unicorn Yukon on top of the adventurer Guild.

Almost all the adventurers in the labyrinth city were gathered together. In the sky, no one could start Arthur. The adventurer Guild could only watch him gritting his teeth and talking some obediently surrender nonsense.

“Everyone listens to–“

Arthur has never been under pressure, and is quite relaxed—

“As long as there is activity, darkness will breed, and as long as darkness exists, evil will breed!

And there is no legal bondage here, and darkness and evil breed in the corners that we do not pay attention to, then I will incarnation the god of ruling! !

In order to save the weak in suffering, and in order to impose the sins of heaven’s innocent sanctions on the evil, from now on I will walk in darkness Fuse bright!

Fear me, those with power! People who have no power, pursue me! world, will be sanctioned by me!

Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, eroticism, and gluttony, these seven sinners will be arbitrated by me and buried in the dark.

My name——

SE7ENer, the weak in misery, pray to me, whether it is close or far away, I will listen to Ru’s appeal, clear the darkness, and reveal the light! “

In order to show his power, Arthur started summon Sword of King to destroy the adventurer Guild!

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