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Arthur’s current Reality Marble Sword of King shocked almost all adventurers. After all, in their imagination, Arthur was at most a person. No matter how powerful a person is, he can’t fight so many adventurers?

Although the Loki clan and Freya clan did not participate in this incident, there is a strong clan involved-

The “Ganesha clan”, known as the gendarmerie of the maze city, its clan strength is not weaker than that of the Loki clan and the Freya clan. The size of the clan is the largest in the maze city.

The Ganesha family is now commissioned by the adventurer Guild to maintain the law and order of the city. There are a total of about 11 first-level adventurers of the Lv.5 level. The number of LV5 is enough for everyone to fear, regardless of the number of first-level adventurers The total number of clansman is more than the Loki family and Freya family!

So this is also the reason why most adventurers are willing to stand up. After all, there are Cannesa clan in the front, and they can play some strength in the back.

However, Arthur didn’t play cards according to common sense. When everyone thought he was fighting alone, he suddenly summoned so many powerful Knights!

It doesn’t look like it’s a Phantom Magic.

In addition to the Knights of the Round Table in Seraph world, the city behind Arthur is also very particular. Because he understands the King ability of material creation, so he realized the environmental change in Reality Marble. In this case, the action here Knights of the Round Table are sheltered by the Avalon City Pool and can be resurrected indefinitely! !

There is no suspense in the result of this war!

It ended in Arthur’s victory, but Arthur not at all killed everyone, most of them lost the combat capability. Killing local people will deduct Guild points!

It’s just that when Arthur’s sword penetrates Uranos, no punishment appears at all.

He did kill Uranos.

And his body fell to the ground, his breath lost, which shows that he is really dead, but why is there no system punishment?

“Do n’t over-purchase when the goal is achieved. Uranos is the god who brought [God ’s Blessing] from the labyrinth city Euleri. Because he tried his best to resist the aggression of the monster, he was able to make Orali a fortress. city.

In ancient times, the monsters did not stay in the class all the time, but they would gush out of the ground from Underground City, but with the defense of Uranos, he built an altar underground in the adventurer Guild, through the altar to Underground City Pray to suppress the Underground City with a strong Great God to prevent monsters from entering and exiting the ground as frequently as ancient times.

Although the regulations do not allow God to use abilities in the lower realm, but he does not use it but cannot use it. If you really fight with you, then the monster of Underground City will gush.

I will give you [Campione] in the future, so stop here! “

At the end of this, Athena suddenly appeared and stood in front of Arthur’s, with a completely different and serious look than before.

“Although I already have a way to resurrect, I didn’t expect you to appear.”

Uranos, who had died on the ground, suddenly stood up, and was probably resurrected by Athena.

“Although God can be killed in theory, God has exceeded the level of life and death, and there is no concept of death. If you die here, you will be sent back to Heaven Realm.

Once the gods were fatally wounded, the [Power of God] who were sealed in the body would start and sustain their lives. In other words, from that moment on, they have been judged to use [Power of God], and the fate that will come to them is to be forcibly repatriated to Heaven Realm. “

Rocky walked over with a smile, patting Arthur’s chest and saying, “Yeah, I’m still going to watch a good show. Without Uranus, Underground City would definitely change its appearance? Really let me down, This guy, Athena, puts the power of resurrection on you in advance. Sure enough, Athena and we are not a system that can use divine might freely. “

“You ’ve already killed me once, young boy, so do n’t overbearing anymore. Through the war just now, I can judge you not at all killing the adventurer personally, but the means of sanctions are excessive. My Guild really did not think about this matter. The place.

As a price, it will give you the title of God-killer. At the same time, as long as it is about you, the adventurer Guild will never intervene?

The result of this is not that we have compromised with you, but that we have created a probability for this era. From then on, you are the first god-killer recognized by the adventurer Guild, and your name will soon spread to the entire continent, new The chapter of the times opened. “

Uranos Haha laughed, and then began to tell Guild ’s men to start treating the wounded. Although the headquarters of adventurer Guild was destroyed in the war, the underground altar should be fine.


Arthur put Elf Holy Sword back in his waist, Sword of King in the sky disappeared at the same time, and then he turned to leave.

“Go back to me, our contract is not over, week, week !!!

Loki followed with a dead face.

“Aren’t you going to cancel the contract?”

Arthur smiled bitterly.

“Oh, did I say that?”

Loki apparently turned his head and refused to admit it!

“Sure enough, it’s a flat-faced lady, not at all.”

Arthur sneered.

“You guys, I fight with you!”

Rocky got angry again.


The calm at this moment seems to have never happened before, but the blood along the way, the wailing everywhere, the ruined adventurer Guild and the serum in Uranos’ chest are all telling what happened just now.

“In other words, where is your king?”

Rocky is very interested in Arthur’s modernized Reality Marble. Obviously, Arthur was once a king, and those Knights who were summoned out should be Heroic Spirit, right?

“It’s just a memory of the past in life. This moment is this moment. The past is the past. If you go to the tablet mother, and you have 8 gossips, you guys are really annoying!”

Arthur pouted.

“Do you think I’m charming? To be honest, for so long, the only one of you is a man who interested me. In other words, what do you think of me? Tentatively I am also a woman?”

Rocky reached out and patted on Arthur’s ass.

“Courting death! I don’t want to die! Impossible, no one can make me tempted, my heart is frozen.”

In the state of Arthur blackening, of course impossible will have such unnecessary things as affection.

“Boring, I still play with Ace Carbon ~!”

Rocky secretly sniffed his finger. It smells good. Isn’t this guy a natural fragrance?

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