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Brunnhilde couldn’t understand Arthur’s behavior. She died the best way. If she died, then Arthur didn’t have to die. If she died, then the maze city could gain light, and Arthur could continue their adventure!

Arthur, whose strength is growing fast, originally had such a future, but gave up. Is her survival more important than all this?

She has been satisfied, really satisfied, in this cursed situation, it is enough to get this tenderness.

“Brunhilde, listen well, if I am the kind of person who kills you to complete yourself, then it is not worth your liking. At the same time, you are such a compromised weak girl, and I will not You fight, even if the ending cannot be Perfection, then this process must be flawless. I like to fight with you on this battlefield. It can make me strong and make you more beautiful.

You are Martial Goddess, the one who knocked me down, so lift your face, hold the long spear tightly, and kill me!

Never plead with anyone, even me, but you have completely defeated Martial Goddess, showing her due heroic attitude, so that even if you are killed, I will be happy, indeed, to die for the loved one It’s a weeping thing, but even if the poetry left is beautiful and romantic, it is still an empty thing. Nothing is more meaningful than living. “

Arthur will not allow Brunnhild to flinch, she must move forward and use her fiery will to crush the curse.

“The person I met turned out to be a fool.”

Brunnhild couldn’t help laughing.

“Great intelligence may appear to be stupidity, smart people may not be able to get the intimacy of Martial Goddess, Brunnhilde, if you don’t want me to die, but also want to live, then try to break through yourself.

Just as I broke through my own power to fight against you, you must also break through yourself to have the power to fight against curses. There is nothing absolutely impossible in this World, only the cowardly people who flinch and retreat do not dare to move forward …

Let me see your style, let me appreciate your beauty, I will stand in front of you many times before you dare to die. You must not give up before I give up, this is a promise! “

Arthur brandished the nameless blade, fight, Brunnhilde, as the strongest Martial Goddess, its beautiful moment is at this moment.

“You are really a demon, let me break the rules, let me betray my father, and let me do what is impossible, but I have no reason to refuse, because I have fallen in love with you completely, love is really the endorsement of miracles. … “

The pupil of Brunhild Amethyst became sharp, yeah, Arthur is not a normal male, but the special person who loves her from the soul, how can you use ordinary means to conquer him?

That ’s right, she is Martial Goddess, the strongest Martial Goddess Brunnhilde, with this passionate love that cannot be extinguished in any darkness, she is invincible, if there is a god in front, kill it, even if it is killed God the Father!


Arthur didn’t know how many times he stayed on the wandering line of death. Brundhild’s strength made him unable to help him. Whenever he was strong, Brunnhild was strong. The entire 4th floor space It has turned into a ruined world.

After these few deaths, all the basic ability values ​​of the LV3 level have reached the EX level, and he comprehended the second hero stunt–

[NonotteRosa and Night Rose]:

Rather than saying that there is no night without dawn, it is better to say that there is also a night without an end.

In this dead magic world, there is a rose that will never die!

This heroic stunt can allow him to improve his strength after a short time after resurrection, including life, speed, etc., and all status improvements.

And the greater the number of deaths, the stronger the ability to improve.

It is a stunt that can only be developed after death and resurrection. Although the limitation is very harsh, the promotion is very powerful, and even so powerful that it can make Arthur comparable to Brunnhilde! !

Yes, under the accumulation of the number of deaths, if Night Rose’s power accumulates to a terrible level, even Brunnhilde can easily fight.

But Brunhild knew that Arthur’s ascension continued to enhance her own power, the power based on love, as long as she still loved Arthur, the power would continuously flow out …

The two people who are boosting their strength together seem to be fighting with two Spiritual Gods.

Eventually, the strength of Brunhild’s ascension exceeded the constraints of the Heroic Spirit Tower, and his body exuded extremely strong rays of light. As the body of the Heroic Spirit began to collapse, and then reshape the body!

She is getting rid of the curse and the shackles.

Eventually became the free Martial Goddess.

“Wings of Freedom Guild [Permanently] defeated the Heroic Spirit Tower 4th floor to guard the Heroic Spirit AlterRider, and received Guild [Average] points 400000!”

“Successful, me?”

Brenhild, who reinvented soul, has been able to feel the curse disappeared, and even if he loves Arthur, he will not have a killing intent.

“I’m going to be numb, get dressed …”

Arthur took off his coat and handed it to Brunnhilde. She who reinvented Soul naturally had no clothes, and her clothes were impossible.

“Why, would you be shy to see me like this?”

Brenhild ridiculed close to Arthur, and felt that this guy was cute.

“Of course, after all, you are also very beautiful, although Kiyohime has more appetite for me …”

Arthur sighed. Although he solved the Heroic Spirit on the 4th floor according to his ideas, it seemed to be another trouble. Kiyohime and Brunnhild would fight each other often, right?

“If that’s the case, I don’t agree. What good is that guy Kiyohime?”

Brenhild looked at Arthur gruffly.

“Aren’t you going to fight me again?”

Arthur was exhausted.

“No, it’s just a little jealous of Kiyohime. Of course, to be able to get Arthur your tenderness, I am satisfied enough, but the desire of women is endless. I naturally don’t want to lose to Kiyohime.”

Brunhild snuggled in Arthur’s arms.

“Do n’t do this … I said it long ago. I do n’t like you. I agree with you at most as a friend. This is also true for Kiyohime. Love ca n’t be easily revealed. I do n’t understand why people like me deserve it. You guys like it, although I always make some stupid decisions … “

Arthur was helpless.

“Aren’t you satisfied? See, I have conquered beautiful girls one after another?”

Brenhild pouted.

“How come, although it is indeed a pride to be a man, but you are not easy to tame, I am tired enough to toss you, but I died that many times!”

Arthur indifferent expression, maybe his nature is like this?

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