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The death of Hydera, Arthur, Medea, and Atalanta will continue to advance. The Mermaid Princess looks at the Arthur gradually getting smaller in the sea and sky. Arthur ’s delicate human silhouette shimmers in her eyes. It’s the light of the soul, a person’s soul can only be possessed by the purity of the soul …

“Under the main temple, don’t you chase? That human has an aptitude to become a hero, should he be your spouse if he comes as your spouse?”

The near attendant asked Lolly.

“I ca n’t catch up with him, our beauty is only appearance, and this young man is beautiful with soul, and the will it sings, is it that we can desecrate with a beautiful body? We are different from evil creatures, we are strong and No tyranny, but our charm is not charming …

Human is a very peculiar race. The tiny body contains a soul comparable to God. Although I like it very much, I can only get his body but not his soul.

Maybe I should do something to present a real mermaid song for his heroic road! The admirable teenager, even anyone will help him! To fetch the night pearl of Poseidon, I want to guide the route for him! “

Lola Li’s eyes were firm, even though the chase was not as good as his clothes, but it was as satisfying as being able to be a rays of light on his hero’s path.

“Why, I don’t understand, you can’t do such a dangerous thing, there is no shelter from Poseidon when you enter, you will be exposed to death!”

The waiter was a little shocked.

“Dying? In the endless years, I do n’t want to wait for any good man anymore. I already have the most shining man in the world in my eyes. Maybe we should make some changes in the mermaid. Unmovable, I want him to remember me, remember me Lola Li is not a mermaid who does not understand emotions, even if it is just a split second …

I think I will be able to become a God after death, death is not the end, as long as he becomes a hero, everything on this route will be eternal, and my Princess will be handed over to my younger sister, I, Lola Li, to become the first public main temple to change the history of the mermaid, dreams are high, and although there is no regrets, even the father Poseidon will not stop me! “

Lorelli held a huge flashing pearl in her arms and entered the deep sea, swimming in the direction of the Arthur!


Passing the Ural Strait does not mean that you are truly out of the danger of the strait. Between the Ural Strait and the Black Sea, in addition to Nine Headed Snake’s obstruction, there is a final test.

It is said that there are two worlds between the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea, connecting them in addition to the Ural Strait and Foreign Domain controlled by Hydera, as well as the test from Gods. The world of the Black Sea is both the end of happiness and the end of the magic world. Only real heroes can step into this Gods garden.

The reason why this area is so dangerous is because there are endless treasures in the garden of Gods, but there are monsters everywhere. These monsters are mostly the descendants of Difeng. They guard the Gods treasures in front of them. Being stolen, and therefore being pardoned by Gods, can be a crime, but Gods does not prevent heroes from defeating them to obtain treasure.

The monster guarding the first line of defense is said to be a giant with 100 goals [Argos]. Because his head is too large to move, he cannot move his body. He can only use his eyes to patrol the territory. When he sleeps Only 2 eyes were closed, while the remaining 98 eyes were open, staring at any adventurer passing through it in front of one’s eyes …

Because Argos ’s eyes see too much light, the Sea Territory he guards has almost no light. All the light is absorbed by its eyes, and when sleeping, 98 eyes will constantly scan the whole. Sea Territory, once seen by his eyes, seems to be shining to the rays of light. The rays of light are said to sting like flames, and can instantly cremate people, and even the bones will not stay!

At the same time, in Sea Territory, not only should you avoid the beam of light from the eyes of Argos, but also be careful of countless reefs!

Arthur They have the unsinkable boat blessed by Athena, and the guidance of the Holy Tree, and the prophecy of the boat painting. They can fear the existence of the reef, but 98 eyes are very troublesome.

Here we have to rely on Atta ’s arrow technique, blinding its 2 closed eyes, so that it will close the 2 eyes again, the opened eyes cannot be shot, and the arrow will not reach the pupil before it will Burned by the beam of light in the eyes.

“My arrow technique is blessed by Artemis, but this place is Goddess Artemis’s divine might not be able to engulf the power, she can’t get God’s protection without light, as long as there is light Protect, because Artemis is the elder sister of Apollo. I can also pray for the power of Apollo. Apollo also has the skill of bow and arrow.

So no matter daylight or moonlight, I can use its power, but there is no rays of light here …

The only rays of light are the rays of light from the eyes of the 100-eyed giant. The beam of light will swallow me up, so they cannot be borrowed. However, if you use other rays of light, you may be attacked by the 100-eyed giant … “

Atalanta took the long bow in his hand and adjusted the bowstring.

“I come to summon the dead to release Ghost Fire, but the time that Ghost Fire can shine is not long …

I also have a potion that adds defensive power, and a Magic Technique that can recover completely with just one breath … “

Medea reached out and counted the strategies available to each and everyone.

“The deceased … It is not a noble thing to blaspheme the soul of the deceased. They have come here after a perilous death. It is very painful to die in this place. I fear that they will be cursed by burning their soul again.

not equal to me Go, my life is given to Medea to protect you, I believe in your Magic Technique. “

Arthur believed that the beam of light could also be cut with the dead Mystic Eyes.

“I knew that you would not choose the first method. After all, you are such a shining person. I know that we must not retreat. Although it is really good to retreat and spend your happy time now, how can my Arthur stop?

I will heal you. If you die, Medea will follow you. Even if I am not a lover to you, you cannot stop me from loving you. “

Medea hugged Arthur tightly.

“No one of us will die, but I am a man you like, with such a privilege, wouldn’t it be pitiful for you to fall here?”

Arthur caressed the soft hair of Medea, this lively girl suddenly has a gentle taste, she is also growing in her way, if it is before, it will definitely be 2 words, summon the soul of the dead ?

She can be gentle for him to change, why can’t he be strong for him?

It’s not about love, it’s mutual trust of peers!

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