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The end of the dream, the end of the journey finally ushered in by the lure of the adventurous adventure, if it is called a dream, there is also reality, if it is called true, there is also illusion.

No one knows the future, so the dream of the future is prosperous after all, understanding the future is not beautiful. The future is nothing but the negative or affirmative Item of reality. The affirmation of nothingness and the broken negation all make the moment. Trouble heavily.

No one knows the past, so the dream of the past is lie after all. It is not beautiful to understand the past. The past is just all the memories or forgotten Items that the reality has. The heart-warming memories and the pain of forgetting all make this moment. Worrying.

The past and the future filled with one’s way are very different from the present, either love or hate, or bitter or sweet, or sad or happy …

The busy cycle formed by all these makes the human time long and short, like a white horse passing through the gap, and like a fixed photo frame, stagnation or rotation can not detain the good at the present moment!

This is the world that God has given to human beings. Life and death may not be the biggest troubles. The biggest trouble is the inability to look directly at the life constructed by the two endpoints of life and death. After all, life is cowardly and death is regretful!

Arthur and Medea could not eat the golden apple. The portion of this apple is the memory shared by the two of them. Everything will disappear after eating.

For Arthur, even though she had never loved Medea as a young girl, the dream filled him. The blank man wanted to keep this memory. Although the dream of achieving the hero’s path was high, it was very fulfilling.

For Medea, all the good things she left on this voyage of dreams made her have no regrets in this life. Originally only a tentative teenager, she fell in love with the teenager gradually. The teenager is what she has seen so far. Having lived like a young boy who is most like a hero, it is simple, simple, and absolutely straight forward for what is decided. What is more important is that the soul is too flawless …

“Arthur, I do n’t want to leave you, I do n’t want to wake up from a dream, I do n’t want to have a tragic future, but, you are my favorite person, I ca n’t imprison your soul, although this memory will disappear, although I impossible will remember you again, although I can’t touch your temperature anymore, but it is enough, although this happiness will disappear in my memory, but it will never slip away from my heart, my beloved person, from the beginning In the end, you are the only one.

Your soul is very beautiful. After separation from me, I will still be more and more moved. I will meet a beautiful girl who is enamored with you. Your life is very long, but I am a dream … “

Medea lay in Arthur’s arms, bathed in the rays of light of Divine Tree, stroking his brave’s face.

“Even if I never fell in love with you, then the Bond we have on this flight path is probably enough to be love. Even if I take it seriously, I can’t deny that I have experienced everything with you, even if I separate, I don’t want to forget This memory.

Medea, even if you imprison my soul, I will not regret it. If you hate, then hate this world that does not understand emotions, hate this ruthless Gods! “

Arthur hugged Medea tightly.

“No, I’m the Medea you like Arthur. I will never use the power of potions or the like to detain me. You made me understand that potions are not everything. Promise me and go on, If you are really strong, do n’t forget my existence even if you eat golden apples!

You can do it with your will, because you are my hero, my most favorite hero!

I believe in you, Arthur! “

There were tears in Medea ’s eyes, and she could n’t hold back her grief!

“But … but I don’t know, I really don’t know if my will can break through the realm’s bondage! Medea, I don’t want to erase our memories, you, you, have imprinted in my heart Girl, lively and lovely, kind and gentle …

Even if I deny this World, I only want to deny you! “

Arthur’s tears burst out.

“It turns out that I am so important in my heart, then, then, we will have all the good experiences before the despair comes, Arthur, in this World I will marry you, I want to be your wife, I will linger with you, I want to taste the fruit of this love with you … so, I can also be satisfied. “

Medea wants Arthur to be unmarried to her in this World.

“Just married?”

Arthur wants to say that the time outside the world freezes, even if he spends here how many years will not change.

“Well, it ’s just marriage, although, although I imagined having children with you, watching them also find true love …

But after all, it will come to an end. Once you die, you will be imprisoned forever!

I have n’t imagined too much, and time will make people narcotic. I know that compared to me, the people who deserve your attention are still outside. I ca n’t be too selfish. If this World is false, would n’t the person I love be Die in this false world?

What I like is the hero Arthur, so you must become a hero, the great hero that everyone admires! Even Gods is a big hero who bows his head!

And we are human. After all, there is an old day. I hope that the beauty of my girlhood will become eternal and present the purest me to you. The long time will only be boring, and this moment of happiness can be sublimated. Romantic poetry!

I am young, I am beautiful, I am touching, girl skin, girl body, girl lightly said …

Everything is beautiful, I will give it to you in my prime of youth as a girl, please cherish me … “

Medea looked at Arthur blushing and said emotionally.

“So, will my Princess marry me?”

Arthur couldn’t help but look at the shy and cute look of Medea.

“Of course, to satisfy me well, I have to master everything, every inch of skin must have your breath …”

Medea closed her eyes slightly, and she wanted to hand over all the goodness to Arthur, and fiercely gave this beautiful and deep memory, if the next moment is to be separated, then she must fill Arthur’s body with her taste, even if the memory will Disappear, then this kind of gentleness will definitely stay …

Even if she didn’t remember Arthur, then it left his taste.

“This is what Demoness really says …”

Arthur pulled Medea into his arms, and their only happiness was this …

“Then conquer my Demoness hard, His Highness the Prince …”

Medea hugged Arthur in response.

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