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Arthur and Shika came to the Star Guide, originally intended to surprise Claudia, but did not expect to be surprised by Claudia.

This made Arthur couldn’t help but recall what Diluk said at the 7-star conference. Could this Claudia president really have the ability to predict the future?

“It should be surprised that I am the only one. Why did President Claudia guess that I would come to Star Guide? Is it your ability?”

“No, no, no, although there is indeed the power to predict the future, but this time I really have to guess, guess Your Excellency Ace will come to me, I think you are definitely not a normal human.”

Claudia shook his hands, indicating that he had no ability.

“Should I be happy or melancholy? Is the Claudia meeting a compliment or is it? I think I am human, do I have such a bad impression?”

Arthur asked three questions in a row.

“Oh, I praise your ability from the bottom of my heart. I am also looking forward to your arrival.”

Claudia pointed to his chest and smiled.

“Really, can I put away this fake smile?”

Arthur sighed helplessly, and the eyes became very cold.

“What does Your Excellency Ace say? I am very sincere to receive you. Follow me. It is not convenient to speak here. If someone is mistaken for a date, I will be accused by Rikka’s everyone. … “

Claudia’s smile converged slightly and moved towards the inside of the school.

“Only this one I want to deny.”

Arthur also understood that there were too many people watching here.


After entering the campus of the Star Guide, more people paid attention to Arthur and Shixiang. Arthur ’s lovely appearance was obviously charismatic under the cold expression. Shixiang is even more eye-catching. It can be said that like Elf, the pair The incredible beauty of the pupil, the exquisite appearance, the perfect golden ratio curve, and the innocent and cute look, it looks like Goddess …

“Fight to me, Juris, this time I will let you witness my strength!”

“I won’t fight you, it’s the same many times!”

“Do you look down on me?”

“I have no right to answer your question. Everyone has the right to decide the duel freely. Please give up. I still have important things to do …”


After passing through a passage, the aftermath of a battle rushed over.

Claudia was about to frown. Shixiang then extended the hand. A transparent mask surrounded the three people. The aftermath of the fighting splashed on the mask and was completely defended.



The person who first launched the attack in the quarrel suddenly showed blood marks, and the power rebounded from the mask hurt him. The strength of this rebound strength hurt him, but the Shixiang material kingdom caused automatic rebound to ignore The ability to defend against damage, so no matter how weak the force will also hurt the attacker.

“Damn it! Who you are, actually …”

The injured star guide’s man interested moved the giant tomahawk in his hands and moved over here, looking at Shixiang angrily.

In the next moment, he was frozen by frost before he finished.

“Your Excellency Ace, please show mercy, this is my fault, I will deal with it in person later, but you have to think about it, in the star guide hall in front of me to face the students of my school, you have to bear me Of anger! “

Claudia narrowed her eyes and smiled.

“Just let him stop clamoring, and Shixiang didn’t attack, but her defense had a rebound phenomenon of damage, so we have no intention of attacking, should President Claudia see it?”

Arthur explained that he did not understand whether Claudia was a temptation, but he would not show weakness.

“I know, so I’m not angry Ah … Julis, is that you again? Really, bothering my guests, you guys!”

Claudia stepped forward, making Arthur unable to see her expression, and then looked at the other girl in the battle with a signature smile.

“That’s not my reason! Really … are the two students behind you the Big Dipper? Is it our opponent?”

The girl known as Ulise pinched her waist in one hand and looked at Arthur and Shika.

“It’s my guest, really. I saw that I’m going to date today, so why not ruin it?”

Claudia teased her mouth.

“Who … who is going to ruin your date! And bringing foreign students into the Star Guidance Hall, but this will leak the information of our Star Guidance Hall! As the general representative of the students, lead by example!”

Julis flicked her hair lightly.

“Nobody-live (life is nothingness).


No-beginning, -and-no-ending (no start, no end).

Filled-with-death, -only-destruction-remained (among these overflowing deaths, the only thing left is destruction).

Simply, -everything-withers-and-goes (Just telling the story, the end of Senrow’s 10000 elephant).

There’s-nothing-but-one (the one that exists on the other side) ——

Reality Marble ——

[Drynessgarden (Drynessgarden)]! “

At this moment, a force came over, and everyone fell into a solitary world, as if the river channel was dry, sparsely decayed wood stand in great numbers, and yellow leaves fluttered in the space.

Then, Arthur felt the energy in his body evaporate quickly.



“It’s him……”

“It’s them, they must be foreign students!”

“I took the initiative to challenge …”

“You are welcome, our star guide is not a bully …”

“Too mad!”


Suddenly, the academy of each and everyone star guide hall moved towards Arthur and Shixiang under sorrow.

“Everyone calm down …”

Claudia hurriedly stopped it, but it was no use at all. The panic at the moment made her Student President’s identity ineffective.


Shixiang unfolds Barrier of the Material Kingdom, wraps her and Arthur in it, countless attacks hit Barrier and bounces it out, causing all the people to suffer the injury. Under the pain, the students of the Star Guidance Hall have intensified even more. Having determined that Arthur and Shika are the murderers, they began to prepare for a more powerful attack.

“Reality Marble … It seems that we are plot against, obviously premeditated, although this will definitely happen, but I did not expect to be the opponent who will use Reality Marble. Sure enough, the Ability Users in the golden stage are not ordinary. of……”

Arthur said to himself, there must be the other party in this Reality Marble. Among the people who did not attack on the scene, in addition to the tall and sturdy man challenged by frost and Yulis, there were two of his followers. , And Claudia, Ulysse …

not at all found other people, tall and sturdy man and his 2 followers should be excluded, Claudia can be excluded, and Yulis ’s words should also be excluded, there is only one conclusion-

Caster is also an attacker, or Caster uses capabilities such as concealment …

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