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The Star Guide Academy in Reality Marble is all in danger, and Claudia wants Shixiang to open the Barrier of the Material Kingdom to protect the students, but he is directly rejected by Arthur. After entering the Barrier of the Material Kingdom, Shixiang will In a state that cannot be defended.

“President Claudia, it is possible that other enemies have been mixed into the students in the Star Guide. I cannot let my family take risks. If it is not for you to have absolute credibility, I will not let Shixiang Protect you, as for everyone else, it ’s irrelevant to me to die! “

Arthur suspects that although Claudia has nothing to do with this matter, she definitely has her own selfish calculations. With Claudia’s cleverness, she will probably know that someone is attacking. If it is Levov, then she is watching a drama By the way, the Student President of this star guide has been calm from the beginning to now, as if he knows everything about everything.

“If the students at Star Guide have something wrong, then Your Excellency Ace is also responsible?”

Claudia does have such a little selfishness, but she is more concerned about the school of the star guide at the moment. The situation is beyond her imagination. I did not expect that Lewov actually has such a trump card, which can be felt very clearly. , The connection between her body and 10000 Yingsu is disappearing, and even her star power to launch the Magic Sword combat is exhausted!

Such a powerful technique is difficult to decipher. Where did Di Luke find such talents, is it a member of Kuroneko? Or is it novice talent?

Di Luke is indeed very good at tapping talents.

“Compared with mutual suspicion, it is better to defeat the enemy together … Although I have the ability to open this [Reality Marble], but that is the limited power available in my life (King), I do n’t want to use it because of this small thing. This kind of power, even the Xingwu Festival, is not qualified for me to use, so I can only start from other aspects. “

Arthur’s eyes kept observing around, looking for the enemy.

“What is Reality Marble?”

Julis asked Arthur, and after being smashed his head hard, he probably understood that he was no murderer.

“Reality Marble is a Magic Technique that modernizes the mind image landscape. In short, it is to replace reality with the profound scene of the inner world. Rewrite the reality. The open Imaginary Domain will replace reality with a Small World.”

As Arthur explained, he looked towards Claudia, “Now the Reality Marble we are in should reduce the energy in the space enclosed by the field by a large amount, or even strip away the energy we use.

This is the biggest threat to Magician leading the energy battle.

But the skill that can be used without using energy still exists. This Barrier does not weaken the basic forces such as physical strength. Only the 10000 element that you Rikka understands is related to the Psion we use.

Shixiang’s Barrier is an unconventional force that can be activated without energy, and I also have the ability to perform unconventional operations, and then use the slowest and most stable method.

On-site students, please trouble Claudia to identify you. As Student President, I think you will still know the information of all students, that is, the elimination method … “

“Okay, everyone is lined up, come to me and wait for me to confirm … Your Excellency Ace, the safety of the students in the Star Guide depends on you …”

Claudia roughly understood Arthur’s thoughts.


The star guide students who lost their energy accepted Claudia’s one after another confirmation. As more and more students were screened, the scene became quieter.

“A total of 37 students, all from my school …”

Claudia blinked at Arthur. In fact, she said the wrong number. She said it was wrong. There were 43 people in the school. The number 37 represents the 3th in the third row. Arthur’s secret message, who is that the enemy can’t speak in public. Such words will definitely cause panic, and the enemy will be prepared. Now …

Just bet that the enemy has not confirmed the number of all students!

“Oh, then everyone is ready to enter Shixiang’s Barrier …”

Arthur is of course comprehended Claudia ’s secret guessing, casually speaking, as if to relax his vigilance, but in the next moment, he teleports to the enemy, his arm touches the opponent ’s split second, and directly penetrates the opponent ’s chest … …

“Eh …”

The man who had penetrated his chest looked at Arthur dumbly. He didn’t expect Arthur to attack suddenly.

As the ambush was cleared by Arthur, Reality Marble lifted instantly, and a shadow disappeared in the academy of Star Guide.

It seems that two people started at the same time.

Ten years after the second person was decimated, so the previous person quits decisively, which is really a wise decision.

“It’s so dangerous, Your Excellency Ace can really understand my secret code …”

Claudia couldn’t help but admire his hands together.

“I can’t afford to praise you. You are a woman who fears that there is no chaos in the world. The names in all ten sentences are fake. Those who can hear your truth are so happy!”

Arthur waved his hand, but then smiled. “But that’s interesting. Women who are too rigid don’t mean anything!”

“Ah, you really compliment …”

Claudia covered her mouth and smiled, then looked at the other students. “Everyone will come apart. Thanks to Your Excellency Ace. Otherwise, we are all dead …”

“I’ll ask you to settle the account, the one that hit my head!”

Julius gave Arthur a fierce look, rubbed her head and turned away.

“Ah, that’s really sorry, but for people like you, I usually don’t remember the name.”

Arthur said looking towards the original ground. The Ability Users that had been killed had disappeared. It was not resurrected in the same place. Is it likely to be forced to return? I have the courage to lose a position directly, but this is also a wise move, the strong man broke his wrist.

“I remember you!”

Ulise was so angry that she had to teach this guy a must at the Xingwu Festival.

“I won’t remember you, I’m sorry …”

Arthur said indifferently.

“Ah, I’m not interested in the main temple. Youlisi is a Princess of our country in this World.”

Claudia walked to Arthur’s side and took him onwards. The murderous aura revealed by the split second Arthur made her keenly feel that it was impossible to want to defeat this young boy, because there are probably many people killed by the other party. …

“I have seen more in the public main temple. Although tsundere has some temperament and is also a cute guy, I like the cute girl more.”

Arthur said, his eyes looked towards a certain direction—

“It’s really a keen dark line, your star guide is not a good thing …”

“Huh, is it really noticed? Frankly, that is a member of our star guide’s intelligence agency [the movie star], he will hunt down that person …”

Claudia didn’t expect that Arthur hadn’t even let this go, too sensitive to smell.

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