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After entering the main game, he successfully entered the top 16 and in the quarter-finals, Arthur met his opponent, and at the same time, he made a convenient shot before the battle!

On this day, it happened to be the 7th Festival of Jielong. It was originally not to participate, but Arthur still participated because the disciples invited each other.

Speaking of 7th, Arthur doesn’t seem to have a lover who can really spend this holiday together. Of course, it refers to the world where he is now.

For the 3rd Xingwu Festival, at least three years must be spent, which may be longer than any time he had been in any dimension. Is it unique to the Gold Grade period, or is this time special?

Three years, enough to remember many things and many people.

speaking of which, after falling in love with Yukino … he thought he might not have the determination to fall in love with others?

If you are good, it can be said that his regret is also good regret. He also imagined what the future would be if they had two first loves.

It must be very good, right?

Because when he walked the last Yuan road, she was the first girl of her age to meet her, right?

He did have the idea of ​​shaking, but in the final stage of [Parasyte], which is the abyss period, Yu left one step ahead of time. He did not, why not leave?

Arthur didn’t understand himself. At that time, he didn’t know the burden he was carrying. Why did he move forward?

Longing for good?

It may be one of them.

The kind of free and easy dazzling indeed really dazzled him, want to chase it.

But why can’t she stay together?

At the time, he didn’t say it well, but he had no right to force Yu to die with him.

This separation becomes [distance].

Then by coincidence, Yukino appeared at this time, not the one who made him look forward to like Yu, but because of Hatsune-senpai’s tough rules, he and Yukino’s fate were connected together, and Yukino at that time was really annoying. If it weren’t for that perfect face, it would definitely be a useless pretty girl?

However, Yukino is not the same as Yu, Yu feels that he can’t catch it, but Yukino can touch it, can swear and blame each other, although he is dragged, he really understands in the true sense [Companion] What kind of mood is it.

Yukino was the girl who walked him through the process. At that time, Yukino undoubtedly occupied the original position?

After the excellent counterattack, the counterattack in Seraph world made Arthur feel confused …

Arthur knew that you might have remembered him!

But with Yukino’s embrace, Arthur felt that he was truly in love.

You knew that she did n’t want to interfere with them, so she lied and fooled …

It wasn’t until the appearance of firefly that everything was resolved. Arthur understood one thing, he had been in the heart of Yu.

It’s just one step, one step wrong, but Arthur doesn’t regret, can’t regret it, because Yukino, there is no reason for this kind of love, there will be no first-come, first-come-first-served basis, it is very wonderful, and cannot be explained by any theory.

Arthur agrees to be with You, not because of sympathy, but because he has to take responsibility. He has nostalgia for You, but he cannot pass Yukino, but does You also have the power to love him?

Of course, You can also fall in love with others, but why should You be forced to fall in love with other people? So Arthur thinks that he and You are half of the level. He has no reason to stop You, and he has an important impression of You. She is his starting point, but as long as Yukino exists, she is not the [first], so he is decisive. Let’s be together, even if confused, it is hesitant to be together after being confused.

You also has the age of a young girl, and this time can’t be wasted, so he didn’t give himself the time to understand, accept decisively, and be brave if he is confused.

Zhenbai’s words were completely an accident. In such a cherry blossom village, Arthur imagined himself as a brand-new gesture, and even wrote him and Zhenbai as novels, black and white. The love of Sakura Zhuang world, real white is his only limit, and he is the Arthur of the Sakura Zhuang in True Byakugan, the only Arthur of the real white.

Asuna is completely unreasonable. In the past, so on was unreasonable, because this kind of memory exists.

So Arthur understood.

For Yukino, he is Yukino’s only Arthur.

For You, he is the only Arthur (original) of You.

For True White, he is the only Arthur (Sakura Villa).

For Asuna, he is the only Arthur (Feng Yuchen) of Asuna.

What about now? The three-year period is not short-lived, and repairing the broken heart is destined to go through.

He does n’t know what the future is, so he has to wait. Tomorrow will come quietly regardless of whether you are ready or not. Therefore, no preparation is necessary. Preparation is just a waste of time.

Just welcome.


“Master … this is for you …”

Qiling trot to Arthur’s, holding a talisman in both hands and handing over—

“I … the winning symbol I personally sewed, hope, hope that the Master can win!”

“Really? It was indeed hand-woven, a really good gift, but what if you meet me?”

Arthur caressed Qi-ling’s head. This gift is good.

“Dōng dōng … It’s just to kill you, right, Qiling!”

Sha Ye’s little hand aimed at Arthur like a pistol and fired, the voice was dull and cute.

“Yes … ah yeah … no, no, Master … I don’t mean that …”

Qi Rin nodded, and then suddenly blushed, how could it be?

“Do n’t panic, I wo n’t blame you. If you meet at the Xingwu Festival, fight me seriously. If you do n’t do your best, I will not be happy. You know? I know that I still have the temperament to lose, even if I ca n’t be afraid, I believe you are such a discipline. Well, let ’s go to the rally, I did n’t expect that this festival is still preserved. ”

Arthur greeted Shenxue and Shixiang also up.

“Takoyaki! To eat! To eat!”

Shixiang rushed over with Arthur’s hand arm, yes, Shixiang is here to eat today!

“Disturb, Qiling … Disturb, Shashagong.”

Deep Snow is still so elegant to say hello.

“No, don’t disturb, let’s go … there are fireworks in a while, and some specialties of Rikka, it’s delicious.”

Qiling returns the gift, after all, it is the younger sister of Master.

“I don’t like you … Shiba Miyuki!”

Shasha Gongsha Ye suddenly pointed to Shiba Miyuki and narrowed her eyes—

“Why do people like you have that kind of big brother? It’s unreasonable. It’s not that he’s unreasonable. It’s you.

“Shaye sauce …”

Qi Rin pulled down Xia Ye, looked at Shen Xue apologetically and said, “Shan Ye was not intentional, let’s get together …”

“It’s okay, the Young Lady of Sasa Palace is right. I’m broken. I don’t deserve it. But I will work hard.”

Deep Snow naturally understood what Sae Ye was talking about. Indeed, Arthur felt different from her. After all, she had broken once, but it was done so as not to become fragmented.


Shixiang and Arthur are eating and drinking everywhere. Compared with others, they are just having fun. Originally, Arthur is kind of like how to say, easy going? Coupled with Shixiang’s free and unconstrained, he has become naive, no matter who can have fun with him.

Shenxue, Qiling, and Shaye followed behind, gradually chatting together, Qiling wanted to know about Arthur’s daily life from Shenxue, and Shenxue also wanted to know Arthur’s temperament when teaching Kendo , Sha Ye is to protect her good friend Qi Rin, thinking of various ways to let Qi Rin contact Arthur.

However, the danger was buried deep in this street. A girl with purple long straight hair walked slowly in a long dress like a nun, and the scarlet eyes entered the shadow of Qibang bangs.

Go forward, go forward …

Then I searched for the target. The person she was looking for was the one who could fulfill her wish! ! !


Hands clasped together, the girl looked sad and merciful, then moved towards Arthur’s direction——

Her eyes suddenly turned strangely, and the crimson twist seemed to be born out of nowhere …



Arthur avoided the ten-flavored toast, and then, behind him, suddenly—

The twisted broken body, blood dyed the road with a rose-like pattern, as if it was as beautiful as a blooming rose flower, but this can only be poignant! !

The enemy’s ability is unknown! !

I ca n’t understand the power at all. Arthur realized the upcoming future at Split second only with Seventh Sense. If it is Sixth Sense, it ca n’t be completely defended with Fighting Intuition. After all, this attack is too strange. Too.

Seventh Sense is the origin of the birth of all superpowers, it is [Root], if you watch more and feel more, he will definitely be able to judge the strength of the opponent. The general superpower is completely after he realizes [Wu Ming] After mastering Seventh Sense, it can be recognized, but there is no way to fully recognize it, indicating that the opponent’s ability is exposed to this realm, at least to the extent that it touches the law of life and death! !

A level that can be reached only by understanding life and death.

The same was true in the previous Shaman Race.

This is another opponent, really terrifying. The previous Shaman Race did not understand Seventh Sense, but the natural body born Qi of Life only reached that realm, and the opponents now encountered are obviously using this realm …

“… Master (brother) …”

“Don’t come and back away !!!”

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