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Arthur suddenly added a Senpai Senpai, some not knowing what to do, it is supposed that the same school institution should help each other a little, but one of his current situations is special, as a representative of Big Dipper, and 2 is Asakusa Fujino The request is too much.

Not too much for him, but too much for her, too much for herself.

indifferent expression, the blood contaminated by Asano Asuka’s hands can never be cleaned, even if she wants to wash it, but it is too easy to seek death and release, her sin is indeed damn long ago, However, there is no such thing as a law in the dimensional organ, and there is no in the realm of the dimensional world!

She survived, which means that she is correct. Although it is ridiculous or twisted, is this not a symbol of the collapse of the dimension?

Trapped in the planet that is about to be destroyed, they have long understood that the space of this world may be destroyed at any time. Only when the true king is born and the order of the universe is rebuilt will this kind of fate be changed.

Therefore, everything in this experience is as if dreams and visions in a bubble, although it is real, but it is also illusory. Before everything is perfect, it is all illusory!

What’s more, Asakusa Fujino is no longer able to solve the problem with death, and the twisted realm line she suffered has been able to stagnate.

“Shallow Senpai, forgive me, because your only friend wants you to live, you are a murderous ghost, a twisted demon, but she expects you before she dies And smile, I just hope you can make a change, and use her fragile life to make you understand that this World is actually warm.

You see your heart is still beating, your body is still exuding warmth, your memory still retains that warmth, if you are a monster with nothing, I can kill you easily.

If I have Senpai, then I will naturally bear this sin. You also told me about your friend, saying that I and her are very serious, and then let me kill you. Is n’t this intentionally to distort me? ?

Senpai, your friend must live in your heart, I think it must be like this, she supports you to live to the present, if you give up so she will definitely be painful, but she is looking forward to your transformation, isn’t it? “

Arthur pursed his lips.

“What if I kill your companions?”

Asano Fujino’s red pupil shines undulatingly.

“You won’t, you won’t, because I’m not like her? Even if you distort yourself, if you want to commit suicide, you don’t want me similar to her to suffer? You have no reason to shoot me it is this!”

Arthur shook his head.

“You … specifically speaking, is it forcing me, I can’t control myself, if I think they can die in the next moment !!! My Mystic Eyes are all penetrating!”

Asano Fujino’s body trembled, twitching as if he was taking medicine.

“Will you? No way? I’m just forcing you. Do you want to do this? I believe you, even if people all over the world reject you, I will believe you, Senpai!

Because you said, you have a friend like me, then I have to believe you even for her, she can trust you, why can’t I!

Senpai, save me! “

Arthur stood up, facing the moonlight, moved towards Asano Asano extending his right hand.

“No … no, I can’t, I’m sick, I … you see my killing intent, you see my soul is broken! I … is a monster that should disappear, Arthur- San, you help me, send me to death, and wipe my soul together, please, I do n’t want to become a pure ghost, I do n’t want to become a demon, I do n’t want to kill again …

I don’t want her to regret, I don’t want her to bear the sin for me, I can’t let my only friend down!

I want to be free! ! “

Asano Fujino cried with his hands covering the face of cold sweat.

“Senpai, there is no crime, and even in this world, even angels will make mistakes. I am also stained with blood, and I once killed strangers for Quest, and even without any images, I went to Now also stepping on the mire of blood!

Don’t torture yourself anymore. I know you must be kind. It’s because of kindness that you force yourself to be like this. What’s wrong is the world. It’s a dimensional institution, not you, definitely not you.

She is dead, but she lives in your heart, you have to live with her share forever!

I believe in you, I must believe in you, I do n’t want to kill Senpai! “

Arthur’s face was smiling.

“… You go! You go, you go, you go! I’ve chosen the wrong person, I will find another suitable person … you go !!! Get out !!!”

Asakusa Fujino bit her lip harder and harder, and the blood flowed to the ground. She … she also wanted to hold Arthur’s hand to meet the warm rays of light, but she couldn’t bring evil to him, he was Pure, cannot be polluted by her! ! !

“If I leave, Senpai, you will be completely in darkness, just treat me as a fool!”

Arthur lowered his body, holding Asagami Fujino’s hand in his palm—

“I blame you for saying so much to me, I know, Senpai is also looking forward to something that can hold you and pull you out …”

“No way … Arthur, it’s really no way !!”

Asano Fujino closed her eyes, her body shaking reached its limit, and she suddenly pushed Arthur away!

“What’s wrong with you? Senpai?”

Arthur frowned, what was the situation.

“I took medicine to make myself [normal] …”

Asakusa Fujino twitched.

“What medicine?”

Arthur is preparing for resistance treatment of Asakusa Fujino.

“The hallucinogen that wipes out feelings, go away, I will … will kill you …”

A box of pills fell out of Asano Fujino’s pocket, not a normal medicine, but a toxic …

How could she have this thing?

“Senpai, how long have you been eating?”

Arthur felt that things were not that simple.

“One … for some time, there are Ability Users who make this medicine … can calm down after eating it, instead of being emotionally cold, killing will occupy the whole spirit …”

Asano Fujino grasped the ground with his fingers and tried to restrain himself.

“There is a problem with this medicine, you are definitely chronically poisoned …”

Arthur picked up the medicine and began to analyze it—

“Although I am not very good at it, I can feel that it is harmful to the soul. Senpai Your twisted will should be the reason …

I probably understand that you were able to control the killing in the first place, but you thought it was the result of your madness, which is not really just normal killing emotions, but this medicine makes you more pure, Go on, you will be arrogant …

When I go back and ask the source of Fea this thing, now you stop taking it … “

“No … no … can’t stop … I tried it, no. I have to take 2 capsules a day, otherwise it will be abnormal and my mind will be confused …”

Asakusa Fujino wanted to take it back from Arthur’s hand.

“You are arrogant, you are paralyzing yourself, you know? Although eating this poison can forget the emotional pain, it will only make you more distorted.

I can’t let you go on! “

Arthur collected the medicine.

“give me back!!!”

Asakusa Fujino suddenly pinched Arthur’s neck, his eyes were madly changing crimson colors.

“You will kill me only if you take medicine! You can’t let you eat, you won’t kill me, try to restrain yourself, quit it, I will help you treat the toxins on the soul! ~!”

How could Arthur give her.

“Don’t force me … Or you kill me, I can’t do it, can’t go on like this …”

The blood from the corner of Asano Asano spilled on Arthur’s face.

“You clearly know why to escape? Why take poison?”

Arthur knew that Asakusa Fujino could still bear it.

“I killed her, and I’m about to collapse … I’m waiting for you to grow. Although you are growing fast, the year is still very long for me. I have to take this thing …

But until now you do n’t kill me, but I put all my hopes on you, you do n’t kill me, I just go on like this …

I have also tried to quit it, but drug addiction comes up, it will be more crazy than taking medicine, continue, I will lose my mind and kill you …

I don’t want to kill you, you leave, the medicine stays. “

Asano Fujino felt that her body was getting colder and colder, which wouldn’t work, so she would really have to face Arthur …

“I still have the ability to resurrect, no problem, even if I kill you, I will stop you from taking medicine !!!”

Arthur won’t give up.

“You … was she sent to curse me?”

Asakusa Fujino bit her own arm, blood spilled …

“You have to work hard, Senpai, as long as this night passes, there will be no problem. Tomorrow I will treat you, endure this night, think about something happy …”

Arthur sat up and took off his clothes to cover Asakusa Fujino’s body.

“Nothing happy … Unexpectedly, it’s about to blur …”

Asuka Fujino’s entire arm had been bitten and the blood flowed more than once.

“Then I will tell you about my experience, don’t you tell me about your experience? I am similar to her, you must have the mood to listen to my story … Don’t bite your arm, you will die , Bite me … “

Arthur put his arm to Asakusa Fujino’s mouth.


Asakusa Fujino grabbed Arthur’s hand and bit it up. She really wanted to hear Arthur’s story, his story similar to hers.

“His … then let me talk about the beginning …”

Arthur took a breath and really bite it unkindly, but he could still bear it …


Asano Fujino biting Arthur’s hand with blood and tears, she was so painful …

[I ’m here today, I ’ll make up a chapter tomorrow morning and go to bed first]

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