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Arthur and 7 Kusama really did not have the pleasure before a time, not because of Watanabe Mori, but because of the 5 rounds of marriage with 7 Kusana, the marriage object is 7 Kusama really beautiful.

The quiet atmosphere has absolutely no pressure for Shixiang, just eat and sleep!

But Arthur was very stressed, speaking of which he did n’t seem to be qualified to be angry. After all, he had to combine with others before, and it was him who changed his mind. Although 7 grass was really beautiful, he also hesitated, but did she also mean hesitant ?

“I’m sorry, so beautiful …”

“Well, it’s nothing, and you have to care more about deep snow, you are not all …”

Mayumi said that there was a sudden pause, and it seemed that she should not mention this matter.

“But me…”

Arthur wanted to explain.

“No, deep snow needs you more.”

Mayumi shook her head slightly, thinking that this topic would end.

“No, I have to say, if I did n’t return to 4 Ye Family that time, then now you and I may … I think it is possible because you are the type I like, deep snow, and more younger sister, impossible is the kind, even if done?

Deep snow, I really don’t have that kind of feeling, it’s just the kind of siblings. If you agreed happily at that time, we should have done it now! “

Arthur stood up. There will be 3 years in this World, maybe the same as the world of Sakura Zhuang, so long enough time for him to try a certain emotion.

“No, where do you put the deep snow?”

Jin Yumei is still a little gentle.

“So where do you put you? When Shen Xue and I were doing it, she and I were always looking for a reason. Every time she had to give me a reason to start, otherwise, there is no way to invest. Do you know why? It is because there is no such feeling.

Sure, I did it, but I am not someone who thinks like you. Can you say that you have that emotion?

Shenxue and I are just communicating with siblings! “

Arthur felt a little irrational.

“Can siblings communicate to do that kind of thing?”

Mayumi asked, she was a little excited, but, of course, if it is based on the premise of developing with Arthur, then of course she should care!

“Yes, yes, as long as both parties don’t hate it! That’s how I understand it. Yes, my thinking is a little strange, but, I think that kind of thing is not built on physical dependence. If you do, you can develop. Then Rikka’s Happy Street …

Okay, Shenxue and I are not at all comparable to Happy Street. Shenxue is trying to get my recognition. She also wants to have a line of happiness that can be seized. I also want this heart to be a little warm. There is a younger sister, yes For me, there is more warmth in the house, and that kind of thing is natural …

However, no matter how, the relationship can not be established, deep snow can only be a younger sister!

You are different, I think so, of course why I definitely ca n’t think of a reason for a while, but the first thing I want to say is that when I appeared in Big Dipper, you were the only one who trusted me in that situation People, of course, this reason is not sufficient, I can’t describe it.

But I understand that you can make me like girls, and your temperament is fascinated by me.

Of course, it ’s not enough to say that I like it now, because it requires a long-lasting experience. I really do n’t have the qualifications, because I am more determined, we do n’t have to be so intense now, but I was hurt at that time, and I could n’t understand myself. , Although I benefited from Shen Xue ’s siblings subsidies and became aware, I thank her, but I understand better that I actually treat you … “

Arthur didn’t want to regret this 3 years. Some things must be said early.

“So what do you want? Hold your arms right? Do you still think I should be as open-minded or weird as you? I’m not as sincere as you. I just think you have talents to be outstanding, and I appreciate you. I am tempted enough, but do I have to like you? “

Yumi lied, this time is enough for her to see Arthur, gentle, strong and cute, and it may be interesting every second with him, but is she doing so is equivalent to pushing out the deep snow, if it does not happen, it ’s better to say , Deep Snow gave the girl’s youthfulness, can she still be merciless?

“You mean nothing to me … that kind of thing, right? Can I understand it this way?”

Arthur suddenly froze.

“Yes, isn’t there no one but you, and there are many good boys, can’t I like you because you are the best

You think what I think is very good, I am not as perfect as you think, I am also very ordinary, sorry, let you down, I did not give you the kind of romantic experience you imagined.

Do you want to move me, then say I accept you, and then we hug and kiss? Feelings finally combined?

Do you think there will be such a movie bridge? “

Mayumi said that his face became paler.

“Very well, I understand. It seems that I am troubled by President 7 Grass. Sorry, I ’m so excited. I feel a little self-conscious. I thought it would be … I assure you that it wo n’t happen in the future , I think our relationship is not bad, it seems that I think too much, until now it seems too impolite to call your name directly,

Please 7 President Cao will call me Ace later.

Shixiang, let’s go and go back to Big Dipper to sleep, this is not our home. “

Arthur was a little excited, no, very excited, and clearly wanted a warm summer vacation.


Mayumi opened her mouth and tried to keep it, but found no sound.


Walking out of the ward, he met Claudia who came to visit on the corridor. Without greeting, Arthur and Shixiang left.


“Is this good?”

Claudia looked really beautiful.

“Have you heard? Let you laugh, but how did you get here?”

Jinmi couldn’t help but blush.

“I said it was your friend and let it go, and I’ve been here once, but there are some people watching it, not to say me, to talk about you, really, Arthur-chan will obviously confess to you What made him painful, reap what you have sown, even if he refused, it would be more polite. “

Claudia felt that Yumi was too gentle.

“That’s fine, and I don’t have anything outstanding. Deep Snow’s Magic can be no lower than me, even better.”

Zhen Yumei’s voice was a bit reluctant.

“If you are so weak, you won’t be able to convince yourself. Look, tears are about to fall. Actually, Arthur is right. What happened? The feelings can’t be replaced without doing it.

And he has a good impression on you, and has not reached the level of love. You immediately cut off the flames. It is too much to give others this right on your side. It is too much for yourself.

Forget it, I won’t say it, I support you. “

Claudia only one good friend in Big Dipper, but …

“That’s it, just a moment, Claudia …”

Mayumi leaned on Claudia’s shoulder.

“Okay, but I remind you, when a boy encounters a girl in such a sad state, a little comfort may cause a subtle relationship, maybe …”

Claudia said jokingly.


Arthur returned to Big Dipper, but there were no ingredients in the dormitory, so he had to go to Rikka with Shika.

As a result, it happened to meet Silvia.

“Yo, Master, are you in a bad mood?”

Silvia’s sneak attack Arthur’s back, actually succeeded, under normal circumstances should be impossible, but the result did not expect …

“You are a big singer, too?”

Arthur was a little surprised.

“What’s wrong with Song Ji, Song Ji is also a human. Last time I ate your Man Han Banquet, I suddenly wanted to try a few dishes. Your Big Dipper is not a holiday? Why did you suddenly go back to school?”

Silvia had some doubts.

“This one……”

Arthur was a little sad.

“Tsk tsk, just look at you as a stupid bird, go, don’t buy food, take you to play, this time should sing a song.”

Silvia’s slender fingers pressed her face, and then pulled Arthur out of the supermarket.


Arthur is not knowing what to do.


Arthur was taken by Silvia to a singing room and asked for fast food by the way.

“This is a practice song room I used to use, is it good?”

Silvia twirled gracefully with her arms stretched, moving like Elf.

“Well, what did you pull me here to make you spend a lot of money?”

Arthur looked at Silvia’s elegant posture and couldn’t help but put his head down, Shixiang has already eaten, well, Shixiang is so satisfied at all times, if he has Shixiang’s IQ, how good is it Low IQ)!

“I haven’t seen you too much. Come, roar. 2 throat, do you have a singer friend? Sing some of her songs, let me listen. Singing is the best way to relax.”

Silvia pushed Arthur to the microphone.

“Okay, then ugly, but I sang one of her, don’t laugh Ah … The name is” Leekspin “…”

Arthur simply vented—

“Arattsuatsuararibirabirin …”


“Haha …… hehe …… hū hū …… Haha ……”

Silvia immediately laughed out of the abdomen, and lay directly on the ground and started to roll. Oh, no, it was super cute. Arthur sang too cute …

“How can you do this, not allowed to laugh, and laugh …”

Arthur blushed suddenly.

“Okay … Haha … I don’t laugh … pu … It’s a divine song … pu …”

Silvia put one hand on Arthur’s shoulder and the other hand hammered on his chest. It was so funny. Arthur was so cute, and wanted to take Arthur who can sing Leekspin home! !

“You guys, you come and sing together!”

Arthur dragged Silvia to ask her to sing with him.

“Okay, the little daughter went crazy with Arthur’s cute boy today …”

Silvia’s weird nodded,

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