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The Big Dipper Modern Magic Academy is about to face the problem of reorganization because of the dramatic changes in its local world.

The predecessor of Big Dipper was the first university affiliated to the island country ’s National Magic University. At the moment, the island country has fallen. Although the core strength of the ten divisions is still alive, it is difficult to cover the water. It is already an arrow at the end of its flight.

Originally, Arthur didn’t care about this kind of thing, but 4 Ye Family’s use of his injury, 7 grass’s suspicion of him, and the monitoring of him by the entire ten divisions and even the Magic Association made him have to fight back.

So he started planning very early. He came to Jielong to see Fan Xinglu is not just an ordinary visit, but also through the hand of Jielong, to transport certain powers to the Chinese field of Big Dipper.

After getting familiar with the deployment of Big Dipper for nearly a year, and then sitting on the Student President of Big Dipper Academy, he was formally managed by him. Why did Rikka’s forces easily pass through the defense network of Big Dipper before entering The Student Council room can be sent to the mainland, of course, it is Arthur’s arrangement!

This is a plan to drive the tiger away from the wolf, it should not be said that killing two birds with one stone, or 3 in one fell swoop.

Arthur only asked the Fan Xinglu alliance, that is, the Rikka force who entered the Big Dipper local world. Only Fan Xinglu’s Jielong troops can survive, and the secret troops of the other 5 schools will be unable to return after completing their Quest …

This action can weaken the power of the ten divisions, making it impossible to supervise or use Arthur;

2 In the future, it was able to wipe out some of the elite of the Rikka intelligence agency and make it a heavy blow;

3 Come, stabilize Arthur’s status in one fell swoop and thoroughly master the entire Big Dipper Academy.

Of course, this matter was only achieved by Arthur alone. Assistant has Shiba Miyuki and Angelina, or USNASky Wolf Star Lieutenant Commander. Although Angelina has some blood relationship with the 9 island family, it belongs to USNA. Yes, the joint operation between China and USNA is based on his secret agreement with Angelina.

Shiba Miyuki wanted to take revenge on 4 leaves, after all, she was given that kind of memory.

Everything is destined.

The help of the ten-character gram is simply a struggle.

“Arthur, although there are many things wrong with the ten divisions, can’t you help?”

7 Kusama Yumi was a little shocked. She did n’t expect that a cute teenager like Arthur would have such a wise side. No, she had long been understood. Arthur has more than just cuteness. He also has more excellent and emotionally excluded Things, he has the ultimate wisdom on formal matters.

“Really beautiful, I did n’t let you get involved in my things, the reason is that you understand, feelings are not connected to this kind of war, I do n’t want to destroy our feelings, so I do n’t think you should use feelings as chips to force me to do something Reluctant things, 4 Ye Family did this to me, so I hope you do n’t do the same. Girls like you do n’t understand what a so-called war is?

I have experienced more than any of you. I have been tolerant until now, and the reason for planning is not for hands-on, I just do n’t want to destroy all this. “

Arthur only didn’t want to meet Jin Yumei like this.

“My country is about to fall, so do you let me be just your woman? The businesswomen don’t know the hatred of the country and sing the flowers in the backyard across the river.

Why do you make me feel bad? “

Mayumi cannot blame Arthur’s behavior, but she is entangled in feelings and the country and the ten divisions. She is simply a powerless girl. Her excellence and power are very weak at this moment.

“China and USNA will not harm ordinary people. After dividing the territory, the ten divisions can still exist, but the nationality will change, and the national characteristics can be retained. There have been examples of one country, two systems. I think this is already I can fight to the maximum extent.

After all, I am only a provider of Magic technique. I cannot personally direct China or even USNA.

Really beautiful, I will not blaspheme emotionally, but as a man, I also have the will I have to practice, my tenderness is not weak, I have thought of facing this situation, but you have the right to do anything Choice, and, I think the group of ten divisions are not as firm as you. If you do n’t believe it, they will soon surrender to me and ask for asylum. “

Arthur felt that feelings were feelings, and war was war, without any connection.

“I want to be alone.”

Mayumi knows that she is impossible to change and so on, maintaining the ten divisions is bound to hurt Arthur, but loyal to Arthur, then …

“Well, so far I am very happy to meet you, my heart has gradually healed when I meet you, no matter what kind of decision I will not complain, today if I compromise with our feelings, then this feeling is too cheap Fragile. “

Arthur didn’t send it, maybe he has a gap with Shin Yumi from now on, but it doesn’t mean that the relationship between them is false.


Sure enough, as Arthur expected, the ten divisions surrendered to the Arthur forces and agreed to accept his protection, and in this brief moment, Arthur also launched a beheading of the Rikka intelligence forces, leaving them in the Big Dipper home is not a good thing .

Only the forces of Jielong returned safely.

Claudia, Silvia, and Enesda all asked the intelligence personnel in their school. Arthur still refused to respond indifferently. The reason was simple, because they did n’t all tell him anything and let the intelligence agencies enter. Big Dipper locals, although everyone ’s intention is to use each other, but as long as there is no verbal agreement at this time, they can take the initiative.

Arthur refused to return the relevant intelligence personnel on the ground of ignorance, because there was no way to return it, and he was all dead! !

In this battle, the name of Arthur is known to all forces of the two worlds, and his intellect can be described as planning strategies, winning a thousand li, without having to do it yourself, just using various strategies to reinvent the ten divisions and Rikka at the same time, At the same time, Big Dipper is in his own hands.

The teenager who is gentle like jade in everyone’s mind, it seems that the teenager who is harmless to humans and animals, a teenager who seems to be totally unconcerned, makes all impressions change.

There is no equal sign between gentleness and weakness.

The twelfth lunar month after all events have subsided.

7 Mount Star Conference.

“Haha, why don’t you talk? It’s really interesting. Arthur Little Brat played a lot of talent this time. Fortunately, I have had tea before, otherwise my dragon has nine sons. The 7th house [睚眦] will be completely It’s finished! “

Fan Xinglu looked at each and everyone’s somber face, only she and Arthur smiled like spring breezes.

“Princess, you didn’t communicate with us!”

Yanist did not expect that Fan Xinglu actually concealed them, but they are the same world forces.

“Well, well, I thought Little Arthur would communicate with Claudia or Silvia too. It seems that he is more intelligent than I thought. He did n’t tell anyone. You guys came to the end, but he took advantage of it Ah, little Arthur opened the cage, and your intelligence personnel got into it one by one. If you say hello to the Master and dare to let the dog bite, do you think Little Arthur is too stupid to be hopeless, or think you are too clever? “

Fan Xinglu was not ashamed. This time, only Jielong had preserved his full strength. Therefore, he gained a lot of benefits from the shares of the other five academies.

“I misunderstood you, Arthur-chan!”

Silvia hummed.

“Ah, Silvia has also used me to hold many concerts in the country, and collected a lot of information at the same time, isn’t it? Each other, feelings are feelings, struggle is struggle.”

Arthur stroked his chin easily.

“Your appearance deceived everyone, and I am no exception. I admit that I lost your hands completely this time!”

Claudia sighed, Arthur was so good, he had only thought that he was shining on the rules of being human, and he did not expect to be so powerful in war strategy.

“I have done work like a king, commanded world-level wars, and age and appearance do not represent anything. When I am a fool, you are the real fools.”

Arthur does have a lot of experience. In the world of magic bullets, he did command large and small battles, and finally settled the world. In Seraph world, he also fought as a king.

He is not in vain.

Otherwise, why did Hatsene Senpai let him be Vice-President?

It depends on strength and ability.

Having gone through so many worlds, and all with the clear level level clear, he is not relying on such unlucky things as luck.

Indeed, his appearance is easy to deceive people, but cute, blame him?

“Convinced by mouth, your method is really powerful, killing that many intelligence personnel, even without blinking your eyes.”

Di Luke is also if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, he has not reached the level of swollen face, although he is a fatt.

“Thanks for the compliment, the king of spicy, hey, do you need to blink when you kill? Really sorry, I did n’t feel any special feeling when I first killed, no, it seems that the first kill was rare beast. The kind of rare beast that devours the human brain, ah, really terrifying. “

Arthur indifferent expression, to say murderous aura, and to release Blood Sea, no one seems to be able to beat him?

“Is there such a rare beast? A really good experience. It seems that we have too little information on your situation. It seems that you have killed many people?”

Fan Xinglu couldn’t help squinting.

“The number is calculated by numbers, and it is unclear, but I only kill the people who should be killed. For my friends, I am a cute and gentle boy, so I hope you will work hard to be friends with me …

cracking a joke It’s just the new year, I wish you all a happy new year in advance. “

Arthur said softly.

“It feels weird to kill you like you, but I don’t want to be an enemy.”

Claudia did not seem to know Arthur enough. If it was a real enemy, I am afraid she would have died long ago. Recall that the earliest when Arthur killed her under the AleiMaster demo was calm.

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