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While destroying the Demoness Item, Arthur moved towards the destination while moving towards the destination.

The locations of the demoness organs are at–

School district 3 in the north, Twelfth school district in the east, school district 21 in the west, 11th school district in the southeast, and school district 2 in Southwest.

The 3rd school district is mainly used to receive foreign guests; the Twelfth school district is a school district with multi-national culture collection; the 21st school district is a nature reserve, responsible for supplying water to the entire ACAD emy City, and has the largest zoology and botanical garden; the 11th school district is ACAD In emy City’s storage area, foreign materials will be centrally distributed to various areas of ACAD emy City; the second school district is the heavy industry area, and it is also the most complicated area. Most of the management system is built here.

And Arthur’s purpose is precisely the second school district, which is arguably the most dangerous here.

Demoness filial piety must have considered that ordinary person cannot investigate here randomly, after all, what is investigated here, a little mistake will be caught as a spy, etc., and there are many law enforcement officers here, which alarmed any agency and wanted to live It is difficult to go out heavenly ascension.

So the dangerous things are in this second school district. Although the security of the second school district on the surface is the best in ACAD emy City, it is actually just a superficial phenomenon. Most of the invisible things originate here. , Is a hotbed of evil in ACAD emy City.

As a result, the probability of the tablets produced here is very large.

Ugly exists at any moment in history!

In addition to moving towards the destination, Arthur’s Magic girl performance successfully attracted the attention of Magic girl Guild. In addition to Arthur’s “charm” as a Magic girl, there is another reason that Arthur went to the second school district.

Magic girl Guild is not a gathering place for a group of acting cute Magic girls, they vaguely feel that something will happen.

In addition to them, some smart people understand Arthur’s behavior.

After all, School District 6’s Demoness Item should be the most, and Arthur went to the second school district with the least Demoness Item, which is not correct from Quest’s goal.

But no one can stop Arthur’s purpose, because those who are chasing [Arthur] have already consumed it in the 2nd school district. As a result, those who want to temporarily hide what is fundamentally impossible, so many audiences want to evacuate it .

In the process of eliminating the Demoness Item, Arthur “accidentally” destroyed an energy plant, and then destroyed the underground pipeline in this plant, revealing a swastika-sealed central authority. In this split second, from the plant The staff who flew out of several golden stages moved towards Arthur and were assassinated.

“Magic Girl’s Demon Arrow !!”

This Certain Kill Skill was used by Arthur at this time, and the invincible penetration of the hero ’s stunt was also added.

The dark umbrella in his hand was collected and turned into an arrow and shot onto the organ!

“bang! !!”

A purple of rays of light rushed into the sky.

Employees in several golden stages happened to be attacking in Arthur’s body, but it was also in the golden stage. It was simply impossible to kill Arthur. Arthur used the phantom mode Teleportation to dodge.





Then, it seemed that several people in Lumuyuan also achieved their goals, and 4 ray of light pillars ascended to the sky dome. 5 rays of light formed a Pentagram formation, and then a terrible pressure descended towards ACAD emy City. A broken kingdom of space appeared.

A large amount of corpses piled up inside, and a force of silence moved towards ACAD emy City.

“There is nothing wrong with the breath of Demoness. It ’s our turn to play Naiye Sauce and Fate Sauce. Let ’s remove Demoness from this World today!”

Kinomoto Sakura looked at Takamachi Nanae and Pite.

“Sakura Senpai, at this level, I can do it alone, and don’t I have that many Magic girls? Let them eliminate the real Demoness Item together!”

Nao Takamachi moved towards the sky and flew away.

“Well, it ’s Magic Girl ’s project now, so I ’ll give them the power to defeat Demoness!”

Kinomoto Sakura suddenly fought, and then a Pentagram Magic Staff appeared in his hand, gently waving into the air, and then each and everyone ’s glowing card moved towards all Magic girls.


For a time, Arthur felt that an extremely powerful force entered within the body. All of these forces are the ultimate in the strength of the domain. It was precisely because he had touched him that he understood the power of this force. Is the power of Ability Users at the peak of the rainbow stage?

And the point is, how much power is required to bless this power on all Magic girls?

Unimaginable, so powerful as to be unable to look up, that is the abyss that he absolutely cannot touch now.

Several golden stages of Ability Users’ unwillingly moved towards Arthur attacks, probably by the men trained by Andromali, who can not stop at this time, no doubt care about life and death.

“Getsuga Tenshō!”

Arthur brought the dark umbrella into his hands, moved towards several people and slashed past. Then, a magnificent force directly evaporated the members of several golden stages! ! !


Under normal circumstances, Arthur’s blow at most caused Ability Users at the same stage to be injured by some flesh, and now, under the blessing of Kinomoto Sakura Magic card, they actually kill them in seconds! !

What degree is this! !

Not in a field at all.

This is not Kinomoto Sakura’s own shot, but a state of blessing. This is the only way to achieve this level. How powerful is the real rainbow stage power?

Arthur understands that even Kinomoto Sakura’s power is not enough to complete the establishment of the cosmic order, so what he wants to achieve is a higher field.

He is better, able to think calmly, and some Magic girls have been lost in the vortex of power.

However, there is a difference. The deeper you can understand these Magic cards, the stronger they will be. Only Arthur and Lumuyuan can play the magic card to the limit.

Because they have been in contact with the field of power, they can play the bonus of Magic cards to the limit field.

Well, then, as the Magic Girl really eliminates Demoness, Arthur knows that Kinomoto Sakura is doing this to protect them, because their actions damage the interests of some people, so they are likely to be angry at this time. Some people killed, so she helped out …

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