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Kiriga 7’s attacks were blocked by Arthur’s Suzuno, and the oppression of the dark bones made the ordinary Kiriga Ninja’s body unable to move.

Arthur simply released the Blood Sea murderous aura. The spread of the murderous aura caused Kiriga Shinobis to retreat one after another. Even the Kiriga 7 people were sweating foreheads. Such a strong murderous aura felt for the first time how much they were going to kill. What can talent have?

And this dark skull is huge like Bijuu, Jinchuuriki? No, certainly not, so what?

It ’s normal for Kiriga Ninja to have never seen Suzengenghu. Even if Konoha ’s Ninja could see it, not many people. Before Arthur, Suzengenghu was used in Uchiha Clan of Konohagakure. That ’s probably Uchiha Madara. The legendary Ninja of the spot is beyond the reach of the current Ninja.

Arthur manipulated the skeleton’s arm, and a wave of his arm flew the Kiriga 7 crowd gathered around him, and then—

“Fire Release * Hao Huo Shi Ya !!”

A surprisingly quick high-temperature flame spewed out of Arthur’s mouth, penetrating Kiriga 7 people, and when it hit 7 people, the flame burst to the surroundings again.


At this time, Hyuuga Hiashi escaped from Kirigakure with a corpse, and at the same time fired a flare signal to tell Arthur that he had completed the Quest.

Arthur who received this message no longer delayed, but left in the opposite direction of Hyuuga Hiashi!

Kiriga Shinobis paused for a while before reacting, moved towards Arthur’s direction, but it was too late at the moment.


After escape, Arthur switched from Uchiha Fugaku to Katou Dan’s state. Although his appearance did not change, those Kiriga’s people stood in front of him and could not recognize him as Uchiha Fugaku.

After collecting Konoha’s foreheads and other objects, Arthur moved to the location in the intelligence, the ruins of the tribe of the Ministry of Objects, in a village in the east of Land of Water.

Arthur entered the village in the name of a merchant and sold some fabrics, which was set before.

It is very popular for merchants to enter the village. After all, there are few businessmen from this place.

The problem is that Kiriga’s Ninja is actually in this village! !

The person is the young girl who met Kekrei Genkai Ninjutsu before in Kiriga.

“Who you are! Why are you here?”

The girl took it out and pointed it at Arthur’s throat.

“I’m just an ordinary businessman. I originally wanted to go to Kirigakure, but suddenly I avoided a war disaster …”

Arthur said with a bitter smile, really enemies on a narrow road. Fortunately, I changed my identity. Otherwise, the identity will definitely be exposed. Who knows that this place actually has Kiriga Ninja, is it a coincidence?

“What did you say? Hurry up and tell me what happened in the village. Impossible someone will come to sneak attack again?”

The girl was in a hurry, grabbing Arthur’s collar, and sharp bitterness hit his face.

“Don’t kill me … I told you not? I just saw that there was a fire in the village entrance of Kirigakure, and there was a big guy like Shinigami fighting Kiriga Ninja. I was scared to change my way, I worked hard to sell cloth to Kirigakure, and now I can only go to this remote place.

Arthur described it genuinely.

“Damn it, Konohagakure! Hmph!”

The girl shoved Arthur to the ground with a push, and then each minding their own business got bored.

“Ninja-sama, what about the evil in our village? Can you go back to Ah now …”

The Village Chief of the village looked at the girl with one’s heart set on speeding home and asked immediately.

“Great Grandpa, don’t worry, I won’t go now. Rest assured, you must deal with the disasters that caused you. Then go … Hey, you guys, help me get some items up the mountain.”

The girl propped up the Village Chief, then stretched out her feet towards Arthur’s butt and kicked.

“You spicy guy, why should I help you, I still want to sell cloth …”

Arthur really wanted to beat this little loli, especially meow, it was so rampant. I knew fiercely’s lesson before, but I can’t reveal my identity now, so that Kiriga’s people know that they are small. By the way, the secret of Wuzhen Zhenshi can never be revealed.

“With so many cloths, you have driven so far, and you have the strength to argue with me. Seeing that your physical strength is good, I see that the mountain behind is not there. I am going to wipe out the wild beast in the village that is a disaster. Follow me with some food and water on your back. “

The girl pointed to the huge mountain back of the village.

“If you don’t go, if you don’t have money, why should I help? My wife didn’t marry. It’s not good to lose a little life, but a businessman is not profitable.

Arthur turned his body around, but he had no interest in cleaning up the wild beast with the girl. He wanted to hear the news of Zhenshi from the Ministry of Property as soon as possible. It was the way for him to get intelligence by communicating with the villagers by selling cloth.

“Ninja-sama, I think let the strength in the village accompany you. This youngster doesn’t need to be in danger for us. It’s not easy for people to sell things.”

Village Chief kindly persuaded.

“No, the wild beast is too dangerous for the villagers to let the innocent people get hurt again. In this way, you can sell the cloth to the Village Chief grandfather, so that he can help me get things.”

The girl snatched the cloth from Arthur’s back and put it in front of Village Chief.

“Hello, you don’t make any sense. That wild beast is dangerous for the villagers. Isn’t it dangerous for me? I’m not you Ninja.”

Arthur couldn’t stand this sloppy girl.

“It’s okay, I will protect you!”

The girl said confidently.

“Who believes your gibberish, I will not go, I will not go!”

Arthur really doesn’t know where this guy’s confidence comes from. Isn’t that the Ninja of Kekkei Genkai?

“Hey, back, we are gone …”

The girl didn’t allow Arthur to argue, stuffed it into Arthur’s arms, and dragged him towards the mountain.


Arthur sighed, blessings never come in pairs, misfortunes never come alone.


After stepping on the mountain peak, Arthur didn’t regret it. This mountain is called [Mountain of the Ministry of Objects]. It is said that the ancestors of the village of Wube Village received a treasure from the gods on this mountain. The ancestors of the Ministry drove the wild beast to establish the earliest Wubu tribe, and even established the kingdom of Wubu in ancient times, but it declined in a certain era, and only the descendant of Wubu Village guarded Holy Mountain.

The Kiriga girl who walked in front of Arthur named “Zhao Mei Ming” came from Ninja Quest who expelled wild beast.

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