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Arthur was very noisy. He used Suzuno to drive away the Xiao organization in the designated area of ​​Hanzou of the Salamander. In fact, not at all killed a member of the Xiao organization. The Root members also only expelled Xiao from the command of Arthur’s. Members of the organization.

As a result, Amegakure Shinobi saw Arthur’s strength, and also won the regained territory, but his opponent not at all reduced by one, Hanzou of the Salamander can only knock off his teeth and swallow his stomach, while also paying Konoha on the front line of Sunaga Some supplies.

During this period of war, material capital was in short supply, and Hanzou of the Salamander supplied Konoha’s frontline supplies from Amegakure’s supplies.

At this moment, Hanzou of the Salamander discovered that Arthur is definitely not someone who is easy to deal with. Although the first impression is an arrogant man, it is actually deception, not only on Genjutsu, Arthur is excellent, on deception. It’s also quite superb and can’t find any place to blame Arthur’s.

After Hanzou of the Salamander suffered a loss, he temporarily joined forces with Arthur, but not at all any alliance initiative, he needed an opportunity, that is Iwagakure’s opportunity to attack Konoha’s. At that time, he was able to take the initiative and secretly contact Danzou, Some benefits …


After Amegakure Shinobi was stuck in the perseverance, Arthur contacted the leader of Akatsuki as Katou Dan’s.

“Dan-sama … you are not dead?”

Konan was surprised when he saw Arthur. After all, her medical Ninjutsu was taught by him, and this medical Ninjutsu was very valuable in the organization, and many members were spared.

“There are no outsiders here?”

Arthur examines Yahiko, Nagato, Konan, and some of the members behind him.

“No, all trusted companions, Dan-sama, why are you here?”

Yahiko motioned to Arthur to sit down and speak.

“After being assassinated by Danzou, I hid in a state of false death. Why do you think Konoha didn’t really attack you in this operation? I don’t want to see Jiraiya’s disciplines lose their dreams and ambitions because of this conspiracy.

Arthur didn’t point out that he was Uchiha Fugaku’s identity, just a vague suggestion, which Yahiko would surely understand.

“Thank you Dan-sama’s assistance, I said why Konoha didn’t kill one person and let out the news. Dan-sama will join us. With your power, the war can be calmed down more quickly.”

Yahiko couldn’t help but invite, Katou Dan was not in Konoha’s words, then …

“No, my personal strength is not enough to shake the battle of Ninja world. You should deeply understand the helplessness and helplessness of this war. Although I also believe that this pattern will change one day, it is not now, people ’s Pain and hatred will continue …

Okay, sigh so far, although I ca n’t join you, but I can introduce you to someone, do n’t ask his name, do n’t care about his appearance, you just need to know that he is strong enough, and he Anyone pays more attention to companions. “

Arthur snapped his fingers, and a silhouette of a mask appeared in the space. It was Hatake Sakumo. Of course, no one but Arthur knew his identity.

“Okay, since it was recommended by Dan-sama, it must be a worthy person.”

Yahiko promised to receive.

“Don’t give him a position that is too important, the more insignificant the better the position, after all, he is already dead on Konoha’s roster.

As for the code name, [Silver] is enough.

Also, I ’m afraid I will have fewer opportunities to help you. Once Konoha ’s battlefield begins, Hanzou and Danzou will adopt a joint strategy. You have to be careful. Hanzou will definitely use some excuses or the like to make you fooled. Very young, only about 4 5 1 this year, right?

At this age, I do n’t understand the dangers of people ’s hearts. Hanzou of the Salamander is no longer the respectable Demi-God before. Now he is just standing still and his age will make people change a lot. Forget it, these are not for me. That ’s right. After all, this is your organization. I am just a friend of Jiraiya and a half teacher of Konan to provide some information. “

Arthur felt that Yahiko and others might not be able to comprehend his words, but he did just fine, and he can still remain calm. In the future, he may actually fight Yahiko and Danzou will one day visit the battlefield to oversee the battle.

“Thank you for your intelligence support, as Konoha Ninja’s so support us …”

Yahiko feels that Arthur is a man with value emotion, value friendship, and Jiraiya Teacher also mentioned Arthur’s doing things while teaching them.

“It’s okay, my focus is not on a village or a country, but on the entire Ninja world. You are changing this World in your way, and I am changing this World in my way.

Well, I ca n’t stay for a long time, Konan, talk to me alone, some things are entrusted to you. “

Arthur got up and looked towards Konan.

“Go, Konan, Nagato, you arrange for Mr. Yin to join the organization’s sequence.”

Yahiko ordered to say.


Konan followed Arthur into a separate room and wanted to thank him again, but was blocked by Arthur.

“I did n’t just come here because of you. I also have my own strategy. Just now there are many people. Yahiko and Nagato and the others are in different positions. I ca n’t communicate more closely, but Konan , I believe you can let me entrust some things.

In the future, Xiaonei may join a young man named [Itachi], I hope you can trust him, I will not say more information, when the time comes you will understand, I think he will be a gentle person like me , So at least I hope someone can believe him, this only warmth, I hope he can experience in the future world. “

Arthur knows the direction of history, but he still wants to do something and so on, without affecting the overall situation …

“Okay, Dan-sama, I see, do you really want to consider joining us?”

Konan wrote down the name Itachi.

“No, not when the time comes. One day, we will meet again. You and your companions will have many hardships in the future. This World has always been so sad. For a certain day, everyone can With a happy smile, you, me, and even all people with ambitions are working hard, whether they are together or not, to open up hope for this World, but chasing hope will realize more heavy despair.

So try to stick to it and pray that the day will come. This Scroll is for you. Use it to resurrect those who have just died. Forbidden Technique Scroll, which is a resurrection. This is my gift to you this time, but I hope it will not The useful day. “

Arthur thought about it or gave Konan a hope. As a Teacher, is he already good?

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