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The Sharingan Kakashi incident made Uchiha Clan’s relationship with Konohagakure worse and worse, and Arthur didn’t expect such a thing to happen when he became famous.

Sure enough, the conflict between Uchiha and the village will eventually erupt?

Danzou took this opportunity and began to spread Uchiha Clan in the village. He was dissatisfied with Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen’s protection of Sharingan Kakashi and intended to elect his patriarch Uchiha Fugaku to sit on the Hokage …

There were four such rumors, and Uchiha Clan’s Elders had some similar ideas. During this time, Uchiha’s Elders had secret meetings with Elders of other Konoha families.

Because Arthur’s inaction caused Uchiha’s Elders to act autonomously.

At this moment, Arthur has no choice but to be worldly-wise and play safe. He personally goes to Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to plead guilt.

“Hokage-sama, I have submitted a letter of dismissal of the post of patriarch to Elder within the clan, from now on I am not Uchiha Clan’s patriarch, there are things about Sharingan in Uchiha with soil that I got through Qimu Kakashi Negotiations within were completed.

Because of Uchiha, I can’t … Because of the village, I can’t …

I will handle the Sharingan Kakashi’s incident, but I think Uchiha will eventually break out with the village. When the time comes, I hope Hokage-sama can save my family for the sake of making an all-out effort for the village. It doesn’t matter to me, but my family … “

“Well, it’s also embarrassing you Fuyue, the mirror was just like you, rest assured, even if the biological brothers will fight, there are still many people like you in Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Clan’s patriarch or you do it yourself , Or I wo n’t worry about handing it to others. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen is worried that if Uchiha really conflicts with the village during the war, then Konohagakure will be ruined.

“I won’t take over Uchiha anymore, but I can guarantee that if there is mutation within the clan, I will personally …”

Arthur put his palm on his neck, “when the time comes, you can render me like a person like a spot, and then I will disappear completely, my family will ask you to take care, Mikoto is a kind person, she will not My bottom line is my family members who do things that endanger the village. I hope you can protect them so that I can sacrifice everything, even my own life. “

“Fu Yue, why are you doing this?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen seems to understand Arthur’s ideas.

“Although I don’t want to mention it, Danzou-sama concealed the information from me. If it were not for my eyes, I would die in the hands of Hanzou of the Salamander. I think he thinks my strength threatens the future of the village, so I want to get rid of it. If you lose me, Dan-sama must be the same. People with power might suffer more.

This time Elder in the Uchiha clan must act privately without my permission. Someone must be in the side to ignite the wind, a slap does not sound, things are strange, I can no longer stand myself under the eyes of all, only be worldly -wise and play safe, then I was just a husband, a father, and the most ordinary Ninja of Konoha. “

Arthur reached out and took out the secret agreement between Root and Hanzou, did Danzou think he really got 10000 without fail?

“This … there are such things. I don’t understand why Danzou first came back to the village. Okay, you are currently joining Anbu to work temporarily. I will protect your family, no matter what happens in the future, and this, One thing cannot let more people know that once the catharsis is released, there may be an outbreak of civil strife in the village. We are in a war and cannot suffer such a blow.

Tsunade and the others If you know … Danzou is so exceptional, but has also contributed to the village, wronged you, Fuyue. “

Sarutobi Hiruzen is shocked. If the situation in his hands flows into Uchiha, there may be an immediate civil strife. When the time comes even the mainstay of villages such as Sannin will not stop it. After all, Katou Dan’s has a great impact. If his death is related to Danzou Involved, even if the senior Konoha has to be questioned, his Hokage position cannot be maintained …

“Uchiha’s Some people seem to be investigating my actions in Land of Rain’s. Although the purpose is to collect my power rumors in Land of Rain’s, it is very possible …

I suggest killing the roots involved. In this way, when the time comes we can be said to be Hanzou ’s conspiracy, but if the roots are investigated … “

Arthur showed a murderous intention.

“Well, it’s necessary, let’s get rid of them in the name of a spy. I will tell Danzou, although you are not Uchiha’s patriarch, but your abilities should also be used in the right place. How about Minister Anbu?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen believes that the position of Minister Anbu can be recognized by Uchiha Clan. After all, Arthur is the minister of Anbu, although he is not a patriarch. In this way, one can monitor Uchiha, and the other two can still occupy the right to speak in the Uchiha clan.

“Okay, I will go to work immediately, and the first Quest will clean up the spy!”

Arthur nodded then looked towards a certain direction, “Someone overheard.”

“It’s me, it’s me. The murderous aura of Fuyue Senpai is too strong. I actually want to plead for Kakashi. The result …”

Namikaze Minato came in from the outside.

“Minato can be trusted, he will not divulge …”

Sarutobi Hiruzen trusts Namikaze Minato very much.

“Well, Mikoto and Kushina are friends. I mentioned Minato many times, so I quit …”

Arthur disappeared into Hokage’s office in an instant.

“It’s a terrifying murderous aura. The impression of Fuyue Senpai is very different from before, is it because of the family?”

Namikaze Minato had such a split second and would be lost in Arthur’s Genjutsu murderous aura.

“Well, family, family members can also make people grow, but Minato, you and Kushina should have a wedding too, Haha …

This is Kakashi ’s new appointment letter. Give it to you, Teacher, and let him stay in Anbu for a while. The pressure on Sayun to commit suicide is not small. Experience this time …

Hey, the war forced them to set foot on the battlefield, and then I will host a ceremony to show off to those who died in the war … “

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, a lot of things made him a little bit overwhelmed, maybe he might consider choosing a successor, maybe Minato would be good?

“Um … that, too.”

Namikaze Minato blushes a little, and will marry Kushina after the battle is easier, should the family feel good? I didn’t expect him to be this age …

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