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Krul Tepes stepped out of Avalon and began to preside over the attack on Shibuya’s Imperial Demon Army.

This also opened the battle of Avalon.

Vampire’s upper-level Progenitor and 3rd-level Progenitor Lest Karr led the Vampire army recruited from the European region to Avalon City.

Arthur looked at the remaining 2/3 of the Knights of the Round Table and all the human defense forces, and couldn’t help but sigh. How many people can survive after this war?

But as long as you can win, then this sacrifice is necessary.

“Today, I am not a king. I am just a Knight, a Knight who is going to charge on the battlefield. Without humans, where does Vampire suck blood? Without Vampire, who would protect humans from Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Everyone is the same race with life and wisdom. Racial discrimination is the biggest world problem. Vampire captives humans and humans hate Vampire. Is this world really correct?

In this world, there is no real good and evil. Vampire and human have their beloved family, friends, and companions. At this moment, I believe that all who can follow me are to realize the real Land of Fantasy companion. We are now a family .

Maybe everyone thought it must be a magnificent poem, we opened up a new wave of thoughts for history, waiting for future generations to resist fate and build a true Perfect World, but—

Let me tell you, we will not become decay, we are destined to create glory in this era, we will continue to prosper, and Avalon’s kingdom will stand forever!

To this end, I prepared for 8 years, 8 years ago began to conceive of an ultimate defense Barrier, as long as this Barrier exists, then Avalon will be a golden soup, become a real immortal kingdom.

Legendary power inherited from Scarlet Bloodline-

Red the Nightless Castle, once this barrier is turned on, even if some of us die, we can be resurrected instantly, that is to say, we are immortal, but this immortality is not really immortal, after the power of the barrier disappears, it is already dead The person died completely, so I hope you can cherish your life, so I hope that even if you die, you have to stand up again and protect your companions on the side of body protection. “

Arthur bit his finger and dripped blood on the ground. Gradually, a long spear with flashing crimson light floated out of the ground like the flood of the Flood Dragon. Then, the entire Avalon floated a large array of crimson barriers, transparent rays of light cover the entire sky.

In this crimson world within the realm, everything turned red, the water turned into a blood-like color, and the earth was like a hot lava. Even if the air had a strong violent smell.

Arthur’s body was attacked by this breath, and the huge demonic wings behind him stretched out.

Then, from the spear head of scarlet spear, a rays of light rushed out into the body of everyone, Gungnir’s curse!

Yes, this is a curse. The curse of immortality. It is a pain to not be able to die. If you cannot die, you must fight all the time. Even if you die, you can feel the pain and cannot stop the pain.

However, this is the will of everyone in Avalon. Even if it is a god, they will let him die of coughing up blood!

“All human guards, set up long-range dependent devices, Knights of the Round Table, charge with the king!”

Arthur pressed his sword to his waist—

“Sword, absorbs my blood ——”

With the thorns protruding from the hilt, the sword became crimson, and in front of him, a horse with white flames appeared. This is the final product of the Familiar Project!

Other Knights of the Round Table also made the same actions, and took out their Familiar, some were long snakes, some were lions, some were Giant Dragon, some were unying birds, and some were eagles, which were extremely spectacular.

“I, Arthur Scarlet, Progenitor of the Scarlet Clan, swear an oath. We Knights of the Round Table ——”

Arthur crossed his sword in front of him—

“We Knights of the Round Table ——”

“We Knights of the Round Table ——”

“We Knights of the Round Table ——”


Lancelot and the others put their hands on their waists together, shouting after Arthur—

“I will carry out the duties of the swordsman here. Sacred Domain is not to be disturbed. Violence is not allowed in this world. Swordsmen make swords with swords, and we must not allow haze! Men draw your swords!”

“Lancelot-battou …”

“Gawain-battou …”

“Geraint-battou …”

“Gareth-battou …”

“Galahad-battou …”

“Percival-battou …”

“Bedivire-battou ……”

“Mordred-battou …”

“Kay—battou …”


A loud voice lifted the bloody sky.

Under Arthur’s lead, the entire Knights of the Round Table rushed out of Avalon’s city wall.

All human guards fired long-range Familiar devices on the first attack, sniping the 3rd Progenitor Lest Karr’s Vampire army, while covering them for Arthur.

Crimson skies, bizarre Familiar, fearless knights, like a bloody torrent, Lest’s Vampire troops, were destroyed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood immediately, with an 8-year plan and hidden battle strength is released at this moment.

Despite this, there are many Progenitor-level Vampire in Lest’s troops. They are different from ordinary Vampire. They successfully blocked the Knights of the Round Table’s attack, but Knights of the Round Table has undergone many years of training, depending on the different The situation of the battle, the battlefield that changes at any time, even Vampire’s Progenitor is very difficult.

“Arthur Tepes, come out for me!”

Lest pulled out his saber at the waist, and with a slash, there was a flash of light that cut the Knights of the Round Table’s battle array.

Only in split second, more than a dozen Vampire Knights fell. That kind of power was not at a level at all, and Familiar was also cut open!

After all, Familiar is the experimental product of Horsemen of the Apocalypse, so the power is only that. Relying on Scarlet Clan’s power, it is strong, but it is also limited. It is still very problematic to deal with the real Vampire nobility.

However, the fallen Knights of the Round Table climbed up from the same place and were brought back to life! !

The split body coincides at split second! !

It also beat Lest them a completely unprepared!

“Johannes ——battou ——”

“Tristan-battou …”

“Meliodas … battou …”


Knights of the Round Table who stood up again shouted loudly, and again battou, even if they died, they would fight to fight for their companions who are still alive!

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