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Liliana blushed to the ears because of Arthur’s actions. Really, is King of Heroes like this … kind of person?

She is almost dying, and she is also invading her innocence …

However, it’s a good feeling to be able to experience this in dying. Arthur’s performance shocked her. His Knight spirit is just right, even the gods who do not follow are admired …

The reason why I chose to stand up is not because I want to be a Knight Knight, but that a king like Arthur should not die with such meaningless sacrifice …


However, soon she felt the powerful Life Force flowing into her body, fiery and blazing, as if everything was known, this feeling, this feeling …

Her body is quickly recovering vitality, and the stronger Life Force than in the past is bursting with the body, but it is not this power that makes her intoxicated, but this throbbing emotion, trying a little bit His taste, the unspeakable feeling, has never been experienced. Although he has always been fantasizing, he never thought about the true feeling. It can be so sweet …

Maybe it’s Arthur’s body fragrance, maybe something else …

“There should be no problem …”

Arthur gradually released Liliana, then looked towards the sky.

“Wang … what Erica said is true, this dragon should have been brought together by Earth Essence Qi of this area, and if it is eliminated, it may trigger the extinction of this area.”

Liliana clenched Arthur’s hand, persuaded.

“This is just the illusion you see. This dragon is definitely not a common Earth Essence Qi, but it was deliberately led … Hekati, please, when I destroy it, by You come to re-inject this Earth Essence Qi into this area! “

Arthur feels that this dragon is definitely a phenomenon caused by Dragon Race. Earth Essence Qi suddenly gathers, there must be who is deliberately manipulating.


Heikati waved the three-point tin rod in her hand to cover the whole area under the power of mantra, and absorbed the huge essence with the power of the soul temple. The ordinary human might not have a container for absorbing such a huge energy, but she has Approximately bottomless pit-like energy storage space, she itself is this ‘container’.


Liliana did not expect to become an opponent with Erica so quickly, serving different kings and choosing different wills to fight.

Is the confrontation between the red bronze cross and the bronze cross?

“Knight, believe in Ru’s king. The Knight way he believes in is absolutely not false. His words and deeds are the inheritance of the ancient Knight.

You are also a Knight. As Knight, you should never doubt the king you are following. “

Nero reached out and pressed Liliana’s shoulder.

“Now, Lily, do you want to come to my side? You haven’t chosen a king to serve? I am willing to serve a king with you. My guardian is very handsome, consider it …

I know that you were influenced by your grandfather to wait for King of Heroes at the airport, right? Because I chose Kusanagi Hutong, you were appointed to serve this king, right? You It shouldn’t be willing to force this feeling? “

Erica knew this battle was inevitable, but she chose to believe her king.

“Shut up! It is true that I was forced to order, but I have determined that, although I am not at all approved by the king, I have decided to perform my duties as a Knight to the king I chose. This will be my trial Practice, I want to serve King of Heroes, it is from the heart! “

Liliana waved the sword edge without any hesitation. Like a fierce falcon, she rushed towards Erica and opened the way for the king. It was Knight’s duty!

“Hodo, now is the best opportunity. Sooner or later there will be a battle. Now King of Heroes should consume almost all the mana power against Nero, the incompetent god, and heal Lily. The simple and rude power is OK. ! “

Erica warns Liliana while leading away, although using the power of [Warrior] can weaken King of Heroes Arthur * Fuxi ’s incompetent god Gilgamesh ’s power, but now King of Heroes ’s spell power should be used After all, this should be his weakest state. If he can’t beat him now, he will always be impossible.

“I am the strongest person and hold all the victories. No matter man or demon-in the face of all enemies who defeat their enemies, I will defeat any enemies who stand in the way!”

Kusanagi Hutang naturally understands that although this battle is not fair, it is necessary to protect the dragons in this area. No matter who the opponent is, persist in your own wrong doings will give it the strongest attack, calling for the strongest and victorious. The word of the military god Willers Lana, imagine the power of the two-horned Saint Beast-

“Cow with a golden horn, give me help!”

Kusanagi’s body exudes outstanding power fluctuations, and the ground is cracked. This power will increase due to the strength of the opponent, and the limit is relatively weak. This is his usual power!

“It seems that I really have been underestimated. Even if there is no so-called power, my experience is not anyone can confront, even if it is a god, under ālaya-vijñāna, it is only a part of the world … “

Arthur held the sword in his hand, and his eyes shone like vortex, as if to suck everything in—

“I can’t understand–

The spiral of life and death * “

As a slash of enhanced slashing, the Life and Death Boundary world is blessed in it. If you can’t escape, the result is only the dead end!

The Kusanagi shelter that was rushing towards Arthur stayed in place for the moment, eyes fell into a vortex like Arthur, the ground under his feet collapsed instantly, extended to a wide area, and the dragon behind the Kusanagi shelter was also crushed.

“Hakati, have you received it?”

Arthur looked towards Hekati, it can be said that Kusanagi’s guarding hall is not Arthur’s object at all, it is too weak, there is no need to care, his main object is the dragon.


The huge Earth Essence Qi turned into a few spirit veins and flowed into Hekatti’s body.

“It just flows into the earth … it would be better if the murderer could be traced.”

Arthur said that he shook his head suddenly. The opponent must not be a stupid person. It must have escaped. If it is a real Dragon Race, he will not be killed by him.

“No trace left …”

Hekati did not even capture a little energy belonging to the other party.

“Is it? Dragon Race has the advantage to manipulate the spiritual power of the earth, no wonder we can know our whereabouts …”

Arthur was disappointed.

“Manipulate Earth Essence Qi, then this dragon’s state should be able to capture some information. The unnaturally condensed dragon has a natural shape related to its manipulator …”

Nero thought suddenly.

“So that’s how it is, looks like Crystal Dragon, no, diamond dragon? Hardness is very strong, the previous cut just cut the other side … Is this feature …”

Arthur looking thoughtful.

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