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Hekatti, Nero, Jeanne, the 3 companions’ ‘recycling’ journey officially ended, and Ascalon also got it. For Arthur, it was a ‘play’ with Hekatti, Nero, and Jeanne. ?

Although there is no such a weird story, this journey is quite ample.

in case……

If you can meet the black Jeanne’s again, then everything will be more perfect, but is this really extravagant?

Arthur did n’t know that he should hate Dragon Race ’s obstacles, or whether he should thank Black Jeanne for her presence. She might have engraved a girl like Black Jeanne in her heart. She was not a lovely girl with a delicate body or a gentle girl like a gentle water. , But has a lovely and gentle side …

I always feel I am not doing enough.

“Maybe … maybe she still exists.”

Jeanne looked at Ascalon in his hand, and this Holy Sword had a special power.


Arthur pursed his lips slightly, did Jeanne learn to comfort him?

“Can you give her to me? I hold it? I feel that the spirituality in my body will wake up when I hold it. The black Jeanne’s soul is mainly composed of my part, so as long as I exist she can There is only the way to wake her up. I do n’t know yet, but I think as long as I hold this sword, she will have a chance to appear!

As Saint I do n’t allow the existence of dark abhorrence, but she is only attribute dark heart is still clear, I do n’t want to deny her! “

Jeanne clasped Ascaron firmly in his hand.

“Really? Then I look forward to it. This Ascaron is not mine, it should belong to your Item, although this hope is very slim, but I think as long as I firmly believe, she will definitely appear again, thank you You are, Jeanne … “

Arthur smiled comfortably, and such an ending would be considered Perfection.

“No, I should say thank you. Black Jeanne is part of me, but it is because you have a chance to be born. Now, I am also Saint …”

Jeanne has become a true Saint body, which is similar to Arthur and a round Saint body.

“Wū … painful pain … Black Jeanne, show up against Yu again, this time Yu is going to show off his gorgeous dance!”

Nero covered in dirt drilled out of the gravel. It turned out that Black Jeanne’s shocked him before. 233 …

“It’s over … They look down on you and don’t fight you anymore.”

Hekatti squinted.

“Damn it, black Jeanne, Yu is angry !!!”

Nero shouted wildly at the spot.

“Hehe …… hū hū ……”

Hekatti covered his mouth and made a sound similar to laughter, but his face was not at all smiling, um, unexpectedly cute, right, did this guy learn black belly too?

Poor Nero was actually played by Hekatti …

“You guys are really happy enough … please note that not at all is completely over!”

Erica and Lily also flapped the dust and stood up. Although Black Jeanne disappeared, it seemed that something had started.

A deep red mark appeared on the ground, with the Mystery inscription floating from the ground, centered on the ruins of the church moved towards the entire city of Orleans, and it seemed to be like a Magic formation.

“This ground is absorbing the power of the incompetent god and …”

Lily immediately parsed the ground, what seemed to be a summon array.

“Same as when I was in Rome !!”

Hekatti resolved it faster than Lily–

“The Magic that generated Dragon Vein, the dragon of Rome was transformed into the Earth Essence Qi in the Roman region, and the Magic formation here absorbed the fighting power of the incompetent god and the god killer.”

“That means that we were plot against !!! Damn it!”

At this moment, a woman wearing a Han suit suddenly entered the battlefield of the church. They were Luo Hao, a god-killer from China, the Alliance Leader of China’s martial arts, and the Sect Lord of the Holy Sect in 5 prisons.

Duan is like the jade cheeks and the mimosa standing posture, which are the looks that the oriental beauty should have. The unique black silk hair of the Chinese people shines, and the body age is about 17-18 years old.

“Yu Bu? No, should it be similar?”

Arthur looked at this young girl from China, and the power used should be similar to Yu Bu’s Earth-Shrinking Technique, using Dragon Vein and the like to achieve rapid movement.

“Yu Bu? Oh … are you Fuxi’s younger brother? Really, come home after becoming a god killer, elder sister I look forward to sharing the position of the martial arts Alliance Leader with you younger brother …

Oh, by the way, don’t you understand me yet?

My surname is Luo, my name is Cuilian, and the word Hao. The Sect Lord of Holy Sect, the culmination of the king! “

The girl’s domineering look, the conversation with Arthur’s is not so much communication as command words.

“Luo Hao Sect Lord? I have no intention of competing with you for the position of the martial arts Alliance Leader, and I don’t want to share any throne with you. I am just a wanderer and can’t afford the qualifications you say.”

Arthur smiled bitterly. Does this guy want to fight?


Erica and Lily exuded a sense of crisis. Both of them nervously pressed the hilt, obviously for this sudden appearance of Luo Hao Sect Lord very afraid.

“Brother Fuxi, has Black Jeanne been solved by you? I have been watching you for a long time, and my strength is very good, but I am qualified to share the position of Alliance Leader with me. If you call me Onee-sama’s, I will let you go. Right … “

Luo Hao came to Arthur’s in an instant, and the kind of domineering and Demoness are the same!

“No … don’t be rude to my king!”

Lily plucked up her courage and rushed over.

“Dare to drink me straight, give Ru a chance to atone, cut his tongue, and then punish himself for sin!”

Luo Hao Sect Lord’s powerful force directly pushed Lily back.

“Don’t act rashly in front of me! Demoness!”

Arthur now completely defines this Luo Hao Sect Lord as Demoness. What Sect Lord is clearly Master of the Demon Cult, right?

“This Sect Lord martial arts is in the world. Can you defeat Senpai with your strength? If you call me Fuxi, Onee-sama, I can forgive your servants for their sins. I am so beautiful, how can an ordinary person deserve appreciation? “

Luo Hao Sect Lord seems to be determined to make Arthur the elder sister.

“Now is not the time for intrigue, Luo Hao Sect Lord!”

Arthur pointed to the volatile earth and said, “First solve this trouble now …”

“Well, too, the purpose of this Sect Lord coming to this barbaric land is to solve this trouble. Although Fuxi brother solved the black Jeanne in advance, the elder sister will give me the next one!”

Luo Hao said cheerfully.

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