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Dragon Race prepared a special breakfast for Arthur-

Niederhogger desperate.

If there is an ordinary summon, such a disobedient god may not be able to achieve it at all, or it may not be as powerful at all, but Dragon Race has such a power. Dragon Race summon Desperate dragon is naturally a thing with no difficulty With the power of this World and the unique powers of Dragon Race, Ned Hog from summon is more powerful than Myths and Legends.

Moreover, Dragon Race also seals the power of the God-killer. No, I am afraid that it is a big Magic Technique that can seal the power of the gods. Dragon has been a privileged family of Magic since ancient times. Magic is a miracle, and the Dragon Race of miracle incarnation can naturally reproduce this miracle, which is more like Magic of Magic than any Magic of modern or even ancient times.

Magic beyond the human concept, only the Dragon Race of miracle incarnation can have Super Magic, or Dragon Magic.

The power to match all the miracle records kept by Magic Technique world today.

The bite-biter, who brought dusk to the Nordic mythology, landed on the ground of Orleans.

Under such absolute despair, the designer behind the scenes finally surfaced.

“Ice Spirit, didn’t you think? This gift is for you!”

Dragon Race Serbian Department Princess, Nana Li * Belgrade * Serbia, the diamond dragon stands above Niederhog’s head and looks down on a tiny human! !

“Is it really you?”

Arthur was relieved that the previous encounter in Rome was probably a temptation by Nana Li. This time it was the real decisive battle. In public or in private, they are all dead enemies. In private, Nana Li ’s younger brother was killed by him. , In public, Dragon Race’s Legion lost Elf Race’s Legion last Legion War.

“Nature is me, how? This gift is pretty good? It’s really a laugh, a trifling and black Jeanne are also worth your sadness for so long? It’s just the Item I’m playing with, ah, yes, you are always It ’s verbally talking about companions and so on. I ’m so lucky to be able to live now, but soon you wo n’t have the power of luck! “

Nana Li’s shining silver hair instantly stretched into countless crystal needles moved towards Arthur and they struck!

“I still look at Bai Baixue, I am happy to meet martial arts days. Shadow Jing 1000 official, Xin Su 7 in front of the school. Today, Han Ji Ji, the new year of the middle age.”

At this moment, the intuitive Demoness Luo Hao Sect Lord jumped up in an instant. The capable skill, the ethereal Movement Technique, the power of the sword was filled with the sword, and all the attacks of Nana Li were opened like a flower butterfly. , While shattering its crystallized hair!

Singing poems like dragon walk, tiger steps fighting like a fairy, the graceful posture makes people look sideways!


Nana Li frowned, her attack, but the hair was as hard as a diamond, which was easily solved by people?

“Luo Hao Luo Cuilian, the trifling barbarians also dare to impudent in front of me. As a martial arts Paragon, I will show you the Divine Phoenix in China!”

The heroic Demoness, Luo Hao is not at all timid under this accident, it is better to say more arrogant!

“Phoenix? The God-killers of this World arrogantly claim to be kings. Your gods are like garbage and shit. What kind of self-confidence do you have in the gods who die? You tear her, Niederhog !! ! “

Nana Li couldn’t help but chuckle. What strength does the sealed God-killer have to compete with her?

“Is it? I don’t look down on any power. I said that you can see China’s Divine Phoenix. As a martial arts Alliance Leader, I am really powerful but not powerful …”

“The old Shaolino swallowed and cried, Haruhi stealth Qujiang Qu, Jiangtou Palace locked 1000 doors …”

Luo Hao appeared behind Nana Li in an instant, and a palm-slap containing a powerful force beat Nana Li to several dozen meters, and broke countless broken walls!


Arthur couldn’t help but be stupid. This Chinese fellow is really tough. Sealed power can also have this kind of temperament and strength. Obviously, it is not like Kusanagi Hutong. Other than powerless people can compare, there are also many differences in God Killers .


But the current situation of such excitement was changed in split second. Niederhogg split second who roared shook Luo Hao on his back, and then countless undead moved towards her.


Arthur decisively rescued Luo Hao in Phantom mode. Although there was not much contact and the other party was also an arrogant Demoness, but now it should be considered a relationship of fighting side by side and also the descendants of China. Then there is a reason for salvation.

“Thank you …”

7 The bleeding blood Luo Hao couldn’t get rid of the dull sense of vertigo for a while, but thank you, otherwise her consequence would be …

“I can still thank you well, so please do something for you, help me take care of Hecati …”

Arthur looked at Heikati, who was praying, and felt that she was the breakthrough point of this battle.

“Since it is Arthur’s request, I will accept it. Although I will not care about the life and death of the humble civilians, I will still take care of the younger brother’s prospective wife …”

Luo Hao also understood that he was impossible and fought with Niederhogg.

“It’s not a prospective wife, really …”

Arthur blushed, but what is their relationship? Family? Guild’s companion?

“Kill them, Niederhogger !!”

Nana Li climbed up from the ruins, Luo Hao ’s attack not at all caused her to suffer the slightest damage, Diamond Dragon ’s body was the hardest in the world, but the humiliation of the clown ’s anger could not be calmed!

“Roar-+ !!”

In response to Nana Li ’s anger, Niederhogger opened a huge dragon mouth, assaults the senses, and then, as if the Gate of Hell opened, the cursed black roar slammed like a dying storm … …

“My holiness is here!”

Jeanne held the holy flag in front of the crowd, and the sacred rays of light enveloped the crowd, apart from this, I could n’t see anything else …

The storm continued for a long time before it ended, and the light was repelled from the dark split second. The people found that the city of Orleans was raze to the ground, only the ground they stood on remained, and the rest of the place became a river of hell, floating Poison qi bubble and black swamp became the only theme.

“The spark will reignite from the dead ash, the light will reappear from the shadow, the broken Holy Sword will be reconnected, and the one who loses the crown will become Human Sovereign, please rebuild the sword!”

Hecati walked awkwardly to Arthur’s and said something inexplicable.

“What do you mean?”

Arthur didn’t understand the result of Hekatti’s prayer.

“The day when Holy Sword was recast, when Knight returned.”

Hecati read again.

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