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What is it–

What is it–

What kind of plot development is really a disastrous end, Knight Liliana Kranjchar’s “heroic” completed the final cultivation, this cultivation is really indescribable, under the help of friends around you, Completed this feat.

Of course, Arthur did not refuse. In order to make up for his innocence as a king, he accepted Lily’s ‘girl cultivation’, but what he didn’t think at all was that this guy would not do what he did after throwing him down, as expected. It is a pure girl, and Arthur is not the kind of person who sticks to the rules. It can be regarded as the king’s “practice” for Knight.

So the result is Arthur’s initiative to complete Lily’s so-called cultivation from girl to woman.

For Arthur, this kind of thing, where water flows, a canal is formed, if both parties have their own wishes, it is something different from love. Of course, this may not be the case for Lily, but it is like this for him. The thing about men and women is one of intelligent behaviors, not his only expression to express emotions, so Arthur thinks that it can be as long as appropriate.

If this can make up for the vacancy as a king, then very good.

Lily did not expect that Arthur actually took the initiative. Of course, she can only cooperate with the king. However, she can feel that the king is only performing the gallop of his duties. Although it is slightly unsatisfactory, it is enough, at least not like Ai. Rika said it was so tragic that it was the happiest thing to be able to complete this crimson practice with her favorite king.

“You are really skilled …”

Lily curled up in Arthur’s arms, feeling that her entire body was filled.

“Uh, that, um, that’s what it looks like … Although I look like this, I’ve also been exposed to such things …”

Arthur blushed a little. Although he has experienced a lot, he always has a little innocence. Maybe it is too simple?

“Arthur …… we will meet again?”

Lily didn’t interrogate as Knight and Wang.

“Fate will bear witness.”

Arthur just treats Lily as a Knight. If he can meet, he meets. If he doesn’t, he puts the other person in his memory.

“No matter what the fate of the future is, I will remember a girl named Liliana Kranjchar who used to be my Knight. No, it should be said that I will always serve my Knight, although I am not qualified as a king. , But the split second you are vowing can only be my Knight. “

“Well, then I will target Holy Knight. As a Knight, I am still not qualified to serve you, but I can only be your Knight, so I must become Holy Knight.”

Lily has a new goal.

“Really? Then go to the future together, both Wang and Knight should inspire confidence to advance, so that the moment of fate can be ushered in.”

Arthur felt that Lily was able to express herself more sincerely after such a cultivation, but this result was also very good.

“Is there anything I can do?”

Lily still doesn’t feel enough.

“No, probably? Right, this is for you, as a gift for you to become Holy Knight, keep it with you in advance …”

Arthur used Sode no Shirayuki’s sword as a gift to Lily’s Holy Knight.


Lily was flattered.

“For you, it may not be able to use it. You can only release its power by mastering the power of the ice and snow system. However, it is a symbolic gift for you. I think it is suitable, Sode no Shirayuki, a good name? “

Arthur has Frostmourne, Sode no Shirayuki has much less opportunities to use. Although many of Frostmourne’s powers are not mastered, they are used to fighting Frostmourne as an Ice Element weapon.

“Well, I will take it.”

Lily accepted it and regarded the sword as the king’s existence.

“Then the King of Knights’ motto—

Born to be glorious, died to honor, and my heart is like my sword, it would rather break but cannot be bend.

The lesson from a young girl Knight is now inherited for you. “

“Remember Liliana Kranjchar.”

Lily engraved the words in her heart.



After returning to the Legion War field, Arthur held the sword of victory GRAM, Jeanne held the Ascalon, under the double control of the Dragon Legion Item, launched the final battle against Dragon Race’s, after a hard fight, finally won the victory of the Preliminary Rounds.

After that, it is the semi-finals, inheriting the last Legion War, the Legion parallel space of the semi-finals is Fairy Tail.

It is also an impressive parallel world.

Elf Race faced Nether Race’s Army this time.

Arthur obviously felt a headache. Nether Race’s opponent had Bing Die’s, Nether Race’s Princess Shadru, and those members of Guild’s Touch Guild. Although Guild’s Touch Guild had Demoness Lilith and Shadru 2 personal management, in fact those The members are all from Nether Race’s Army. In Legion War, people like Demoness and Lilith will be removed, and the rest will participate.

Age of Gods Li Shi, Jian Shan Yellow Springs, Yue Yong Ge Chan, Ace Desi, the original black instrument on the battlefield, Yan Moai, Kuroyukihime …

These people are all opponents with characteristics. Arthur, who was in contact with them in the past Dimensional World, is very clear.

Presumably Shadru will arrange for these people to rob Legion Item with him. Arthur has a hunch that he may lose this Legion Item rob.

Fortunately, Futsu no Mitama held by Arthur is the restraint of Nether Race’s Legion Item.

However, the Legion Item that was snatched this time was to restrain Elf Race’s, and finally it was the turn of Elf Race to be restrained.

“The Legion Item that was robbed this time was Levaltine, the Blade of Victory, and restrained Elf Race’s Legion Item. Shadru was a strong opponent, and she recruited many good companions. She prepared for a year, It shouldn ‘ t be fails easily. “

Fea approached Arthur to discuss the countermeasures.

“Also, several members of the Touch of the Hades are very difficult to entangle. Bing Die is not used by us in this Legion War. For Shadru, in the last Legion War, I have realized her strength, Guild War. When not at all, there was too much contact, it was a rival … “

Arthur also has a headache, if you want to fight Bing Die …

“My plan is that you try to destroy the actions organized by Shadru. We have the prerequisite advantage of Futsu no Mitama. We can launch the offensive in advance. As long as you can drag on, the longer we can gain, the weaker we will be. After the strength of Nether Race’s Army reaches a certain level, they will lose even if they have the restrained Elf Race’s Legion Item. “

For the first time, Fea decided to take the initiative to attack instead of conservative defense. After all, in this Legion War, Jeanne found Ascalon first than Arthur, indicating that Arthur is not the only one who can find the Legion Item. After this iron is broken , Other Legion doubled their confidence when looking for Legion Item …

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