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Arthur and Laxus came to the outskirts of Magnolia West, and their former companions and best friends were once again caught in a duel.

“This senseless battle is more important to you than moving forward with my former companion? Laxus?”

Arthur knows that this is definitely not an ordinary battle. Laxus is very strong. It is very difficult to rely on the energy-consuming Ougi to fight because he cannot fight with Elf force, because his Spiritual Energy storage Laxus’ Magic Power is quite different. If it is a real battle, he will have to show the strongest power at the beginning!

“Time has gradually washed away the pain of the past, why do you still appear in front of me? All the efforts I have made so far are to fulfill your long-cherished wish, Arthur, you are my only opponent!

Originally this plan will have to stagnate for some time, but since you have appeared, then you can start. I want you to see the Guild under my leadership, which will become the strongest Magician Guild, facing any enemy will not have Sacrifice appears.

At that time, I was weak and helpless, watching you lose your life, and the friendship that I just got was so easily cut. I do n’t want to feel the pain again! “

Laxus roared, and his whole body was covered with lightning. The powerful Magic Power penetrated the sky directly, and the thunder shook the world, resounding in all directions!

“hu ……”

“Sorry, Laxus, who defeated you once, may have to destroy your confidence again, facing the lost friend, even the incarnation demons will break your darkness, the pain I have left, use my hands to Tearing it, roaring it, and gushing tears out to me, let me appreciate your weakness! “

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, and then a strong blood energy burst out of him, and the intense blood stained the sky crimson, even the sun became a bloody day.

That kind of field is an area that cannot be touched by the abyss.

Bloodthirsty Ougi fourth stage is completely liberated, probably after maximizing the use of it since the golden stage of promotion.

The simple blood energy of the 1st Stage broke out, and the Second Stage was already able to substantiate the mask. The 3rd Stage was able to incarnation the demonic form. At the same time, it could use the swastika black mud and the eyes of Asura, the Asura spell mark, etc. if……

“The sky is as splendid as the Holy Spirit. Only 1000 suns can win it. I am Shinigami, I am the destroyer of the world!”

The Brahma sound resounded in Arthur’s spiritual consciousness. The power of this fourth stage was much stronger than he thought. The majestic power almost crushed the body …


The bizarre power unfolded, and the bloody power was a hot and gentle power, stretching a pair of golden wings from behind Arthur’s, yes, golden wings, and the eyes of Asura stretched on a pair of wings Open, the next scene made Arthur completely eliminate this illusion.

“Is it the same transformation as Mirajane Magic? Let me blast you from in the sky!”

“Lightning Dragon’s Roar !!!”

Laxus threw off his coat, and then the surface showed a scaly texture, and the lightning flashed more intensely. Under this dark bloody day, a huge lightning roared towards in the sky.

“Rama Yana !!”

Arthur called for this power, and the wings behind him suddenly disappeared. The entire western suburbs forest was wrapped in a strange power. The next moment, two huge golden fire eyes opened in the sky, one after another golden arrow. The sky falls, ruthlessly destroying everything, the mountain range is shredded, the forest is burned, the ground is cracked, the lava erupts from the ground, and the world is completely ruined! !

Laxus’ roar was eliminated before reaching Arthur’s side!

“Why … I don’t believe it!”

Laxus has been cultivating Magic all these years, but the result is small in front of Arthur like a human facing the god!

Although Arthur’s consciousness exists at the moment, he does not have that kind of subjective feeling. All that is left is the will to destroy. Although he knows that the battle with Laxus is only a fight, he fights only to correct Laxus, but at this moment he The heart and the heart are no longer part of humans, but as [God], looking down on the 10000 sinful things, and bringing the punishment to the earth!

Not only that, Ramayana ’s power is expanding rapidly. The arrows coming from the sky are not bursting, but falling continuously. This is the power of the afterlife. The Bloodthirsty fourth stage has surpassed Asura’s appearance, in fact, Asura has no liberation power above 3rd Stage, but unlike in the past, Arthur’s Bloodthirsty mode of liberation by Ougi has no end …

Everyone in the small town of Magnolia witnessed this horrible scene, and then Annihilation Power was no longer controlled by Arthur’s.

“Damn, you guys are fighting me, bastard, stop me … Ah !!!”

Laxus realized this serious phenomenon. If this force moved to the town, then …

Will everyone die?

Old Master and everyone at Guild …

Philid, Abba, Biguslow …

Natsu they …

However, Laxus just wanted to stop the golden arrow, but he had an insight into his body. Although the dragon’s skin was easily penetrated, the pain was second. The most important thing was [despair]. At the moment of the attack, he developed despair, from the despair of the soul. This force prevented him from resisting …

However, imagining the faces of Guild, Laxus had to stand up again, even if it was despair, he had tasted enough despair in the pain of losing his best friend in these years, although the efforts in these years still could not surpass Arthur, but one thing he Growing up, that is the power that can still advance in the face of despair, that is the power to guard, the power to guard family members, this power is inherited from Arthur, so, so absolutely-

Do not admit defeat! ! ! !

“Stop it!”

“Lightning Dragon’s Heavenward Halberd !!!”

Put all the power, even the power of this fear into it, condense the strongest blow and shoot down the proud guy from the sky! ! !

As a result, the strange power suddenly disappeared without waiting for Laxus’ lightning to penetrate the sky! !

Arthur fell from in the sky because—

Spiritual Energy is out! ! ! !

Ougi is a 233 that requires energy …

Split second, Laxus was struck by the ending that was completely beyond imagination, playing with your sister, he was prepared for a long emotion …

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