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After stumbling to Karna Island, Arthur handed the Quest for the news to Thor, and then he and Natsu, Grey, Erza, Habi, Shika, Asakusa Fujino, and Mavis went to the temple on the island.

Temple of the Moon.

According to Grey, they had previously executed Quest here, Gray’s Senior Brother, also under the shape of Magician Ur’s Lion, used the temple of the moon to produce the drops of the moon, and released the demon Dalyola imprisoned in the absolute ice. , Want to beat it to surpass his Master, but after years of freezing, Dalyola has decayed, so disappeared …

“Some things must be explained. According to the descriptions in some records, Dalyola should be strong, but there is a key we must recognize that the people who can be resurrected are more powerful. I have signaled Felid Then, once I feel my fluctuations, all the people on the island will be transferred, and you must leave when the time comes.

The only way to end everything is to use the power of Ramayana. Ramayana is the Super Magic I used in the western suburbs of Magnolia Town. It is not Taikoo Magic, but my self-created, but formidable power Very strong. It is a Forbidden Technique that can be used only once a day, and it cannot be stopped by self-consciousness.

Once that power is activated, even God will die! “

Arthur warned everyone that Ramayana, the unexpectedly developed move, had extremely terrifying power.

This is the power that the Bloodthirsty of the fourth stage is completely open.

“Super Magic? Really powerful, but is it really enough to destroy the extinguishing soul?”

Mavis pondered.

“Just relying on my current energy storage cannot defeat God, but if the time that can be maintained increases, God will not be able to persevere for long …”

Arthur added.

“Then your energy is not using Magic Power, it should be a higher power than Magic Power. At that time, I clearly felt that your body has Magic Power.”

Mavis is very smart.

“It is indeed Mavis. The power that can defeat the power of God is naturally the same as or even beyond the Super Magic Power of God.”

Arthur didn’t hide it. After all, this guy Mavis was serious enough to see through everything. When he was serious, he was very reliable …

“I don’t suck ordinary Magic Power from you, that kind of power must be able to achieve resurrection.”

Mavis Extend the hand palm, a blazing light appeared, this is-

Stigma light.

“Now I admit that you are the founder of Fairy Tail, but, Mavis, don’t go on, if that kind of power is not obtained from me, it can only be absorbed and transformed by human soul …”

Arthur narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, Mavis is a super genius. Can he use the Stigma energy collected from him?

“Sure enough, it’s almost the same as I analyzed. The reason for contacting you can [eat] you because you have a soul energy that is more than normal human. Assuming that the normal human soul energy is 1, then your should be- —


In addition to the soul part, it also has the energy of lifeform, and the same proportion.

In this way, the combination of Physical Energy and soul energy can almost complete the creation of the world.

Are you really a fairy? “

Mavis’s analysis of Arthur’s has reached a deep stage.

“anything else?”

Arthur asked back to see how much Mavis could surprise him.

“Your power composition is roughly divided into 4 types, first Elf Magic I first saw, second, the creation of Magic (a combination of Physical Energy and soul energy) that wakes up my soul and supplements me, third, Luo Moryana, it should use another special energy, which is different from Genesis Magic.

The last one, the special power that constitutes the elements of Sword Skill, in addition to the excellent Sword Skill itself, the power to reverse reality by some kind of causality. “

Mavis stretched out 4 little fingers.

“Admire, in addition to admire or admire.”

Arthur is no longer able to say, although the specifics are not described, but it is very difficult to deal with it. I am afraid that this is where no Magician can do. Ten Wizard Saints like Makarov know nothing about him. And Mavis …

“Then let me eat more, anyway, you have other strengths … ah wū …”

Mavis’s feather ears were trembling, and then immediately bite mercilessly on Arthur’s hand arm!

“Is it delicious? Shixiang wants it too!”

Shixiang bites on Arthur’s other arm.

“ao ……”

Arthur is about to shed tears in pain, and sure enough, he will suffer if he takes the problem guy Ah …

“Can I bite my head?”

Erza said shyly, there is no arm to bite …

“No, it’s not good, let’s …”

Arthur is really worried that he has been bitten into a brain, and his emotional intelligence is not very good. Can the bite be healthier?


Erza looked puzzled at Arthur’s thigh …

“Sure enough … pervert!”

Lucy obviously wanted to be crooked, indeed, there are 3 below …

“Can I eat it too? Arthur-nii really looks delicious …”

Natsu really 100 bogey.


Habi already drooling.

“Calm down for me !!”

Lucy knocked down two foodies on the ground with one punch. It’s true that these two guys don’t always look at the atmosphere. But, to be honest, it is indeed a fragrant male child. She originally thought it was perfume or the like. But after using countless high-end perfumes, she didn’t know the perfumes used by Arthur. After realizing that she was a body fragrance, she had only one feeling.

There is a reason why Laxus will bend …

Sure enough, this Guild person has everything that is in disorder. So, Arthur is really not human?

Is it really a goblin? After all, the first generation has been called by Mr. Fairy …

Ah, really …

human, goblin, cat, ghost …

Hehe, do they really have no problems?

“Welcome to the kingdom of the dead … Although I want to say that, this is not my domain …”

A huge butterfly dropping from the sky, the dark and crimson wings gradually stretched out, exposing a petite body, and the black and bright long hair is unbelievable. This dark beauty is as if shining like a crystal, like Xue Xuezhi’s skin gives a soft and delicate feeling, and the lovely figure makes people want to embrace it.

However, under that beauty, at its feet, among the blooming black snowdrops, a snake-bellied sword with countless blades spit out! !

“Youth young girls, do n’t go forward, this is not the place you should come!”

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