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The moment of Arthur’s death started the resurrection of the fountain of life. Now, the Stigmata Body of the Second Stage can use 3 resurrections, but the problem is that it cannot be started!

No, or it was terminated by something.

Of course, Arthur is not in a state of death. Mavis used Fairy Sphere at a critical moment to freeze the split second of Arthur ’s death. Before fighting Crystal Dragon, Arthur used Fairy Sphere to keep his life and then resurrected. Mavis thought that Arthur had the ability to heal himself, so he used Super Magic Fairy Sphere for him.

However, in fact, in the last Legion War, although Arthur was able to use the Stigmata Body, he did not actually obtain the Stigmata Body Ougi, which is the inactive state, so the fountain of life, phantom mode, Arcadia Wait for the power to be unusable.

Before using Fairy Sphere last time, Arthur was still alive, so it was just a state of suspended animation.

But the reason why this time Arthur does not use Fairy Sphere is because of his ability to resurrect.

So he is really dead, yet Mavis freezes his time in the dead state!

This is totally a move to add a snake.

Arthur can only be resurrected by the fountain of life after the Fairy Sphere is lifted.

But Mavis did not know about this matter.

Ultear started to start Rsystem. Although she didn’t think Rsystem could really resurrect a person, but the huge Magic Power crystal, such as the magic Elf power, must be able to achieve some kind of miracle.

At this time, a person suddenly appeared beside Ultear’s.

“You did good, Ultear, the big Magic world we are expecting will come sooner!”

White haired long beard, holding a person’s tall Magic staff, with a blindfold in the right eye, it looks like the image of Magic Elder in the novel, and if it is not wearing a black robe, then all this is nailed.

“President Hades, don’t you get it wrong? How could he be a Zere’s?”

Ultear looked at the coming Black Magician, but did not expect that he actually came, so the resurrection plan could be realized.

“Prechito! Why would you …”

Mavis looked at the person who appeared suddenly in shock. At this moment, she could no longer feel the original breath from Prechito. Magic Power, full of darkness and evil, made her unable to breathe.

“Mavis … long time no see, it’s a pity Ultear didn’t see you.”

Prechito suddenly closed his eyes with some memories, and they had parted ways when they founded Guild together.


Ultear looked around and found nothing!

“Doesn’t matter, just a ghost, can’t do anything. I’m really surprised. I didn’t expect you to exist in this way, Mavis. I have to admire your good luck and found a real goblin!”

Prechito, no, he is now Hades, the president of Guild, the devil’s heart. It was not the Prechito that founded Fairy Tail Guild with Mavis and the others. He chased the source of Magic and found out that it was true. Dark, big Magic world.

However, the recent sudden flame Elf had to make him notice the person who revolutionized or evolved Magic world. To be correct, it should be the goblin, Elf King.

“I misunderstood you, Prechito, I entrusted the wrong person … No, no, Prechito, you should not be like this … I recognize you as the 2nd generation president of Fairy Tail, It was seriously considered, compared to Yuri and Volod, you are the most suitable person … “

Mavis did not know what happened to cause such an incident.

“President Mavis, New World will come soon. Thank you for bringing the Elf King of Magic world to my side. The greatest change will happen in this World, neither Black Dragon nor the legendary Black Magician have been able to The completely changed world will usher in a real king, the ultimate limit of Magic. I can no longer see the darker abyss, but he can take me to that world! “

The Magic Power on Hades exploded and washed everything away!

The amazing Magic Power is astonishing. Ultear, Mavis and even all the people on the island feel the pressure.

“Hurry to prepare, but it’s enough, use the taboo Magic of Chapter 4 12th stage of this book of Black Magician Zeref to create the life of Elf King’s body, and sacrifice this super-large Magic Power crystal of Rsystem.

Black Elf King! ! “

Hades ’s right eye exuded crimson rays of light, and Magic Power was even stronger!

“Did that … Prechito, stop !!”

Mavis opened his eyes wide.

“What kind of Magic Power is this … Consciousness is going to be swallowed …”

Lucy’s body was shaking.

“Natsu, do you still have strength …”

Grey was also shocked by the Magic Power.

“No, Magic Power runs out …”

Natsu shook his head.

“Nature Magic–

Seven Stars Sword! ! “

It was here that a person fell from the sky, and the high-speed fall caused a strong air current, forming a Big Dipper-like Magic formation in the air, and then moved towards Hades to attack in the past! !

“little demon !”

Hades opened his eyes wide, a huge Magic array flashed in front of him, and a dark chain protruded from it to smash the 7 stars, and then threw the arm that bound the person coming and flew out.

“Ultear, you deceived everyone! It seems that I’m still late …”

The person who came was Jellal.

“It’s a pity that you ran too fast at first, so you didn’t play with you. It’s a pity that you can’t manipulate you now, but I want to prevent the resurrection of Arthur-nii, I won’t make you successful!”

After Ultear’s battle with Erza that year, Zeref took the opportunity to run away. He didn’t expect that he had grown to this level.

“Ultear, it’s yours …”

Hades then continued the cast just now-

“The Magic Abyss created by Zeref, in the ultimate darkness, has a power to create demons. He wouldn’t think of me applying this Magic to Elf King, right?

Fairies, which exist in fantasy, are creatures that do not belong to this World, but they have emerged. They have the Elf will to transform the ordinary Magic Power factor and lead Magic to the real free realm. The Elf King will soon wake up , Dark King who can compete with God!

I will be the mentor who created this abyss more than Zeref, President Mavis, and watch the epoch-making Magic come, and the power of the world to completely change will be awakened! ! “

“Zeref Demon Book Chapter 4 12th stage ——

heaven punishment! ! “


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