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After the liberation of battle strength by Erza, Juvia and Lucy, the crowd began to move towards the place where the black Arthur was, and drove continuously, eventually–

be lost! !

“Who led the way !!”

Lucy collapsed. These days they encountered various incidents, suddenly fell into a cliff, suddenly entered a trap, and were suddenly attacked by an inexplicable monster …


Natsu turned his face and said, “A lot of the smell of this World has never been smelled, so Ah …”

“Then you said earlier!”

Erza knocked Natsu down on the ground with a punch.

“It hurts … you didn’t ask.”

Natsu lies on the ground and covers her head.

“Although it is indeed heading towards the center, if no one leads, it will still be difficult to heavily, terrain and the like, there are many wild Elf, continue like this, it takes at least one month to reach the big brother.”

Arthur frowned.

“Then ask someone to ask …”

Grey said.

“Then there must be someone. The successive birth of wild Elf makes it impossible for anyone in the wilderness …”

Mavis couldn’t help shaking his head.


At this time, a lot of Magic Power reactions occurred, and then, Arthur suddenly raised a huge azure vine on the ground under their feet, and finally turned into a building-like thing, and on top of that there was the Guild of Fairy Tail banner! !

“Although I don’t know what’s going on, I’m home !!”


Natsu and Habi rushed in.

“Hey, please don’t just …”

Arthur wanted to block it, but it was too late, and next, they found out—

It ’s really Fairy Tail Guild, Guild ’s members are there, but, just—

“Lucy when did you come in …”

“No, it’s 2 Lucy …”

“2 Grey …”

“2 Natsu!”

“2 Juvia …”


Suddenly, the scenery and characters in front of them confused everyone.

“Fairy Hunting … Erza, actually chased here, everyone went together and fight with her! ~!”

Soon the members of the suddenly appearing Fairy Tail Guild showed fear to Erza and then came over with a mortal despair.

“Frost Trail !!”

Arthur reached out and the strong Ice Attribute Spirit factor was concentrated in it, and then the condensed Power of Ice Cold was sprinkled to the ground, and the frost breath spread to freeze the ground under everyone’s feet, thus fixing their legs.

“What Magic?”

“Like the new king of Edras, King Arthur!”

“It ’s over, His Majesty The King is here in person. The strongest man in this world must be unable to defeat …”

“Can’t give up, at worst either the fish dies or the net splits …”


The members of the Fairy Tail responded very strangely.


After some enquiries and explanations from Arthur, I finally understood the current situation. Edras also has a Fairy Tail Guild similar to Arthur’s Earth-Land world. Even the people of Guild are almost exactly the same. .

Before, when Black Arthur reached this World, he killed King Faust of Edras, and conquered the kingdom of the transcendental person above the human (the flying cat like Habib) and unified the world ’s In the center, a kingdom named Gu Bu Li Ding was established.

People in Edras World are not able to use Magic like Earth-Land, but release Magic through Magic Item, and Magic Power is also disappearing one after another. In order to make up for this World ’s Magic Power, the transcendants and the original The Kingdom plans to use the space Magic soul to extract things from Earth-Land world into Magic Power.

But after the arrival of Black Arthur, Elf Magic was created to replace the ordinary Magic. Magic Power can also be automatically generated. It is the Elf factor Magic Power. Those who are loyal to him can be given and use Elf Magic, and all those who resist him are killed. Fall, and eventually become a man who is both God and King-like, known as the strongest man in the world.

The Fairy Tail Guild of this World is one of the resistances. They will not submit to the black Arthur, so they are hunted down by the kingdom army. The original 2nd magic team of the kingdom of Adras, Captain Erza * Knight Woka, the current ancient The first place Knights of the Round Table of the Kingdom of Breeding Kingdom and the princess, she is responsible for the King’s plan to eliminate aliens.

The Fairy Tail Guild of this World fled here just to avoid Erza of this World.


“In this way, are you people of Earth-Land world? The king of ancient Breton is your big brother?”

Lucy of Edras World looked at Arthur and determined what was happening.

“Well, although the big brother created Elf Demon King, he is not the one who really creates, after all, so the Elf Demon King he created will eventually bring destruction to this World, and you can also find the number of Elf everyday All is growing, which also means that the density of the Elf factor in the air is increasing. If it is not stopped, this world will be destroyed.

Can you help us? Although ashamed, we are lost and need your guidance. “

Arthur invited Lucy and the others in Edras World.

“Big Brother married Erza of this World as a princess, Arthur-nii, how about you?”

Erza heard [emphasis].

“Eh … Isn’t it time to think about this?”

Arthur is distressed. Is the big brother deliberately marrying Erza of this World? I saw that his relationship with Erza was unusual, so why?

“It’s no problem not to get married now, in short, is it OK to determine the marriage relationship?”

Erza knows that Arthur-nii is not happy enough, or the older brother is more direct. When he saw Edras, he married Erza of Edras, but what she really liked was Arthur-nii.

“How can siblings?”

Arthur is troubled.

“Siblings are only normal after marriage. Isn’t Arthur-nii’s impression the same?”

Erza asked, Arthur-nii is a stranger.

“It’s okay to ask me to take you in the past, but we don’t have battle strength now. Since you are the younger brother of that person, can you give us the use of Elf Magic?”

Edras’s Lucy eyes suddenly shined.

“May be, but this is needed …”

Arthur pointed to the corner of his mouth, wouldn’t it be like this again?


Lucy of Edras doesn’t understand enough.

“Activating Elf Magic’s Innate Skill requires the blood of Arthur who is Elf King, but the blood cannot be exposed to the air and can only be passed through the contact of lips and teeth.”

Sakura excitedly introduced, Aah, really, there is a group of people!


Lucas of Edras immediately fell back on the ground.

“I’ll pass it on to you, and then you find a girl to pass on to boys, and boys will pass on to each other.”

Erza has experienced it once and is very skilled!

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