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Arthur has a clearer understanding of the current situation of the virtual circle through Nelly Ellu. Now that the virtual circle has changed, Lan Ranyusuke uses the Bengyu to Shinigami the virtual, that is, [broken face].

Just as Nelly Elro absorbed Arthur’s power, Lan Ran also possessed the same power.

Because of the ingestion of Arthur’s spiritual power, Blue Dye has produced Bengyu at a faster rate than he expected, and Bengyu in this period has been able to exert his power and break the surface of the virtual.

Usually the level above Daxu Jilian can be broken. After the face is broken, the virtual mask is partially broken, but the virtual characteristics still remain, with an indestructible steel skin, which becomes the appearance of human, and Shinigami It also has a similar Zanpakutō, but this kind of Zanpakutō is the existence of a spiritual core, and by liberating Zanpakutō can return to its original appearance and power.

Nelly Elro was also recruited by Lanran and is currently in defection.

“Sir Nilu …”

“Wait a minute”

At this time, the other 2 broken faces came over, the two broken faces of one fatty and one thin.

“Ace, tell me about my 2 friends … Peixue and Dong De Chaka …”

Nelly Ello introduced two people who slowly arrived, because they wanted to meet Arthur too much and came at the fastest speed.

“Almost going to be chased down by the funeral forces!”

“Yes, yes, Lord Nilu is running too fast …”

Peixue and Dong De Chaka 2 people with gasping for breath on the ground. I have never seen Lord Nilu have such an uncomfortable side. Is this boy?

“Peixue and Dong De Chaka, let me introduce you, this is the man I like.”

Nelly Elro said Carefree hugging Arthur.


Arthur and Yuu-chan were scared at the same time.

“Nilly Ellu, I don’t know when you like me!”

Arthur was a bit chaotic.

“It’s not Ace, you gave me a new life, but I still have the power of Ace in my body …”

Nelly Elour said cheerfully.

“Don’t be so ambiguous, I just treated you last time, right?”

Arthur quickly explained that Yuu-chan shouldn’t get it wrong.

“It’s not just healing. The gentle, spring-like words fell into my heart like spring rain. Ace who treats all things equally is a person who I can like.

Nelly Elro held Arthur’s hand loose.

“Sure enough, problems are problems …”

Yuu-chan really has no way to ridicule, can’t Arthur find a serious guy? speaking of which Guild There is no serious person in it, maybe Asuna is only one?

“There is one thing that comes to you. When I need you, will you fight for me?”

Arthur looked at Nelly Ello. Although she did want to use her as his accessory, freedom was more suitable for her than those. They were just friends.

“What do I say, I just want to fulfill Ace’s desire, the moment when the 3 realms can understand each other, I believe it will be created by Ace, a world in which Shinigami and Xu and humans can understand each other.”

Nelly Ellou still remembers what Arthur told her at the time-

One day, you will find that whether it is virtual or Shinigami is a part of this World, the world will not reject anyone, only when you reject the world, you will be rejected, accept it, and then you can change it.

“Maybe someone will change this. I ’m impossible. I ’m just a traveler. Of course, if possible, it does n’t matter what you can do by the way. People are selfish, so I ’m using you to achieve my goal, It ’s the same to say that it ’s no harm to you to do this, and I will protect you. ”

Arthur hopes that Nelly Ellou will think about it.

“If it’s not Ace, I might have died 100 years ago. The life you gave you is at your disposal. I believe Arthur will not hurt me. Even if you hurt you, you will use more love to compensate me , People like you do n’t know how to hurt others. “

Nelly Ello still has a clever place, she can see who Arthur is.

“Really? Then, just wait …”

Arthur ’s purpose in coming to the virtual circle has been completed. After all, it has become the scope of blue dyeing. He does not need to stay any longer. With the promise of Nelly Elloy, the power he possesses is even more powerful. Spirit King goes to war, then she is a good assistant.

“Wait for something, I want to follow you, the circle is so boring, it will be a lot of fun to follow you …”

Nelly Elro shook her head.

“Eh … We are going to the present world, maybe we will go to the corpse soul world, your spiritual pressure, mask and so on …”

Arthur was troubled.

“Spiritual pressure I can converge, mask and so on should you know your technique? Isn’t it normal to treat virtual power, so it’s okay to get rid of this?”

Nelly Eluo said casually.

“Uh, don’t just give me trouble, this kind of thing still needs to be studied, and the virtual hole can be removed to fill out the mask. I will study for a while, but there should be no problem living in Puyuan temporarily …”

Arthur opened the passage to the present world.


“You really have to give me trouble. I didn’t expect you to have an affair with Vastold.”

Urahara Kisuke’s face turned a little bluish, and three broken faces were hidden in his shop. If they were found, I’m afraid …

“Your underground base lends me a bit, and I research some techniques.”

Arthur believed in the power of Samsara Wheel of Life and Death.

“Your spiritual pressure has been captured by the corpse soul world. Be careful, otherwise I won’t be able to help you.”

Urawa Ursuki reminded them while taking Arthur into the ground.

“Unless Mao Zhihua elder sister comes to catch me in person, otherwise … speaking of which, I would like to cooperate with Lanran, Senpai, you have to be prepared.”

Arthur felt it was necessary to explain.

“You won’t, you didn’t, but you still don’t. If Lan Ran takes action, you may be reinstated and even promoted to Captain.”

Urayasu Uraki is still a little confident, since it is necessary to accept Arthur.

“It’s Ah …”

Arthur is thinking about the hidden dangers of Demon Race’s. Before Demon Race starts, he can’t act. If Demon Race is a virtual force, then he can only be a Shinigami force. If Demon Race is a Shinigami force, it is possible to cooperate with Lanran. It is impossible for them to become opponents to unite the front.

“By the way, if you want to sneak into the corpse soul world, you can find Sky Crane to help you, she will be happy if you do.”

Assistant Professor Urahara agitated Arthur.

“It seems you are holding the winning ticket?”

Arthur didn’t understand what Urayasu Uraki wanted to do. The blue dyed Beng Yu was already completed under his spiritual power. The part that does not need blue dye can be used. Why did blue dye wait until now?

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