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5 With the arrival of Arthur’s wonderful new Captain, Fan’s image has completely changed, not changed.

The training intensity of the 5th team, which was originally the rescue team, was even stronger than that of the 1th team, and the degree of trouble was also the leading team of Lingting. The reputation has indeed become very bad.

However, the 5th Fan team is always very useful at important moments. The Shinigami who basically go out to perform Quest must greet the 5th Fan team before leaving. Legend has it that as long as the 5th Fan team shows up, they can ensure that There is absolutely no death in Quest.

The existence of the space-time technology bureau has also absorbed a large number of freshmen in the spirit spirit Academy.

5 Fans of the team are also well-known, even if the opponent is a Captain-class Shinigami, they ca n’t make a mistake. It ’s reasonable to say that the challenge of finding strong spiritual power is weak, but the Captain ca n’t pull it down. It’s a shame that these seat officers are quite powerful. It’s simply a delusion to send them only with the help of Shian of Zanpakutō. However, with the help of swastika, it’s a bit bullying.

As for Captain, Arthur is a leisurely planter of flowers and grass every day, researching the spirit of the son, and repairing the buildings destroyed by the officials every day, then leisurely doing aquaculture, creating some cute beasts like Shiro rabbits through his own technique. Using incredibly moe moe’s pets to earn money from female Shinigami, after all, development requires funds, and he should be rewarded for making money.

Under such circumstances, one person could not look down anymore, not an outsider, but the adjutant of the Fifth Team, Hina Morita. She was originally decadent. She did not expect that the new Captain would give her decadence. It was simply impossible to sit back. Go on!

“Captain, why don’t you deal with government affairs? These are all complaints from other Fan teams, as well as some instructions from General Captain. You haven’t moved at all!”

Hina Mori looked at Arthur lying on the ground rolling and was speechless.

“Ah … Is there? Sorry, Yuu-chan, to burn all the orders in the Captain room …”

Arthur said indifferently that he didn’t mean to get up. After all, he was very tired. Repairing the house cost a lot of spiritual power. Yuu-chan destroyed them completely.

“No time!”

Kirigaya Yuu is playing cards with Nelly Ello and she lost 3 games in a row and she already wanted to cut people.

“Oh, just burn it up personally …”

Arthur gave up.

“How can I burn it out, please cheer up a bit, blue (stained) … Captain … not like this at the time!”

Hina Morita paused for a moment, completely helpless for this majestic and decadent Captain.

“Blue dye? When Captain is so boring, not equal to me, let’s go get blue dye back?”

Arthur couldn’t help being nodded.

“Please don’t cracking a joke? Blue dye Captain has … already …”

Hina Sentao not only was not comforted, but also to comfort others, but, thanks to this decadent Captain, let her understand that the blue dye was already not in the corpse soul world, wrong, it should be defection.

“I don’t have cracking a joke. To be honest, although a guy like Lanran hates it, he is a talented person. If I’m the total Captain, either kill him or kill him to meet his requirements and let him continue to do Shinigami.”

Arthur is serious.

“Are you mad at me? Could you please cheer up, Team 5 Fan needs to cheer up, Blue Dye Captain is already impossible back, why don’t you understand?”

Hina Morita reached out and grabbed Arthur’s clothes and lifted it up.

“5 Fan Team? Why do n’t you cheer up? From the day I came here, this 5 Fan Team is not a blue dyed 5 Fan Team, but my 5 Fan Team. Now, the 5 Fan team is transforming according to my hope. This is the Fan team I want.

Lieutenant Humori, why do you suffer?

As Shinigami, I must have hope, courage, happiness, happiness … Only in this way can we become stronger, purify the emptiness, and bring happiness to human beings. Is my understanding wrong? “

Arthur simply looked at Hina Sentao.


great intelligence may appear to be stupidity Is it the person in front of you?

Hina Mori split second stunned, Arthur’s words are like truth, impeccable, yeah, hope these beautiful, is the spirit that Shinigami must have, only in this way can be a good Shinigami, but her hope?

“Like Lanran, is it your goal to follow Lanran’s side? Then go ahead and don’t need to be confused! If you like him, push him down, expecting him to be near him.

do you know?

I can understand the soul of a person, not the ability of a spirit son, but as a pure me, I can see all the sincerity, are you in pain, right? So why hold back tears?

Do not believe that Lanran will betray the corpse soul world, believe that Lanran is a gentle Captain, believe he was deceived, believe he will return to your side?

Wake up, Hun Sentao, Lanran is advancing with his own will. If you like him, then you must follow him even if you betray the corpse soul world, but what is the reason you did not do it?

The gentle blue-dye Captain in your heart is just the existence of your fantasy, like his Zanpakutō, illusion, flower in the mirror, moon in water, flick and shatter, flickering, false and hypocritical Yes, so you just insulted him like this, he is better than you think, so do you want to consider defecting from the corpse soul world to follow him.

It is often said by human that if you like someone, you love everything about him. “

Arthur let Hina Morita grab his clothes and remained indifferent, constantly destroying her fantasies with words.

“Are you serious? Abet me to defect the corpse soul world, if you are heard, you will be taken into the palace of guilt.”

Hina Mori was a little trembling, but Arthur’s words calmed him down. He didn’t persuade her to stay away from Blue Ran, as did everyone else. She blindly accused Blue Ran of Captain being a badass, and even persuaded her to follow up …

This new Captain is really strange.

“You still don’t understand who I am, just like the blue dye Captain in your fantasy, you only see my one-sidedness. Although I am not a blue-hearted man, I am a free and unruly person, If you dare me to get into the guilty palace, I must escape from prison, and I only do what I think is right. If someone hinders me, even if it is the total Captain, it is correct!

Blue dye is ambition, and I am free, which is exactly our difference.

His wild ambition made him unwilling to surrender to anyone. My freedom will never be bound by anyone. Although similar, it is definitely different.

The decadent me in your eyes is actually very strong. Although I don’t like to brag about myself, I am by no means decadent. “

Arthur broke free from the bondage of young Mori, and poured a cup of tea and handed her—

“I like to let everyone be able to do their best, to be able to breathe freely, to be able to do as one pleases choices, young Mori, what kind of future you want, bravely move forward, who dares to stop my adjutant, I The first one does not agree! “

“Captain ……”

Hina Mori feels a little warm in his heart, although Arthur’s words are arrogant and strange, but it is very comfortable to listen, as if the body and mind are untied. Captain’s different charms make people believe, reveal themselves, and make people happy …

“Have you calmed down? Very well, this is Ling Lingting’s excellent 5th team Vice Captain young Mori peach. You can keep everything blue dyed, I didn’t move.

do you know?

There is no truth or lie in this World. I do n’t think there is anything wrong with the practice of blue dyeing. Everyone has the right to choose the desired path. Everything done for this is true, not false. The gentle blue in your eyes Lan Ran, who is dyed and rebellious, is a person. Yes, Lan Ran has never changed.

Just like 24 hours a day, the time of each hour is the same, but each hour has a different meaning, whether it is sunny or dark, or bright or dark, and the combination is a complete day.

Don’t decide easily now, grow up, grow up to a day he can’t ignore, not only strength, but also the mind.

You are like a flower-bone flower waiting to be released. It has not yet bloomed. It is possible to have an intoxicating aroma or poison qi.

People must own themselves before they can attract the attention of others. You are not beautiful enough to be seen by others. “

Arthur watched Hina Mori take over the cup in his hand and suddenly knew that she had accepted him.

“Why did Captain see me? My Vice Captain is not as good as those of you.”

Hina Morita moved closer to Arthur.

“It is true that even Captain thinks that it is more suitable for you to be imprisoned for a period of time, but I did not agree, I, I hope you will be my adjutant. In short, I want to make a friend with you, I have nothing. People, so even if the probability becomes a friend, I will have expectations.

Then I will ask you to advise me in the future. “

Arthur was actually blessed by Mao Zhihua, so he wanted to try it this way, accepting Hina Mori completely regardless of the reason, and wanting to be believed first to believe others.

“The irrational answer is not the same as the eloquence just now. I wouldn’t listen to such a simple excuse. Have you spoken more wisely as before?”

Hina Morita was not knowing what to do by Arthur’s sudden change of tone.

“Well, maybe it’s Loli? After all, I was told that I was lolicon. You are also Lori, Hinamori?”

Arthur joked.

“What’s the answer? Really … Let’s start doing business! Captain.”

Young Sentao dragged Arthur to the desk.

“Ah … how could this be, I have been so painstakingly enlightening you, let me relax, really …”

Arthur smiled bitterly.

“No! You must be strict about Captain like you, or you will be laughed at by other fans. In short, make me look like Captain!”

Hina Morita toughly spreads his official duties in front of Arthur, maybe this is not bad. It is appropriate to relax with this new Captain and think about the future.

“Hinamori, you just need to deal with it. I’m very tired. By the way, I’m going to make it easier.”

How could Arthur do it?

“Then I will follow you, don’t want to sneak away, deal with these official duties, and then go to Captain with me. At that time, there was a mission, and handover with various Fan teams. Captain still has a lot of things to do after taking office . “

How could Young Morita let Arthur go.

“You still have to rest or think about blue dyeing, I want to live free!”

Arthur was lying on the table shamelessly.

“This is a punishment for you. You convinced me, so I decided to grow a little stronger and bloom into flowers. If you don’t do it, I will yell you for being impolite.”

Hina Mori said blushing, and suddenly reached out and pinched Arthur’s face, because this Captain looked as cute as Shiro, although it was a Senpai.

“Serve you, let it go, really …”

Arthur blushed and sat up.

“Start working. I will supervise you. In exchange, Captain will train me to become stronger.”

Hina Morita moved a chair and just sat on Arthur’s side, assisting him to do teamwork.

“It turned out to be purposeful, which made me think that you are a good person, and you return my pure heart!”

Arthur protested.

“Isn’t Captain saying to make me stronger? And the new seat officers are very strong. If I step on the spot, the location of this Vice Captain will be questioned. And what stimulates me, but you, I am cheering. Get up, do you want to reward me? “

Hina Morita hugged her arms and hummed, really, he thought she was cheering for whom Captain was too unreliable, so he must be carefully supervised!

“Criticism, all distortions, yes, I want to come, Onee-sama asked me to go to her to study new flower arrangement …”

Arthur said he wanted to go away.

“I will go with you …”

Hina Morita picked up all the teamwork and followed Arthur’s.

“Forgive me, Lord Humori!”

Arthur felt like he was glued, terrifying, no wonder Lan Ran wanted to get rid of this guy.

“Just call me Peaches, Captain. I’m not an adult. I didn’t know where you were when you were a hero in the corpse soul world. Maybe I’m still alive …”

Hina Morita feels that Arthur is too majestic, and to be honest, he really wants to see his posture in battle.

“Okay, take care of the team’s affairs, and I can do whatever I want after processing? Let you see the speed of this Captain!”

Arthur stamped without looking at a document …

“Stop! Stop it, I’ll read it to you, really, do it well, I will stare at you all the time!”

Young Sentao is fighting hard and must make Arthur a real Captain.

“I’m going to find Captain tomorrow, don’t do it!”

Arthur is going crazy.

“I know that Captain’s file you used to be in the 4th team was perfect. Don’t just handle it, take it seriously!”

Hina Mori also investigated Arthur in detail.

“You’re ruthless! Can’t I tell you the truth? It was too cruel to be exploited by elder sister before, so now I’m a little scared when I see teamwork …”

Arthur remembered his dark history.

“Oya, is it?”

Mao Zhihualie suddenly appeared at the door.

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