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Although the recovery of the gun of Longinus was completed, Youhabach has not yet been resolved.


The corpse soul world, the virtual circle, and the present world suddenly began to collapse, and Yumoto Yamamoto of the heavy country announced the death of Spirit King, and then ordered the Fuzhu ten 4 Lang to temporarily replace Spirit King to stabilize the 3 realm, and knock it down within the time he fought for. Friends Habach.

“With the current strength of the corpse soul world, it is presumably impossible to defeat Youhabach and his annihilation division group.”

Lan Ran was still calm when he was arrested.

“What do you know?”

Broken Bee looked at the blue dye being arrested and forced to ask.

“Even without me, the virtual circle will not be broken. Don’t underestimate the girl’s wisdom, she is [all-knowing and all-powerful].”

Lan Ran looked at Arthur, and his real opponent was not You Habach.

“Is Lilith in this world also Avatar?”

Arthur only reacted.

“Arrive at Spirit King Palace one step faster than You Habach, depriving Spirit King’s ability.”

Lan Ran has already guessed that after Lilis agreed with him on the plan, she did not really live in this world, but instead, he took a step forward to kill Spirit King.

The Eye of Demoness sees everything about Youhabach and knows everything about him. According to Lilith, Youhabach has not yet reached the real moment of awakening. Since the time of sleep, Youhabach needs 900 years to recover the heart. It took 90 years to regain consciousness, and another 9 years to gain strength.

And his power has not been fully recovered, this is because the power is retrieved in advance, and his invisible empire will disappear accordingly.

As the destroyer Progenitor’s friend Habach, if he retrieves the power in advance, then all of his members will lose their power, only after a long time.

Therefore, the time when You Habach went to the Spirit King Palace should be when Arthur used Ramayana, because he would not be dispatched until it was spelled by circumstances, he did not expect that the invisible empire was discovered by the corpse. The Soul World has existed for so many years, even if it is a shadow area that will not be discovered by the heavy country of Yamamoto Yuanliu …

And Lilith just before You Habach was dispatched.

“If the expectation is good, the ten bamboo cubs of the floating bamboo have begun to replace the dead Spirit King. After all, he is boarding the right arm of Spirit King …”

Lan Ran said.

“Yes, but blue dye, just look at it. The person who really laughed to the end is not you, nor Habach, nor Lilith … because you have all ignored an important thing.”

Arthur looked at the huge light curtain running through the sky and the Lingting Court. It was the floating bamboo ten 4 Lang who led the one-arm Great God, which is Spirit King ’s right arm, to represent the power of the static right arm, which brought the 3 worlds. Fixed, but the real floating bamboo ten four lang has died, and now it is only the floating bamboo ten four lang [resurrected] by Arthur, that is to say, the Spirit King right arm he used is not derived from the real Spirit King right arm, but ——

Arthur’s power.

With the fixation of the floating bamboo ten lang, the Samsara Wheel of Life and Death began to rotate, and the appearance of the Samsara Wheel of Life and Death appeared on the chest of the floating bamboo ten lang, and the person sitting in the middle of the wheel was Arthur!

“What’s going on? Susu Captain? Based on your answer …”

Jingle Chunshui frowned at Arthur.

“Captain must understand that the floating bamboo Captain died once and was resurrected, and the power of the resurrection came from me. Therefore, when he is stable in the 3 world, the power from me is at this opportunity to devour Spirit King to the 3 world. The right of management, that is to say, is a double-edged sword.

I come to be Spirit King!

King me, Captain!

Let me protect your future, let me run the 3 realms, and let me reinvent the wheel!

And you should be afraid of You Habach!

Without us going up, he will come in person, so protect me. “

Arthur did not expect that such an accident would occur, so he would be willing to let it go. The two camps of Habach and Lilith, who were already in the Spirit King palace, would decide the future of this World, but did not expect that the four bamboos of Fuzhu will replace Spirit King’s ability, as a result, Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method, Arthur successfully replaced Spirit King.

“Boy arrogant !!”

Spirit King of Yumoto Yamamoto’s heavy country struck Arthur like a flame. After catching the blue dye, what should be dealt with is the spirit genius who is neither enemy nor mine.

“As long as I [let go], the 3 realms will be destroyed, and you have no choice.

It was waiting for the 2 pullers to look down on the 3rd realm in the Spirit King palace, rebuild the 3rd realm, and become the king.

Still respect me as king and stabilize the existing 3 realms?

What are the obligations of Corpse Soul Realm and Shinigami? It is a solid world, and now is the time to change the dynasty!

Bow your head, Shinigami, bow your head, human, bow your head, empty crowd, bow your head, Senro 10000 Elephant!

Congratulations to me, who will be the new king, to worship, to accept, to kneel down 10000 years old! “

Arthur looked at Yanben Yuanliu indifferently as a great nation, and all Shinigami and Void of the Lingling were engraved with the Asura mantra. Therefore, it is impossible to want to resist him, it is he who healed them seriously, yes He resurrected them who died.

“Although a bit tough, but I think we have no way out …”

Pu Yuan Xi Zhu and the others appeared in the Ling Ling Ting.

“Little Tsukimi is also good to be a Spirit King, at least there is a disadvantage like an institution like Room 40 6 in the center …”

4 Fengyuan Yeyi didn’t expect Arthur to have such an ambition.

“What about the echo of the Zero Team? Old fogey?”

Jingle Chunshui looked at Yamamoto Yuanliu heavy country, although he was unwilling, but this is the best choice.

“There is no echo, all should be killed!”

The great country of Yamamoto Yuanliu has guarded the Ling Lingting for a long time, and today has been continuously humiliated and defeated by the traitor Lan Ran, so that the Lingingting was destroyed once, and now he must bow down to the wild ambition of Arthur. Be a minister.

“Choose a choice, you guys. Or do you want all people to die and then be resurrected by me to become my puppet?”

Arthur looked at everyone on the battlefield like this, and behind him were Kirigaya Yuu, Nelly Elro, Mercury Lamp, Black Rock, Gasai Yuno and the others.

“After getting what you want, then you have to return …”

Ishimaru stood at Arthur’s side and completed the revenge with the power of a good brother, and now I have to pay back.


However, other Captain-level Shinigami not at all actions.

“You can choose to go to Spirit King Palace with the old man, or stay here …”

Yamamoto Wonju’s heavy kingdom became senescent in an instant, whether he could defeat Arthur or not, if he defeated him, he would destroy the 3rd realm.

“I’m kindly reminded that in the Spirit King palace, I will only die, prepared for 1000 years, You Habach is already an unreachable point for an ordinary person, not to mention there is another guy who is as dangerous as me, Demoness, she is a trick. Many ends! “

Arthur felt that Lilith should now be in battle with You-Habah. You-Habah claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent, and Lilith ’s Eye of Demoness also claimed to know everything, so evenly matched, it was difficult to win or lose, so it was so For a long preparation time, he must fully grasp the 2 realms before the result of the duel of 3 people!

“Old man equivalent to the historical epitome of corpse soul world, the long life is guarding the corpse soul world, can not hinder the establishment of New World, then you have to go to life and death with the old world, you just dance, if I can When you come back, it ’s when you were expelled !!! “

Shanben Yuanliu extended his hand to hold a sword, cut off his own arm ——

“This arm is for you! You will give you back all the old man’s healing graces, and write off …”

“Total Captain…”

“Total Captain…”


“Don’t be sad, when the Soul Realm hasn’t despaired yet, Jingle, you stay, if I can’t return, you will take my place, if the new world has some weather, then I will do my best to govern the Soul World If the new world is full of despair, try to kill the thieves! “

Yamamoto Yuanliu turned around.

“Captain, please bring me …”

Koji Minister Jiro on one knee kneeled on the ground.

“This time I want you to see my incompleteness.”

Yamamoto Yuanliu said sole solemnly.

“It’s okay, what Captain sees is what I want to see.”

Minister Koji stood up.

“[Evil] ‘s me should not appear in the new world … this time, let’s call it the [Sword 8] forgotten.”

Mao Zhihua, no, Mao Zhihua’s 8,000 imposing style suddenly changed, and the overflowing murderous aura was terrifying.

“What’s the trouble? Elder sister?”

Arthur felt a little uncomfortable and left him.

“The two men who impressed me in my life, one is the one who gives me hope, and the other is the one who gives me affection, Tsukimi. It belongs to you, not the present me Spend 2 flow, I love you, Tsukimi, clearer than anyone else, your heart that made me dry has a sweet spring.

My lovely younger brother has also grown up, and my younger brother should be like this, yeah, how can the younger brother who is weaker than me?

I can’t be your obstacle, moved towards your future, no one can stop you, 100 years ago, my cowardice made you drift away, today I can’t arrogantly control you, and yours so far Time is my most precious … “

Mao Zhihua cuddled Arthur tightly.

“No, the only long-cherished wish to come back here is … to enjoy a leisurely time in the arms of elder sister. If you die, I will have no love for this World. The two most important people, one is Maru Yin, a good brother city, and the other is elder sister.

Silver has fought side by side with me, but does elder sister leave me? Then destroy this World, destroy it completely, what is the use of it, what is the use of it, what is the use of protecting it! ! “

Arthur held the flower in his arms tightly and never let go.

“What a lovely younger brother, so it is even more impossible to make you stand still …

Someone in this world loves you more than me, and the world needs you more than elder sister, don’t say those decadent words, you are my younger brother, you should show your strength, in my arms you are just A gentle male child, and you leave me as the king. Become the king. The declaration of the split second just made me admire you.

elder sister thinks of you who see Shenwu out of the ordinary, I will love you whenever, even if it fades … “

Mao Zhihualie kissed gently on Arthur’s forehead, then turned around and said to Gengmujian 8 at the same time-

“Come on, more wood, only the sword 8 that I really approve of is the real sword 8, you sealed, you need me to open it!”

“I have long wanted to fight you, Maozhihua Captain, but you are my goal, the goal of struggle!”

The wooden sword 8 carries the sword and follows the silhouette of the sword 8.

“Can you take me with me? Uncle Choiyue is Yohabach … I don’t believe I must ask clearly.”

Kurosaki Ichigo followed.

“And let me listen to your New World?”

Shiraki Baizai looked at Arthur and asked, he thought, Captain actually wanted more people to stay, because going to the Spirit King Palace means to die, if you want to bury with the past history, you must stay because this is the reason Is hope.

“The equality of Senrow ’s 10000 elephants, regardless of human beings, Shinigami, and Void, will survive in parallel. The most natural reincarnation can be achieved through my power. The human death Samsara Reincarnation will automatically run in the reincarnation system. Service work.

The virtual circle will disappear and become a place of exile, in which reincarnation will be carried out after repentance and suffering.


The reincarnation reproduced by Arthur is naturally the reincarnation of Chinese mythology.

The Spirit King palace becomes [Heaven Realm], the present world becomes [human realm], the corpse soul realm and the virtual circle become [Earth realm] and [Eighteen Levels of Hell], and under the control of Samsara Wheel of Life and Death, reincarnation Will run perfectly.

“This is not rebellion, but evolution. I think you should stay behind to complete the creation of New World. Susu Captain ’s feelings about the Maozhihua Captain are not false, and this alone can be believed, and he is completely Have the ability to kill us all, and then create New World, but he does not.

The replacement of dynasties is common in this world, and the replacement of kings is indeed very important, but as long as the new dynasty is wise enough, it can be crowded and pray for the spirit King who has died, it is better to seize more meaningful hope. “

Baimu Baizai said calmly, “I think everyone understands the total Captain. In fact, his real purpose is to buy us time. The next thing to think about is how to fight.”

“Indeed, it’s enough to have Uma Captain and Vice-section Head. The rest of the youngsters still have to look further, and we are dead. Isn’t Susu Captain easier?”

Jingle Chunshui is also nodded.

“Please believe Tsukimi, he is a gentle man, I am a broken bee, hereby guarantee!”

The broken bee fiercely took a deep breath, then shouted loudly, and the man who fascinated her must be excellent.

“I also brought old friends to you, and the situation 100 years ago will be reunited …”

Urayasu Urushi opened the space and walked out of Hiroko True Son and the others.

“If you want to take revenge on Lanran, the result is preempted, plus the kindness from 100 years ago, and now I will return it to you, Tamasu Tsukimi …”

Hiroko True Son appeared with Shinigami who disappeared in the world of corpse soul 100 years ago.

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