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Lilith got the forbidden fruit from Arthur is not ordinary [fruit], the real role is not to cut off the future probability of Arthur and Fea.

The reason for reproducing the past is precisely to complete the [forbidden fruit] system.

Fea became panicked because Lilith brought up the past and Arthur’s choice. After calming down, she remembered that the so-called [Forbidden Fruit] was not what Lilith said.

“Arthur, stop indulging Lilith! The past is the past, the present is now, what kind of person I am, presumably you already know.”

Fea thinks that it is indeed concealed, but it is not dark. In the past, it was because of King Race’s traditional domination. What was she able to understand when she was a pure girl? At that time, I just thought about how to play with Asa romantically in the forest.

She was not killed by Asa, absolutely not. She did n’t know about King Race ’s transactions at that time. She just wanted to enjoy that natural romance. She did n’t tell her anything until she died.

She decided to inherit Asa ’s ambitions to change the entire Elf Race. From meeting Arthur to now, she has been working hard. She definitely did not use Arthur. She also did a lot for this. Indeed, Arthur did a lot for her, so she Together with Arthur, Elf Race has grown to the present. She will be Elf Queen soon, and her child will also be king. She wants to change the future of King Race.


Arthur looked at the strong Fea as if attracted.

“You can see my soul, and I sleep with you for a long time. You should understand who I am. I have never deceived you. We should not be in a trading relationship, but support each other. Everyone has Your own privacy, Arthur, you are a clone Elf made with Asa as a prototype. This is a natural Elf creation experiment that Elf put back.

The only information I can investigate at this moment is, you think, if I really had to persecute Asa, why did he give me all his strength? Are you still talking about loving me to death? I was really ignorant at the time, but it was definitely not intended to harm him. Lilith’s words described me as a mistake, with only one purpose.

[Forbidden Fruit] Not what she described. “

Fea reached out and a book appeared in his hand—

“As recorded in Elf Race’s wisdom library, [Forbidden Fruit] is the ability that only Demoness has in its real Demoness, and the birth of Demoness is not carried out in a normal state.

Demoness breeds offspring through the 7 major sins of arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, sex, and gluttony. It is also a source of strength.

7 Sin is just the appearance of the name, and the real name has another name. The real name of binge eating is [Forbidden Fruit]. Demoness is eager to eat the forbidden fruit. The quality of the forbidden fruit determines the growth of Demoness. It evolves from binge eating to arrogant Demoness. ! !

The so-called forbidden fruit is that Demoness eats the fruit of reproduction from the excellent opposite sex.

The body of Demoness can stop growing up to ten years old, and the body will grow one year after every big sin, and the final arrogance will grow to ten 7 sins, and then become the real Demoness!

Demoness can only complete the [Forbidden Fruit] once again if he wants to have offspring. This will grow to 18 years old. The way to reproduce offspring is not normal, but the body will return to the appearance of about ten years old, and most of the memory will be eliminated.

At the same time, there is a secret about Demoness. Lilith is the Demoness of the 2nd generation. The Demoness she took office has died, because there can only be one Demoness’s past husband, that is, the Demon King. Unfortunately, the Demon King seal, so the Demoness is dead. Too.

After the death of the first generation Demoness, the baby girl born in Demon Race on the day of her death will become a candidate for the next Demoness, and only one of these Demoness can survive.

Demon Race will throw all the newly born Demoness to a place called [Lamb’s Nest], where the Demoness candidates have to stay for ten years without food and water. Demoness needs to survive in the Lamb’s Nest.

Lilith is not the ultimate survivor. In fact, when she was 6 years old, she accidentally fell out of a crack in the Lamb’s Nest and was rescued by Asa.

This is the reason why Lilith chose you, she will do that kind of thing with you after eating the forbidden fruit, and reach the second sin.

Stop quickly, as long as you refuse, the forbidden fruit will not be picked! “


Arthur instantly felt as if his body had been emptied. It turned out that this was the case. Lilith deliberately provoked him to contradict Fea’s, and then acted arduously. Is Lilith’s means to become stronger 7 major sins?

“Thank you for the hospitality, it’s delicious, and it proves that you really have the potential of Demon King …”

Lilith raised her head with satisfaction, her mouth still had milk-like color, and her body began to grow gradually.

“As long as she resists, she can’t get the big crime of sex.”

Fea said.

“Really there is no way. After all, Demon King and Demoness need 2 emotions to complete the 7 sins, but there is one thing that is not recorded in your book. Once the forbidden fruit is eaten, Demon King will be captured by Demoness, so as long as I am close to him, He will not resist, even the soul will resist. This is a compulsory effect like [Soul Seal]. Only the natural Elf [Flower Bud] can be purified. Unfortunately, do you have [Flower Bud]? Sylph?

is it possible that you are going to Seas Princess to get Tears of Mermaid? “

Lilith sat in Arthur’s arms and stroked his lips—

“Demoness has three mouths, the first is the big sin of completing [overeating], the second is the big sin of completing [eroticism], and the third is the big sin of accomplishing [greedy], but the third one does not want to open now, after all I am also shy, and now only 3 years old is enough … “

“Why is the choice of the Demon King object me, is it just me and Asa Chang?”

Arthur smiled bitterly. Indeed, I don’t know why I couldn’t hate Lilith. Even when she smelled what she had, she would have that strong thought, as uncomfortable as taking medicine.

“I have been observing you for a long time. You are not only as simple as Asa’s clone. Although it did come out of Elf’s laboratory, you have a more primitive nature. You even surpassed Asa and observed at Shinigami World. Let me be sure.

Be my Demon King, right?

I ca n’t live forever without you. Although I used the next method, I ’m sure you wo n’t mind. After all, it means that my ingenuity is going to surpass you, so it is the current result, and your ideas are not so pedantic.

Youhabach and so on I have sealed it for you, so I do n’t need to worry about the outside now, take the initiative, my Demon King, I know you ca n’t control yourself anymore, do n’t refuse, because if you do n’t solve this Impulsively, your ability will be degraded. Degradation means that there will never be offspring. This is the true side effect of the forbidden fruit.

I know your girlfriend Yukino’s, right? You must want to have a common child with her, right?

So don’t resist. “

Lilith guides patiently and systematically like Little Devil.

“Fea, is it true?”

Arthur hopes he won’t be turned around.

“This, let me see …”

Fea looked at the harvest of wisdom–

“Yes, the side effect of the forbidden fruit, yes, it is absolutely … breeding, hurry up with her … the reason why the previous Demon King has no real offspring is the arrogant rejection of the first generation Demoness …”

“It seems that you have planned everything, but Lilith, one day, I will let you taste the sense of failure!”

Arthur pushed Lilith to the ground.

“Really? My Demon King, Princess Fea can rest, I don’t have the kind of interest to watch …”

Lilith closed the image.



After the end, Lilith and Theresa and the others disappeared in Shinigami World. As Lilith said, Youhabach was sealed.

After completing the reincarnation creation, Arthur needs to return.

“Next I will live in the Celestial Court (Spirit King Palace). Let the matter of Yan Luo Dian (Dead Soul Realm) be handled by Jingle Captain. This is also the explanation of Captain Yamamoto. Eighteen Levels of Hell (virtual circle) by Ni Liero manages … Celestial Court does not allow anyone to approach. “

After a brief explanation, Arthur was ready to return, mainly worried about Legion War.

“As it is now, the 3 realm is very balanced. You can run the system without Spirit King. Would you not stay in the corpse soul realm? It’s good to spend a small life with the broken bee Captain.”

Jingle Chunshui still can’t understand Arthur.

“It’s just my one-way acacia.”

The broken bee shook her head. Although she imagined it well, she and he both had their own futures.

“Really? Then I don’t need to intervene. What is your opinion about the specific department of Yan Luodian?”

Jingle Chunshui asked.

“You decide, I need rest because of [Samsara] …”

Arthur shook his head indifferently, and now his mind was already not in Corpse Soul Realm.

“Then, Yan Luo Shi 3 Palace team presented Celestial Emperor.”

Jingle Chunshui and all Captain watched Arthur’s disappear.

“Eighteen layers of hell, Lord Celestial Emperor …”

Nelly Elro also fulfilled her dream, just like the three realms of order, the virtual and human and Shinigami are fighting differently, even if there is, there is a fairer and fairer Judgement program.

“Good brother, remember to come back and see …”

Shimaru Yin and Matsumoto Ranju stood together, ah, ah, it really was Tsukimi more Mystery, at that time he guessed.

“Captain, I am still used to calling you Captain, thanks …”

Hina Morita felt that although it was short, this Captain was really special.


Arthur heard the familiar voice of each and everyone, hoping to see you next time, now there is no time.


When we returned to Legion War, the battle had come to an end. Demon Race’s Legion defeated Elf Race’s Legion. The last championship was only a short-lived one. However, Elf Race was able to finish second.

“Sorry, if I can be more rational, Lilith’s plan will not succeed …”

Fea looked at Arthur look pale, the repercussions of the forbidden fruit were soulful, and it took a while to recover.

“It’s okay, I almost misunderstood you. I was continuously defeated by Shadru and Lilith. Are I too arrogant?”

Arthur hugged Fea tightly, a bit uncomfortable.

“No, Shadru and Lilith were originally excellent people of Innate Skill. One is smarter than the other. They are better than me. After all, I was used to growing up. It is not easy to increase competition until today.

And you do n’t have to be so undervalue oneself, you see, me, Shadru, Lilith all value you very much, at least three of us will not pose a threat to you, although racial reasons will continue to struggle, but in private, will not There are irreparable consequences, of course, this is just comfort.

Arthur, we ca n’t beat Lilith now. It ’s for sure. Lilith ’s age is the same as yours, but her body age is stagnant. She has experienced more than you. She tastes more pain than you. Well, you are too Tired, the second place is good, go to sleep … “

Fea calmed Arthur. He was tired and normal. After all, it has been so long. After so much experience, he will definitely be tired.

Looking at his sleeping face like this is really cute.

She likes him and really likes them. Together they support Elf Royal Family to the present level. The Legion War champion and runner-up and so on are things that I couldn’t even imagine before.

She was lucky that Asa gave her strength, Arthur gave her hope, and she was about to grow up, not an Elf girl who pursued romance, but the self-improving Elf Queen.

“Your Highness Sylph, Your Highness Lilith invites you to enjoy the gala ball together, saying that you want Prince Ace to also be together …”

The maid came in.

“Hush … Help me refuse, and Lilith must be showing off now, I want to accompany my prince.”

Fea said softly, gently touching Arthur’s face, to be honest, she did think of having many children with Arthur, and then the family could live happily, but she couldn’t do anything, he had a real lover, experienced Lilith After the forbidden fruit incident, she also understood that she should not be too selfish.

Arthur is already under pressure. She doesn’t want him to be injured again. She might have thought of taking advantage of it before, but she has really fallen in love with him, so she can’t decide their future from profit.

What she wants is not only a beautiful future, but also a happy future.

She wants to be able to spend an ordinary and happy pastoral time with him after she takes off the queen ’s throne in the future. Although that future is far away, she still expects that she does not have the brilliance of Shadru and Lilith, but she can be with Arthur Wind and rain together in the same boat, when you are in difficulty, you can move forward depending on each other.

Today she understood that Arthur is not a substitute for Asa, she has always owed a debt to Asa, but she should be sober now, and Asa will not want her to be unhappy, when Lilith destroys their feelings, she did not think of herself. It would be such a heartache, she, already unable to extricate herself, fell in love with Arthur completely, and it will be a brand new future in the future.

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