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Mordred was cleaning the dust on his body while looking at the Black Holy Grail on the pool side. If Arthur-nii died like that, she would definitely not be reconciled, but she also understood the consciousness made by Arthur.

Not only should Arthur-nii survive, but also the darkness in Holy Grail will not be dumped. It is simply an impossible thing to achieve the best of both worlds, but she can accompany Arthur-nii.

On this last day, she will become a married couple with Arthur-nii, and then go to hell together. Before destroying Holy Grail, she will die together.

On the day before, she was ready to hand over a letter to Ferid and let him give it to Lancelot by the evening of the 3rd day. The letter had her location, and the time between the 2nd day and the 3rd day , She is going to marry Arthur-nii.

After washing the body of the girl, Mordred put on the prepared wedding dress on the body, holding the Black Holy Grail on the chair, and taking a wedding photo with the camera.

She tried to make herself smile, after all, it was a happiness to be able to pass away with Arthur-nii. It was her who accompanied him to hell, she had no relatives in this world, even if she met Ferid, she was just A walking corpse, but after meeting Arthur, her life became better.

Arthur asked her to suck blood, teach her Kendo, play with her, read books together …

They read “Legend of the King Arthur” together. When she saw King Arthur and Mordred fighting in the gladioli hills, she felt that Mordred was dead, but Arthur told her that King Arthur had no regrets, she thought, To realize Arthur’s idea, she made Mordred and also rewritten the current Legend of the King Arthur.

Mordred will be King Arthur’s most trusted Knight, but Lancelot has been preventing her from approaching Arthur, which is awful! That woman, don’t think she doesn’t know her evil Evil Thought head, Lancelot will steal Arthur’s life tools from time to time to comfort herself. After being hit by her, she refuses to converge!

Of course, the most angry thing is that Arthur-nii is with the human Hiiragi Shinoa, she even has the idea of ​​assassination, but Arthur-nii is a justice of Knight, and she will only bring rumors of injustice to him after doing so. Stop it.

Her ideal is to be Arthur-nii’s lover. It doesn’t matter if you are an underground lover, even if it is only one day, so if you don’t realize it now, you will never realize it.

After shooting the wedding dress, Mordred began to draw the future of 2 people. If it is not possible, then show it in the painting, draw the imagined future on paper …

One …

2 sheets …


Gradually, Mordred painted the whole room, and her dreams were everywhere.

Calculating the time, it is already 3rd day. Mordred knows that if he does not commit suicide, there will be no chance. Knights of the Round Table’s will definitely stop her.

“Arthur-nii, Mordred, take a step first, you are coming soon, we will have another wedding when he is in hell, but Arthur-nii redeemed the whole world, we should go to heaven, then, let ’s be a pair of angels Guard Avalon’s future … “

Mordred cut her wrists with a sword, and there was a lot of blood overflowing, but she did not have any pain. She held the Black Holy Grail and lay peacefully on the ground covered with flowers. The blood color stained the white yuri flower …


Arthur looked at everything Mordred did. He blamed himself painfully. Without him, Mordred would not die for him!

“Wait … Arthur, look, blood entered Black Holy Grail! Scarlet Destiny you started that day, although it was disturbed by Darkness Strength, Scarlet’s power still exists, Mordred’s chastity girl’s blood is making you blush The power is recovering, there is … hope !!! “

Sakura discovered something unusual, perhaps it was a coincidence, Mordred’s chaste girl’s blood let Arthur’s Scarlet’s power begin to recover, and the power of fate began to turn!

“No! Come and rescue her, let her die for me, what is the point!”

Even if Arthur knew that he had the possibility of resurrection, he couldn’t accept it. Why is this the case, Mordred’s tragic childhood can finally live happily in Avalon, but …

Lancelot! Hurry up and rescue Mordred!

Tears of blood flowed out of Arthur’s eyes. He mourned in pain, but no one responded.

“Arthur, calm down, don’t use this opportunity to resurrect now, there is no more chance …”

“No, I am going to die with Mordred, and I will never leave her alone again!”


After Lancelot received Ferid’s letter, he immediately led everyone to the underground chamber.

In a flower bed covered with flowers, Mordred’s blood dyed red white yuri, Black Holy Grail is beside Mordred’s.

“It’s also a poor girl who died for love, ah, really touching …” Ferid said with a faint smile.

“Asshole, why didn’t you say it early, Mordred …”

Gawain pressed Ferid angrily on the ground.

“Let her follow her lover, this is a girl’s dream, I don’t want to be a bad person, and such a poignant scene, don’t you find it very interesting?”

Ferid didn’t struggle, his face was full of excitement, “Lancelot, someone is more capable of facing your feelings more sincerely than you …”

“Shut up!” Lancelot gritted his teeth, Mordred was indeed impulsive, but did what she did for year even for something even in dreams, and died after finishing the wedding with Wang, she thought too!

“The key now is to destroy the Black Holy Grail, it’s almost time …”

Ichinose Guren drew his sword.

“Wait a second! Black Holy Grail is starting to turn crimson, Mordred’s blood is flowing into Holy Grail!”

Hiiragi Shinoa noticed something unusual, maybe …

“You think too much, and hurry up …”

Hiiragi Shinya frowned and said, “Although very helpless, Shinoa, you have to think about the lives of all humans and Vampire in the world.”

“No, Black Holy Grail is indeed changing!”

Kirigaya Yuu also saw something unusual.

“Anyway, there is still time, I think I can wait …”

Ferid is also excited, it seems that the end of stage play is coming!

“Ferid, you guys want world annihilation, don’t you understand that we may not be able to destroy the Black Holy Grail in one blow? So now we have to advance and have enough time to destroy!”

Ichinose Guren frowned.

“You really can easily destroy, human, don’t even give time to your benefactor who saved you?”

Krul felt that there was hope and would stick to it.

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