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Gasai Yuno couldn’t stop Arthur’s advance, even Scáthach was on Arthur’s side.

However, she knew very well that Scáthach definitely did not agree with Arthur, but waited for a certain time.


The center of Maple Forest.

There were 2 irrelevant women, one with purple long hair, a charming woman wearing a sailor suit and black silk knee socks, and the other with a clear golden pupil and a pointed dragon with a fan in his hand. Horn, long green hair and half body, light green striped white kimono and white over-the-knee socks, delicate and pretty cute face and petite figure are completely Loli beauty.

“Misliya, I finally waited for you … today is your burial place!”

The Elf man put down the kettle in his hand, and the jewel-green eyes with endless resentment!

“Feanor, why should I? I love you deeply!”

Purple long-haired tall woman said gently with a smile, “The Snow of Dandelion of Marble Phantasm is really beautiful. I like the gift you give me. As long as we join forces, the world must be ours!”

“Your love, but my favorite younger sister poison to death, I love the person I love the most!”

Elf’s man’s body was trembling, and eyes were bleeding!

“I have a special love for my younger sister, which cannot be understood by the world! I just remove the inner softness for you, but you have a powerful Innate Skill, and I am very Like you, in order to be able to do everything, can’t bear to accept my love now? Moreover, your parents and my parents are already engaged, and immediately you are mine! “

Misliya’s eyes showed sorrow and shook her head and sighed.

“You are just playing around with me. If it were not for me who believed you wrong then, the younger sister would not die tragically. When your Poisonous Dragon teeth pierced her body–! I have nothing to do with you anymore. ! “

Feanor stretched out slowly, and an Elf sword shining with water silver light appeared in his hand. This is his specially created Dragon Slayer Sword!

“Oh yeah, Alice’s blood tastes really good, who kept her between you and me, and who is it that you think is the reason it is today? Elf Dragon Slayer Sword has been created, you really are Desperate, but it does n’t matter, you are also mine when you die, and I want to thank you for 30% of your contributions! “

Misliya licked his lips, beautiful men are everywhere, Feanor is just her plaything, but unfortunately this plaything is not cute at all!

“Jabberwock (Jabberwocky)! Kill them!”

Nursery Rhyme trotting back into Feanor’s arms, reaching for Misliya and them, summon up rare beast Jabberwock ——


Jabberwock from Alice in Wonderland attacked Misliya and the green-haired girl.

“Alice!? … You are really distorted. Actually, the Heroic Spirit has become the look of your younger sister. Is this really good? Black Berkerser, burn me to death and let him look at his younger sister again. How did you die! “

Misliya was shocked to see Nursery Rhyme’s split second, but soon realized that this was not the real Alice, after all, that Alice had been eaten by her!

“Observe, MaMaster.”

The green-haired girl raised the dancing fan in her hand. A ray of flame surrounded her body and flew towards the Jabberwock with the dancing fan. The flame became violent in the split second and instantly knocked back Jabberwock.

“Red CaMaster, please, stop Black Berserker, and leave the rest to me.”

The Elf sword in Feanor’s hands shone into the rays of light, instantly centered on his body, and began to emit a strong Power of Flame. The flame wrapped around the Elf sword and slashed towards Misliya!

“Fire is useless for me!”

The dancing fan in the hands of the green-haired girl fluttered slightly, and the rushing flames prevented Feanor’s flames from attacking.

“Be captured under my ‘Breath of Love’ !!”

Misliya lightly opened his lips, and the poison qi of purple began to spread towards the entire maple forest, and all the places he encountered were corroded.

Even the elite sword in Feanor’s hands has gradually become rust ~!

“Blazing Frost Star!”

Feanor’s body surrounded the flames to disperse the poison mist, and at the same time, a cloud of flames rushed towards Millerella.

“Black Berserker! ~”

Misliya frowned at the oncoming flame, and what she feared as the Poisonous Dragon was the flame.

“Come on-you have lost! Queen’s Glass Game (QueensGlassGame)! My big brother and I are the strongest combination.”

Nursery Rhyme closes his eyes slightly, and the fantasy wrapped in a bunch of silk threads integrates the fantasy in faith into one, gradually expanding. The lovely symbol shuttled, and finally formed two small hearts on top of her and Feanor’s heads, and the Cupid’s arrow penetrated through this heart!

It doesn’t seem to change at all, but it is a duality Reality Marble, both for Noble Phantasm and Anti-World Noble Phantasm. The object of the caster is herself, so there will be no obvious interference.

It was originally the power of Noble Phantasm, but now it has risen to the level of Reality Marble after Feanor’s Elf language!

The fantasy unfolded step by step, and the entire world began to change.

“Reality Marble? Raise Noble Phantasm to the level of phenomenon interference, you use the rune of Elf King!”

Misliya discovered that this maple forest had already been constructed into the area of ​​Mori Elf, and the hidden Elf rune was depicted in space.

“Do you think I will be unprepared?”

The Dragon Slaying Fairy Sword in Feanor’s hands is back to its original form.

Queen’s Glass Game, in conjunction with Feanor’s Elf rune, turned her and Feanor 2 into a change of mind image landscape itself. The original Nursery Rhyme’s existence is a fantasy fairy tale polymer, which is equivalent to Reality Marble itself, reflecting MaMaster’s mind image landscape. , And then intervene twice in the world in which he exists.

The Barrier effect that can be formed is-

Endless resurrection, as long as they can’t be destroyed by one blow, then they can be resurrected in place indefinitely! And as long as one is alive, the other can be resurrected.

“Do you really have a chance of winning? Don’t forget Future Diary! My diary in my hand is a diary of love, a diary dedicated to abusing men, and it records the ways to abuse you!”

Misliya, who was originally ‘panicked’, smiled happily. Two silver pistols appeared in her hand. That was Shiba Tatsuya’s structure for her. As long as she shot, she could destroy the barrier built by rune.

“Bang … Bang … Bang … Bang …”

Shot in 4 different directions, bullets carrying the Psion shock wave hit the space, and the hidden emerald rune shock in the space disappeared.

The Reality Marble between Feanor and Nursery Rhyme disappeared.

“Even so, my own is Noble Phantasm, and my big brother protects me!”

Nursery Rhyme frowned. Although there was no Barrier, the permanent empire * girl organ was just a Noble Phantasm, but it could still achieve the power of unlimited resurrection, but it was impossible to cover Feanor in the immortal Barrier.


Feanor knows that without Reality Marble’s power, Nursery Rhyme’s Noble Phantasm’s power will drop a lot. I’m afraid it can’t withstand Misliya’s attack. After all, Marble Phantasm and rune Barrier that he is good at can’t work, Nursery Rhyme’s battle strength is not much.

The consumption of Magic Power will also become serious.

“According to the display in the Abuse Diary, as long as you attack your younger sister with all your strength, you can die completely! Feanor, oh Feanor, but I have a diary specially prepared for you. Let me abuse you! “

Misliya licked his lips and a leather whip appeared in his hand.

“Big brother, don’t listen to him, I can!”

Nursery Rhyme looked at Feanor pleadingly.

“Alice, I won’t let you die again, run away, big brother won’t give you up again …”

Feanor looked at Nursery Rhyme’s appearance, and found that she could not use her like Item. After all, she was exactly the same as the younger sister, and the voice was also cute and beautiful …

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