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Okumura Rin brandished azure’s flaming sword and slashed down against Kurumi, but Kurumi jumped up instantly, took out the shovel that was going to be behind him, and got off Okumura Rin’s Katana!

“Dumb man!”

Kurumi’s power is surprisingly large. A shovel repulsed Okumura Rin, and then attacked like a hot knife through butter. The shovel is connected with the shovel. Although it is a female, the power is also super powerful.


Then, a smoke bomb was thrown on the ground.

The world in front of me was covered with smoke, Okumura Rin, right hand holding Katana, covered with azure flames, slashing against the smoke in front of me, the shock wave of the air, blowing the smoke strongly, starting from the middle to 2 Dissipate.

Kurumi’s body instantly lowered, avoiding the fluctuations of the air flow, a shovel hit Okumura Rin’s face, hit him and flew out, and then the petite body jumped high, holding the shovel in both hands and falling towards Okumura Rin. Insert your body!


The body of Okumura Rin who had been beaten had to roll in embarrassment, and then turned up, the flame of azure wrapped the whole body, and it was necessary to fight with all his strength. Otherwise, this shovel is too powerful, it has already exceeded human. Possess the power.

“Phosphorus, use your Heroic Spirit to fight quickly!”

High Priest frowned and said that St. George did n’t play his full fight at all because of his proper fitness. Jeanne was only good at defense. In the face of the attack of Black Saber, Jeanne and St. George can only say yes Fighting and retreating, what is the real name of this black Saber, so powerful, it seems, the strength of melee is quite powerful!

That Noble Phantasm is also very powerful. Even if it is not weak in the face of Gilgamesh and Ramesses II, which hero in history is it?

“Understood, priest! Red Berserker !!!”

Okumura Rin calmed down and summon rose to Berserker.

A black silhouette appeared in the venue

“Kurumi, do you want to retreat?”

Black Saber made a move with St. George and Jeanne back to the range where Kurumi could be protected. Although she had fulfilled her wish at Arthur, she did not want to leave at this time. At least she had to fight hard for some time, and she could watch To Arthur’s future, if such a teenager has a tragic future, she will not allow it!

“It’s really fun, do you want me to come and play as well! I hurt my Nii-kun, but I must bear my anger! Red Lancer!”

At this time, two silhouettes appeared above the spire of the church. One was wearing a black red Gothic suit with a long red ponytail. The other was holding a pointed spiral silver long spear. , Nearly 2 meters tall, wearing a black expensive patriarch gown, fair to terrifying skin, pale-gold charming long hair, extremely gorgeous middle-aged man.


High Priest frowned towards towards behind him, but it was split second ——

He realized that his Future Diary was taken into the hands by the red Lancer beside Krul, and he was about to destroy it!

He even ignored the possible crisis in the church!

“Causal Recall !!”

In an instant, High Priest used the rules of Future Diary Seven Great Laws. If the diary was destroyed, he would leave!

“Aaaah !!!”

With a strong twisting power, High Priest ’s left eye becomes a dark hole, and the use of causal summon must be at the expense of a part of the body. However, he is lucky that the loss of causal summon is only one eye, if it is He would die completely in the heart!

“Yo, good rules. It turns out that Future Diary also has such rules.”

Krul looked at the diary of the believer that disappeared in his hand, and finally got it. He wanted High Priest to see how he was struggling in fear, but he did n’t expect that there would be a rule of causal summon. Did they enter this World before Are there any rules that are working in secret?

Probably a member of King Race, this High Priest, after all, only the nobles can know the secrets of the high school tower.

“Haha, I’m very lucky, I’m not dead yet … At this time, it seems that I don’t need to hide it !!! My believer, wake up !!!”

High Priest’s heart shuddered with cold sweat, and his expression gradually became crazy, and a bloody power was conveyed to the ground through his feet! !

Followed by-

“Bang !!!! pu !! roar !!!!”

The ground shook frantically, each and everyone’s dark arms stretched out of the ground, as if the scene of a mummy’s horror, men and women with dark skin and iron on each and everyone’s skin crawled out of the ground, the kind of darkness seemed to have a metallic luster , No matter men and women have a pair of scarlet eyes ——

The reformers who climbed out of the ground were wearing church uniforms. They used to be the staff of this church, but now they are made into reformers!

This is High Priest’s mysterious witchcraft. One can extract the soul of human into Magic Power and wrap it around St. George’s body, forcing him to act. This is an ancient sorcery called sacrifice. The human body can absorb the strength and magnetism of the earth on the ground to become Lich. Although these Lichs have poor combat capabilities, they are immortal. Having a considerable number can definitely become a sharp edge! !

“Oh, great, Dimensional Tower’s nobleman.”

Krul drank black tea gracefully, without seeming to be touched.

“Haha! Although it is stipulated that humans are not aware of this war, but if all humans die, there is no relationship between ignorance and ignorance. The ancient Shaman Race’s sacrifice, this land will soon become The area of ​​Shaman Race Holy Sect! Feanor is really a little boyish, you can use Marble Phantasm to kill all the frozen people, but what a Snow of Dandelion, stupid !!

Marble Phantasm is a Secret Technique that can only be used once in a lifetime by the ordinary Elf Royal Family, which is a waste! “

High Priest sneered and pushed down his glasses.

“Why … priest? Didn’t you say that my azure flame raged and killed them, so I want to help you expel evil to atone for it ?!”

Okumura Rin couldn’t help but widen his eyes, he was deceived, fooled, his goodness was exploited, hateful! ! !

“We were transported to this church at the same time. It was really lucky. Phosphorus, how to make you run away without giving you medicine? The people of Shaman Race are all superb medical people. It is easy to manipulate one’s spirit Say, you human dregs are the easiest to be deceived. Humans who abandoned you within the body become real demons and rule the world with me, phosphorus! ~~! ~ “

High Priest laughs wildly, really stupid human! Human weakness is so easy to manipulate!

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