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Fairy Sphere, using huge Magic Power to create a sphere protection, has Absolute Defense function that can protect everything in the range.

Have to compare with the most famous Barrier Noble Phantasm in the Holy Grail system-

Avalon A.valon.

This is a Noble Phantasm called [Mobile Fortress], which is aimed at individual combat.

The holder can be protected from all the physical interference in the fairy town, and reach Noble Phantasm in the field of Magic. All the physical interference, the interference of the parallel world, and these communication signals to multiple times (6 times) are all shut- out. The strongest guardian known in this world, even Five Great Magics cannot be touched.

The system to which Holy Grail belongs is the Type-Moon system, the Five Great Magics in the Five Great Magics of the Type-Moon system ——

First Magic: No denial, this is ancient, but still exists;

Second Magic: The power of Operation of Parallel Worlds, if you think of it, you can think of the dimensional space curvature system of the blue system, or even the source of the collapse of things;

Third Magic: Soul MaMaster ialization, namely Heroic Spirit summon system, Cup of Heaven, Holy Grail;

Fourth Magic: unknown, like First Magic, this exists, but it is also difficult to find;

Fifth Magic: Blue of Destruction of Three Primary Colors, able to break through the space wall barrier, seems to be able to think of the power of EA.

Of course, there may still be other rules besides the 5th Dafa. If you do not belong to these 5th Dafa, beyond it, probably utopia may be the rank of Sixth Magic.

So what is the origin of Fairy Sphere?

Fairy Sphere can freeze the time in the barrier, more like a sleepy loss, in a sense it is the same as utopia’s fate, but all this kind of Magic has a characteristic, that is not material nor soul, more so The power of all will.

If the soul and matter are things that can be created, then even the world cannot be controlled. As the product of the will of humans or all intelligent creatures, I am afraid that is the realm that God cannot reach.

Even more widely imagined, the scope of the will will expand, then there is no such thing as benefits, is it not the world of creation-like thinking?

Living alone in fantasy, untouchable will, the world of intangibles, naturally impossible is touched by the world of tangibles.

But Fairy Sphere and Fairy Land (Avalon) are still different. Fairy Sphere is not a fantasy manifestation, but a guardian who suspends a certain time. If this guardian has the will, it will be infinitely powerful, but ice Saber’s will is not entrusted.

Human, when you have something that is protected, it becomes strong, but when there is no thing to protect, then there is confusion. In the final analysis, this World has no thoughts of ice Saber. His thoughts are on the other side of the distant world.

Therefore, Fairy Sphere is just a Barrier with strong defensive power, so it can not stop the tearing of the obedient sword EA-

Fairy Sphere gradually was torn, but obedient sword EA has reached this point-

The storms pulled by the strong rays of light will shake the entire Fuyuki City. The torn rays of light even make people illusion that the whole world of Fuyuki City is split into 2 parts!

The storm crushes dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and the entire world becomes ridiculous. All the people standing here have a feeling of floating wood, which may sink at any time. In the bottomless sea water.

“Haha! This is my glory, no one can violate, Bing Saber, how it feels to be torn apart! ~ !!!”

Gilgamesh didn’t know why he was so cheerful, as if he had some kind of wish.

“Quick !! There will be no time!”

Shiba Tatsuya looked at Scáthach and Arthur.

The Barrier of Bing Saber is opened, but his body seems to be recovering gradually at this moment, his power is about to recover, and the real Demon King is coming to this World! !

The world of Fuyuki City began to crack, and a huge crystal coffin began to float behind the ice Saber, where 2 golden fire eyes and a huge round wheel were sealed.

Samsara Wheel of Life and Death!

Everyone’s impression of this term appeared, but no one knows what Samsara Wheel of Life and Death is, and they don’t have time to determine what this is …

“Hu ——



Like God’s sigh, Bing Sabergradually revives Demon King’s consciousness.


Scáthach took Arthur’s hand and began to advance at a speed!

Then split second, Scáthach and Arthur’s soul completed a perfect combination, Arthur’s body disappeared instantly, and turned into Scáthach’s shadow.

Arthur understands that at this moment he will never be able to flinch!

Gáe Bolg! (GaeBolgalternative)!

Strongly, like the lightning of the purple, Magic Spear was held in the hand by Scáthach, but this is not a hand, another Magic Spear appeared in the left hand, 2 brought the Magic Spear together, moved towards Ice Saber threw in the past — —


The clear voice Magic Spear touched Bing Saber’s body and shattered instantly.

“pu! !”

Scáthach’s mouth poured a lot of blood, even the Wisdom of the Haunted Ground did not have any power in front of Demon King. On the other hand, Samsara Wheel of Life and Death seemed to have penetrated all the will, directly from the root to Magic Spear’s causality reversal shattered.

That powerful will, even the domain that God cannot invade.

Its greatness has exceeded the rules of Type-Moon, I am afraid that it is the root of all Roots, the most ultimate “None” will!

Create something from nothing, there is nothing born, then incontinence is the initial, most unsolvable power.

However, one person is outside the scope of this list.

The connection between Arthur and Bing Saber makes Arthur free from the influence!

There are 2 Magic Spears, one is Scáthach’s will, and the other is Arthur. Scáthach regards Arthur as himself, and the two people’s souls have completed the homology, which is already the strongest connection.

Arthur appeared in the shadow of the shattered Magic Spear, holding the re-assembled Magic Spear in his hand—

“My common will with the Master-EXGáe Bolg! (GaeBolgalternative)!”

“Go back to my past. Bing Saber, this is the world I want to protect. It ’s not up to you to interfere. It ’s enough to watch me. I love this World. Here is what I want to protect. Everything, I ’m not a nihilistic existence, not a dispensable, I now–

Very happy! “

Arthur’s body penetrated the ice Saber, penetrated the Samsara Wheel of Life and Death.

“Is it? I will look at you, beyond me, the pure and flawless ‘I’.”

Ice Saber shattered instantly and then settled in Arthur’s shadow.

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