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After the action of Okita Souji, the battle of Homurahara ACAD emy officially kicked off! !

The battle of Red Saber (Ruler) Jeanne, Black Lancer Scáthach, Black Archer Oda Nobunaga VSRider of Black Ramesses II kicked off.

“Imperial Family’s will, open up the future! 3 Knight also fears me?”

Ramesses II’s wild arrogance, waved his arm, and then a heavy roar came to this earth, that was—

Exist in legendary, sleep in fantasy, exist in myth.

The Sphinx of Abu el-Hol.

Royal Guardian Beast inherited from ancient times in Egyptian mythology.

It is comparable to Saint Beast of Dragon species.

The Saber, Archer and Lancer3 Knight camps are among the 7 Classes in Holy Grail War. They are relatively special. They are commonly called 3 Knights. They are Heroic Spirits of Age of Gods with a lot of Magic. Therefore, they are extremely high for Magic Power and modern Magician. They couldn’t hurt them at all.

Therefore, if the Heroic Spirits of these 3 Classes are combined, they must be quite daunting, but Ramesses doesn’t have any meaning to be afraid at all. He even gave up Rider’s Class corrections and came up with his beloved double sword standing. Before the formation, he prefers to experience himself more than the existence behind him.

However, in close combat with the legendary Land of Shadows Queen Scáthach, he is not qualified at all. If it is a general 3 Knight, there is naturally no place to retreat. After all, as a legendary King of Kings, his years on the battlefield are no better than anyone Short, but above melee skills, Scáthach should be a well-deserved queen!

“Ao … roaring !!!”

Sphinx responded to Master ’s strong desire to fight, and gave out an inexplicable roar. The face of the human face was twisted, as if to choose someone to eat. The Sphinx of Giza beast has the form of wild beast and human wisdom. It It is also a difficult object, facing 3 Knight growling without any cowardice.

This roar also made the battle of 3 Knights officially begin!

“Struggle as much as possible, the person without light! Even if it is only my prestige, the scales of my glory, it is also the hot sand Sphinx that can kill 10000 troops, and it can easily tear away!

Ramesses II didn’t do it instantaneously, just looked at 3 Knight and passed Sphinx’s test before he was able to confront him head-on.

After roaring, giant beast giant claws easily tore the ground apart, the ground in the crack began to twist, 3 Knight had to retreat, but it was followed by a raging flame tornado, legendary Sphinx is the sky The incarnation of the god Horus on the ground, accompanied by the appearance of violent inflammation and wind, aliased as the father of terror (Abulhool), its power is not only a violent beast.


This kind of power is only a trivial matter for Jeanne. Her strong belief in her has strengthened her magic power to a very high level. At this level, there is no magic that can tear her body.

Of course, this kind of power is only to avoid Magic’s damage, rather than to really defend it. Although no matter what kind of Magic Power can be resisted, she can only protect herself in a wide range.

Scáthach’s resistance to Magic Power is not as strong as that of Jeanne, but it is already very strong. It is itself a legendary existence. Not to mention her combat skills, she alone is already immortal.

As for Oda Nobunaga, against Magic Power, if it is a modern Magic Technique technique, it can’t hurt her, but the incarnation that is so powerful that God is on the ground is in danger.

However, when confronting Sphinx, or against the existence of Divinity, Oda Nobunaga ’s strength will be infinitely magnified. In addition to her Archer ’s Class skills, she also possesses retention skills, a retention skill dedicated to killing gods. ——

Tenka Fubu – Innovation!

The special skill “Renovation” acquired by the hero as a transformer of the times is a conceptual change that replaces all old things with new ones.

The more opponents have the higher “Divinity” and “Mystery” levels, or the Heroic Spirit who is a system defender, the more favorable corrections they receive. In other words, she has absolute advantages over Heroic Spirit or Noble Phantasm with “Divinity” and “Mystery”. Conversely, it has little effect on the Mystery’s thin modern Heroic Spirit and the like. And his various skills and Noble Phantasm’s effect will also be reduced.

A matchlock gun appeared in the hand, and the bullets hit Sphinx like a rain, and her counterattack successfully repulsed Sphinx!

However, under the condition of a broken body, Sphinx still has the ability to move, jump up high, and then roar again to the ground! !

The strong flames burned the ground, and the whole area in front of me turned into scorched earth.

“Oh, just the wrong ability, the ability to specifically restrain me? No wonder you have such confidence!”

Ramesses II frowned at the 3 Knights in front of him. Jeanne’s defense was so powerful that even Phantasmal Species couldn’t hurt. Scáthach’s ghost silhouette wanted to hit. It was a delusion. However, Oda Nobunaga, who least expected him, actually had restraint. The power of God.

With Divinity, he is weakened by maximization!

Knowing its own disadvantages, Ramesses II should not use its proud power to fight against 3 Knights. The three people in front of them are not easy to deal with. Jeanne, the strongest defense, is also very powerful, and he cannot ensure that he has no The powerful Noble Phantasm, the queen of Scáthach, is also very tricky, plus an Oda Nobunaga that specifically restrains Divinity and Mystery …

Sphinx didn’t even break Jeanne’s defense and was wiped out by Oda Nobunaga. If Reality Marble is not opened again, once Noble Phantasm is used, he will be in danger …

What worries him most is the situation in Shiba Tatsuya. Will it fail?

“Ramesseum Tentyris !!!”

Reality Marble-style Noble Phantasm gradually unfolds, replacing the world in front of you! !

The area that stretches for several kilometers like a star, reflecting the sky on the ground, the contrast between the star and the star, as if the earth has become a galaxy.

However, in the process of becoming a stock, Jeanne, Scáthach and Oda Nobunaga were forced to separate–

“Go forward to the main temple! I want to decide the winner with the one who arrives first, and then let you bow your head in my great power !!”

Ramesses II’s voice spread throughout the Reality Marble space arranged throughout the temple.

Sphinx patrolled the temple in batches, guarding the King of Kings.

There are various traps and organs all over the place, plus the sphinx guards in groups, Jeanne, Scáthach, Oda Nobunaga is very difficult to reach the main temple.

3 Knight’s threat had to separate them by Ramesses II. Although he was proud, he was not arrogant and conceited, and he also had a strategy.

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