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Although Arthur successfully induced Gasai Yuno’s spirit to a normal state, it was already too late.

The pharmacy that Gasai Yuno just changed was a stimulant for stimulating emotions, and the portion was an ultra-luxury course.

The body is resisting his will and rejecting his grasp. The body without palsy can move gradually, but it is approaching towards Gasai Yuno …

“Suppression will be uncomfortable … I can.”

Gasai Yuno looked at Arthur’s blushing cheeks, and his fingers couldn’t help wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead, the scorching breath almost melting her.

“No … I am not a wild beast, I have my own will, and, today is special, I want to be with Jeanne …”

Arthur grasped the sheets with both hands, refusing to try from Gasai Yuno’s.

“Sure enough I can’t?”

Gasai Yuno’s eyes gradually darkened and was abandoned, right?

“Do not……”

Arthur quickly grabbed Gasai Yuno’s arm–

“It ’s not like that, even if you can, I do n’t want to use this method. Do you understand, I will be bad like that, as if I were not myself, I wo n’t even look at … Yuno Your beauty is just a demand Your body! “

“I’m wrong……”

Gasai Yuno settled down again, she also understood that if Arthur had consciousness, she would be happier, not only the body, but also the stability in the soul, the eyes were the windows of the soul, she was taken by Arthur ’s flawless eyes When I watched, I felt that I was in the warm sunlight–

No dark cage, no cold water, no blame for her parents …

The tenderness of the eyes, she wants to get, she doesn’t want to go back to that dark world again!

Originally thought that in Dimensional Tower’s world, there will be different people to receive her, but sure enough … not.

The world is not gentle anyway. Those people’s cold eyes and disgusted eyes are far away from her like avoiding the plague. Also this Xu will starve to death after eating all the grass on the ground one day?

But even so, there were still people reaching out to her in the dark.

There is no way, she has no choice, so she can only let Arthur not leave her, gradually found that impossible made him like it, and did this behavior.

Even so, Arthur can forgive her and allow her probability to become his lover in the future, giving her the dawn again and extending her palm to her.

But Arthur has been injected with potions by her. If he doesn’t let his body liberate, he will definitely break down. Over-dose potions will torture him crazy.

However, she understood that Arthur was precious for the first time, and she also wanted to be able to look seriously at Arthur, not this kind of meaningless behavior.

“That’s fine … Yuno, I saw you holding the chain and locked me, even if you want to release me but the overdose of medicament, I can probably torture you to death, wild beast is cold, vent There is no reason for emotions and no tenderness.

That’s not me! “

Arthur struggled to resist his inner desire and suppressed wildness.

“I can die for you!”

Gasai Yuno gradually realized that the excessive amount of potions may really make her suffer from unimaginable pain. Is she an ordinary human girl now?

But this was her fault.

“Then I can die for you too, if I might like you in the future, then I also have the power to protect you, Yuno, do you really think that death will end everything? If you do n’t see the tenderness of this World, you will die Then, there is no reason for this World to exist.

I said, I am not a normal person, my thinking angle is different from ordinary people, if a girl is torn by the dark world like this, then even if I am hurt by her, then I will not hate, only Let her see the colors that the world deserves.

Rest assured, I can’t die, because I have many things to protect, the pain is certain, but after the rain of black is a rainbow, if you can cheer up from then on, everything I bear is of value. “

Arthur shook his head. He was n’t Saint. He just did n’t want to hurt Gasai Yuno. She was already bruised. Her paranoid character was rejected by the world. She was obviously a lovely girl.

“I don’t need this … 10000 I will treat you again next time … I can’t control myself. Is it not good for someone like me to die in this way? I deliberately want to start with you, so even if you torture What’s wrong with me until I die? I won’t hate you, only happy. “

Gasai Yuno bit her finger, and sure enough she likes Arthur too much, even if she still thinks about her at this time?

Treasure that is not love, but more pure and flawless than love.

With this, she died with satisfaction.

“I will torture you to death and you will not hate me but will be happy, bet on the consciousness of death will not hate me, such Yuno is gentle, your paranoia, morbidity, I seem to … like, of course, Not masochist, but as a man, you always have more awareness than women, right?

Lock me up, after this night, everything will be fine, and then pursue me, Yuno, let me fall in love with you by all means, since everything in this World refuses you, then you have the power to let me fall in love You, this is your power, I hope to have such a future, you also want to have true tenderness? “

Arthur gently wiped off the tears on Gasa Yuno’s face, which is also one of Wang’s tests, this world Yuno that no one can admit, it is up to him to admit it!

“I’ll listen to you–

I will make you fall in love with me, I will never use this compulsive method again … “

Gasai Yuno tremblingly picked up the chain on the ground and bound Arthur’s 4 limbs …

“Not enough, the 2 ends of the chain are nailed to the ground … wild beast is an inhuman monster!”

Arthur’s eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes. Hurry, hurry, Yuno, he can’t bear it …

“No … I really don’t want to. I was imprisoned, so I don’t want to imprison the people I really like. Arthur, my life and death are up to you. You are king, so trifling wild desire. Hope you can’t control it?

I do n’t want to be wrong again. Come on, if I can finally die in the end, I can still live. You choose my future, because my light is given by you, you must be responsible! “

Gasai Yuno threw the chain away and hugged Arthur …

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