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After Jeanne’s breath disappeared at split second, Arthur had an intuition, not ability, but an inexplicable feeling. The divine power pulled a pledge between Arthur and Jeanne. The closer the distance, the more able to feel each other’s breath.

This is a unique and unmatched Sixth Sense that is held between two pure and holy people.

You can feel each other ’s state only by the distance in your destiny. Arthur and Jeanne, who are already indistinguishable from each other, are very clear about each other. Every taste of the body is firmly memorized in the heart, even the soul. The degree of resonance.

Simply to the point of holiness, Arthur and Jeanne’s are uniquely capable.


Arthur stretched out his right hand and condensed the ice sword made of frost in front of his eyes.

“bang! !”

In an instant, the entire police station was lifted up by inexplicable force! !

A golden sword was shot frantically towards Arthur and Atilla!

“Bang … Bang … Bang !!!”

Although there is no Arthur’s inexplicable induction, Atilla’s quality as a warrior swings his sword more quickly than Arthur. The roaring starlight blade shoots out, shaking the golden sword from the impact ~!

A sword is as fast as a sword. The extremely fast rotating 3-color light blade sword in Atilla’s hands emits a strong sound like a rock mill. That is the rhythm of air roaring due to the high-speed rotating friction, and even the rotating light blade texture Formed a first colored lines scattered all around ——

As Atilla dancing with a rainbow changed into the Magic Technique dress, the thin and narrow fabric exposed her petite and lovely figure in the air, only wrapped in fabric on the chest and the girl’s forbidden area, Damascus medieval boots , With a thin and lovely calf, a turban cloak exuding silver rays of light moving with the wind, wheat-healthy skin is round and bright, and the eyes of fuchsia can burn embers even in the sky!

Charming and elegant, dazzling and shining, the eyes that can’t see any expression show the empty color, but she wielding the sword is swaying, without any condensed sword style, without the slightest hesitation waving, Ruthlessly ruin everything in front of you! !

“Haha, Haha, interesting! Are you Atilla? Be in front of me, be a real woman, put down the sword and become the woman of this king!”

Gilgamesh looked at Atilla with great admiration. Such an excellent treasure is indeed not in his treasure house!

Born to be an emperor’s woman by nature, definitely worthy of him!

“Dare the existence of bed bugs also claim to be kings?”

Atilla looked at Gilgamesh coldly and despised him. Even if he was in the sky, he still despised, as an emperor, she has no place to trample!

“Rejected? Interesting, the more difficult to obtain, the more beautiful, the more precious, I decided that you are the woman of the king, and the vocation of you here is to be the woman of the king!

This World is the world created by the Legendary of the King. Wang Lai admits that the King will allow it, and the King’s will is the will of God! God’s will is so, you must be the woman of this king! “

Gilgamesh held his hands, without any anger, but more joy, conquering such a woman is the real pleasure!

“Arrogant and arrogant, in front of me, Ru is also worthy of being king!”

The power of Arthur’s whole body is liberated, and the huge 7-color sword hangs on the top of the sky, releasing the color of dazzling aurora! !

This aurora color made Atilla incomparably intimate, and the photos of Ray’s rays of light held by her complement each other, making the entire world so beautiful——

“King Arthur, the concubine hasn’t tried to fight side by side with a king. It may be a pleasure … even if the result is not perfect, I will be satisfied, mind with me?”

For the first time, Atilla claimed to be a “concubine”. Although he had a strategy of deliberately envying Gilgamesh, more of it came from his recognition of Arthur’s?

“Dregs-like existence is also a vain attempt? Trifling A ant lying on the ground, who allows you to lifts the head, the insect will look like an insect, bow your head and lie to death!”

Gilgamesh complexion is gloomy looking at Arthur. Does the king of this world want money? Each and everyone jumped out from being called a king. Did you know that in front of him, King of Heroes, is everything just ants? !

“Then you will be humiliated fiercely by the ants in your mouth, King of Heroes Gilgamesh!”

Arthur cut the palm of his hand with the ice sword, and the blood dipped into the ground, and a blushing Barrier began to replace the world in front of him! ! ! !

“The-duty-of-the-man-who-is-carrying-the-sword (here carry out the duties of the swordsman)

Not-allowed-to-disrupt-the-invasion-of-Holy-Land, Violence-is-not-allowed-in-the-world (Sacred Domain is not to be disturbed, not to be violent in this world)

Swordsman-play-a-sword-with-a-sword (Swordsman makes sword with sword)

We-dont-allow-the-dark-of-the-righteous (we are not tolerant of haze) ——

Reality Marble ——

TheSword-of-Kings (Sword of King)! “

Arthur’s eyes are slightly closed, singing inexplicable mantras, also like the roar from the soul, the 0th Sword of King in the sky emits dazzling rays of light, 7 colors of rays of light interweave, respond With Arthur’s righteousness! !

The bloody earth and the rainbow sky enveloped the entire world.

After the power of Reality Marble unfolded, Gilgamesh showed a surprised expression!

Not surprised by the power of Magic Technique such as Reality Marble, but surprised by-

“In this split second clear comprehension, I got my own way of the king, so I completed Reality Marble in split second, even people who don’t know Magic Technique or the true meaning of Magic also inadvertently triggered this kind of mechanism !!”

Atilla’s eyes flashed with admiration, and Arthur realized Reality Marble in this split second!

Reality Marble is Magic Technique with its own imagery.

Once this thing is activated, it will change the surrounding space into a completely different landscape, and the appearance of the mental image scenery, that is to say, Reality Marble is to replace yourself and the world without changing the realm. At this time, you and the world The size will be replaced, the world is completely closed into a small container, this small world is the world egg, which is Reality Marble!

Barrier shaping Caster’s mental world to make the real world eroded, because of the Magic Technique developed by Caster’s mental image landscape, so Caster can’t have a will to the composition of Barrier, but can influence unnatural things, such as creating his own Something like that has already touched the magic ban of Magic realm!

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